I need to vent about this, I've heard it way too much and let it slide..........

As many of you know I frequent the parties held in Manhattan as much as possible, anything I can do to support the habit (LMAO). Yet when I go back home I cut through my favorite childhood borough [town/village/county etc.] and I run into some chicks that always like to hang out locally but never at the events.

Their response when i ask them why they don't show up............... and keep in mind this is just me summarizing the multiple answers I receive since they all basically sound alike.............

"Oh I don't go to the parties because they are all the same, I don't like the atmosphere...................."


no bitch(es) here's the deal
1. you can't compete with women who have or are seriously doing a transition when you take off makeup and go out as a boy every morning
2. you can't compete with women who are willing to spend $10 to $20 for a cover charge that you'd be mad about because that cuts into your [drug] habits money supply
3. you can't compete with women who will spend money on a cab to do good business instead of staying at that local bar where you know the money hagglers will be and you can do those quickie car visits............

glad I got that off my chest