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  1. #1
    5 Star Poster
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    Default Can you take the challenge? (an olive branch)

    End the flame wars once and for all. Bring a semblance of much needed civility to this forum. Let's discuss without denigrating others, let's debate without defaming. If we can't argue like grown-ups then what hope is there for us?

    This is the challenge for all of us. I am willing to take it, but the goal will only be achieved if we all have a shot at it.

    I am willing to lay down my weapons. I am willing to forgive and forget. This is my olive branch to those I have argued with. This is the last time I will offer it.

    Should you rise to the challenge, maybe we can bring back others to the Politics forum. But if you don't, then I will continue to frequent this part of the forums less and less, only dropping by to tear into people when I occasionally return, till eventually the Politics forum will become what it once was- a bunch of guys throwing mud at each other.

    Will you take this challenge? It's up to you.

    Navin R. Johnson: You mean I'm going to stay this color??
    Mother: I'd love you if you were the color of a baboon's ass.

  2. #2
    5 Star Poster
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    Settle for flint lock pistols at 50 paces ?

    When people abandon the truth, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything.

  3. #3
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can you take the challenge?

    Quote Originally Posted by LG
    End the flame wars once and for all. Bring a semblance of much needed civility to this forum. Let's discuss without denigrating others, let's debate without defaming. If we can't argue like grown-ups then what hope is there for us?

    This is the challenge for all of us. I am willing to take it, but the goal will only be achieved if we all have a shot at it.

    I am willing to lay down my weapons. I am willing to forgive and forget. This is my olive branch to those I have argued with. This is the last time I will offer it.

    Should you rise to the challenge, maybe we can bring back others to the Politics forum. But if you don't, then I will continue to frequent this part of the forums less and less, only dropping by to tear into people when I occasionally return, till eventually the Politics forum will become what it once was- a bunch of guys throwing mud at each other.

    Will you take this challenge? It's up to you.

    No offence, LG, (I respect you, and you're one of my favorite posters), but I let the last one go at your behest – and it was a mistake. White_Mounted_Male has been going out of his way to draw me into this for some time, even though I haven't really been on the P&R forum (work schedule, etc.). He wants this so bad that he's even gone so far as to accuse other posters of being me, though he slinked away from actually supporting such an assertion.

    My point: Cupcake has desperately sought my attention. Now, he's got it. Honestly, I’m going to go until we both get banned by the mods. I like HA a lot, but taking the forum’s most disliked poster out of the mix is as good a way to go out as any.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  4. #4
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Male_Canada
    Settle for flint lock pistols at 50 paces ?
    LOL @ the sissy. It's a shame your poltroonish ass lacks the conviction of your words; otherwise, you would have accepted my direct challenge. Oh well, more hollow proclamations from the forum's pantywaist.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  5. #5


    I have to say that this constant “pwnd” horse-puckey over “angels dancing on the head of a pin” type minutia has pretty much killed any interest I have in participating in the P&R forum. I read it, but frankly, it has degenerated into a pissing match rather than an exchange of ideas/viewpoints.

    There seems to be a lot of animosity floating around – several constant call and response interactions that invariably go in the same direction.

    While I appreciate LG’s efforts, it seems apparent that W_M_C likes to goad folks and eventually someone rises to the bait. At first, I thought W_M_C was just a committed conservative, but it’s become apparent that he posts anything/everything that might have a supposed liberal bent for the purposes of deriding it – without much concern as to whether there’s any merit to his “LOL alerts”.

    Some days when I pop in here, there are 4 or 5 new topics by W_M_C, which in some other joints might be construed as flooding. These tend to be cut’n’paste jobs, sadly incomplete so that the narrative flow is jumbled. I’d suggest that if there is an article W_M_C finds compelling and worth discussion, he just post a link to the original article, add something along the lines of “so, what do you think?” and allow folks to respond after having had time to read/digest the contents of the FULL story.

    Of course, that’s akin to suggesting that the whole world sit down to dinner together and have a nice conversation. A nice concept but unlikely to occur.

    At the end of the day, the constant anomaly of W_M_C and HA strikes me as one wherein he either has a case of self-loathing over his regard for TGs and works it out by setting up other folks as punching bags, or he joined this outfit knowing that there were plenty of buttons to push.

    Either way, it’s sort of sad that so many of us rise to the bait.


  6. #6
    Junior Poster
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    I see a bunch of guys playing rough.
    I have no problem with the fighting. It's only a game.

    If someone wants to get dirty, he just dive in the mud pool. The pigs will take care of him.

  7. #7
    5 Star Poster
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    Well, I tried to bring some peace.

    Personally, I want to stay away from all the crap. Life's too short to argue. I'm going to do my best not to get involved again.

    Navin R. Johnson: You mean I'm going to stay this color??
    Mother: I'd love you if you were the color of a baboon's ass.

  8. #8
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by insert_namehere
    I read it, but frankly, it has degenerated into a pissing match rather than an exchange of ideas/viewpoints.
    Now you've got it. HA used to have many informed, civil exchanges on a wide range of political & religious topics, but that hasn't been the case in some time, nor will it ever be so long as White_Prevaricating_Poltroon remains. Why? Every topic, not matter how unrelated, is eventually turned into some poorly conceived Liberal vs. Conservative argument – even though he frequently demonstrates a lack of understanding for those terms. These arguments almost always boil down to White_Closet_Case (occasionally guyone throws in a humorous comment), versus everyone else.

    These arguments are never about arriving at some conclusive fact or a greater understanding of the topic at hand. Otherwise, he wouldn't continually lie, deceive, misrepresent, and selectively reinterpret the facts (according to literally dozens of posters) to worm his way out of supporting all manner of specious assertions that are proven false or contradictory to previous claims. In short, he’s the overriding reason many forum members who used to make great contributions to these topic don’t participate in the P&R forum.

    Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

  9. #9
    5 Star Poster
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    Out there somewhere...


    I came here today to find that the spite and bile is worse than ever. Creating fake profiles to defame long-standing posters is below the belt. Going on at length about someone's illness is below the belt. This is supposed to be a place where open-minded people can chat and exchange ideas, but every thread has been flooded with name-calling, and I suspect this will be too.

    What the flying fuck is going on?

    So peace is not an option, after all. I'm done being a peacemaker. I'm just defending my corner now.

    Navin R. Johnson: You mean I'm going to stay this color??
    Mother: I'd love you if you were the color of a baboon's ass.

  10. #10
    Professional Poster guyone's Avatar
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    Maybe everybody is suffering from Roid Rage?

    John Ellis Bush in 2012!

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