Well, I woke up less than 30 minutes ago, and here's what I can recall.

I was in some big fancy resturant, and I was with my relatives, we were all placing our orders there and I got up from my chair for some reason and I was heading to the bathroom and one of the resturant staff walked to me and said, " Our janitor can't show up tonight and I know we need to put in a new roll of TP, since your going there yourself, can you put a roll or two in there for me?" I said sure and he handed me a couple of rolls and continued to go to the bathroom.

I got there and ran to each stall and popped in the rolls. I then went in one of the stalls and did my business and when I got out, there was this cute girl there. She kinda dressed up like a cowgirl, with a flannel shirt, tight jeans, and cowboy boots. She had long brown hair, parted in the middle, pale skin ( no blemishes at all ) and she was rather small in size. We each said hi and after a few minutes, she had to leave for some reason, but she wrote down her name on a slip of paper, gave it to me and planted a great big kiss on me and walked off.

Ok, what was this odd part I mentioned?

She was in the men's room.

Was this girl in my dream a TS? ( there was no one else with her in the bathroom in the dream. )