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  1. #1
    Platinum Poster
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    Default Asteroid Will Kill Everybody...

    Asteroid Will Kill Everybody... Except the Bushes, In Paraguay

    While everybody was enjoying the nice three-day weekend, the Main Stream Media announced that we’re all going to be blown up or drowned by a terrible asteroid named Apophis — that’s also the Greek name for the demon monster god of Ancient Egypt who devours all that is good and hides in the eternal evil darkness and commands an army of demons who plague mankind. (If you’re confused, just remember that Cheney is an earth monster and Apophis is a space monster.)

    But there’s a chance of survival if you’re in the right place … say, shielded from the massive tsunami by the wall of the Andes and perched atop the world’s largest fresh-water aquifer. You know, where the Bushes and Rev. Sun Myung Moon bought all that land in Paraguay! Read the latest chapter in the Weirdest Story Ever Told, after the jump.

    The alleged Day of Destruction isn’t until April 13, 2036 (or maybe 2029), which means there are about 500 other apocalypses expected before then. And the actual threat of Apophis hitting the Earth (or Moon) has been regularly downgraded since the first big scare in 2004, which either proves it’s definitely going to hit us pretty soon or there’s another one about to hit us, because suddenly the scientists are talking about it again.

    We weren’t really concerned, because the White House is about to start a nuclear war in the Middle East and if that doesn’t kill us there’s going to be a Northern Hemisphere ice age starting in 2012, but a Wonkette Operative offered a theory so bizarre that it’s probably true: The Bushes are buying up all that land in Paraguay because the asteroid is going to hit the Pacific Ocean and the giant tsunami is going to drown everybody who’s not protected by the Andes.

    Here it is:
    I hate to say it, but, Apophis isn’t a rumor, a tall tale, a lie, imaginary, nor, I’m afraid, going to miss the Earth. When it hits in the northern Pacific Ocean it will cause a tsunami three miles high, give or take 1500 feet, more than two thousand miles long, from front of the wave to the front of the next wave. Where’s my proof you may ask. Well connect the dots. Who (which government agencies) has access to the real numbers? Duh? NASA? Who in the United States would have access at the highest level to that information, and have the authority, and power to ORDER that misinformation be publicized to reduce the fears of the general public? Hmmm? Who? Who would have the audacity to use it for their personal use as to not scare the general public? Hmmm? Gee, isn’t this getting easy? Who just bought a 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay, behind the protection of the 18,000 foot Andes Mountain chain? Yes folks, you got it. Mr. George “I am the Decider” Bush. The guy who has decided to move his family to Paraguay by 2029 or earlier to protect them, while most of the rest of the world better learn to tread water. Bush isn’t buying this ranch to escape prosecution. He’s buying it to be protected and to protect HIS family. NASA and the CIA have figured out the safest place on the planet will be right where his ranch will be.

    I am looking at a home there myself, for my son, and his future family. This isn’t bullshit like most things Bush and company get involved with, and it now make the global warming problem seem trivial. No wonder why he said it wasn’t a problem. He already knew the real problem. Apophis in 2029.
    We would move to Paraguay, too, but the idea of World President Jenna Bush and Living Christ Sun Myung Moon as our only neighbors makes the whole idea of surviving completely untenable.

    this article and all links re the asteroid, the bushes, the moonies, etc. at below link (I wasn't even gonna consider putting all those links into BBCode today...)

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  2. #2
    Professional Poster
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    So what you are saying is we are basically fucked whatever happens.
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  3. #3
    Falling off the bar stool Junior Poster latrix67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lust4ts
    So what you are saying is we are basically fucked whatever happens.
    Oh...Please make it land on Dubya & bLair first,please,pretty please....

  4. #4
    Platinum Poster
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    How goes it, L67? I haven't seen ya around in a while, mon...

    I just heard that the brits are bringing home 1,500 soldiers in a few weeks...good for them, eh?

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  5. #5
    5 Star Poster ezed's Avatar
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    Do you already own land in Paraguay, Chef Mike? It will never happen. We have Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. Besides if you know the story now, Paraguay will be ownd by more rich people than Paddy has pigs. And living there will suck worse than being drowned.

    And on April 1st of 2029, China will launch a nuclear attack on Paraguay for shits and giggles. Then they'll say, "SO SORRY!!!!! WE were aiming at the asteroid. (snicker, snicker, nudge nudge)"

  6. #6
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    Mike, do you really think that they could keep all the scientists watching this thing quiet if it's really going to hit us?

  7. #7
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezed
    Do you already own land in Paraguay, Chef Mike? It will never happen. We have Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. Besides if you know the story now, Paraguay will be ownd by more rich people than Paddy has pigs. And living there will suck worse than being drowned.

    And on April 1st of 2029, China will launch a nuclear attack on Paraguay for shits and giggles. Then they'll say, "SO SORRY!!!!! WE were aiming at the asteroid. (snicker, snicker, nudge nudge)"
    for a moment there i was feeling better...but then i realized how old Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck will be in 2036. OMG we're doomed!

  8. #8
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    I have no fear. Our brave, genius President will lead humanity through this, our darkest time. He will be a beacon leading leading us triumphantly in overcoming this seemingly unsurmountable obstacle.

    Ok, I can't keep it together anymore. Thank God he is gone in a 18mo. At the most he'll say it is God's will and fart a potato from his ass at it.

  9. #9
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    not just an ordinary potato, but a republican potatoE.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  10. #10
    Professional Poster
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    If the global warming dont stop real soon I think there is no need to worry about Apophis. I have seen how the meterologic situation have been changed only the last years. The storms get more aggresive. The rapports about freak waves get more and more usual.
    Last winter here in nord europe was the coldest winter four 150 years..which means
    since they begin to measure the different of temperatures.
    This winter has been abnormly warm to the beginig of February.
    (Just before I come home...Bad luck) Then its gets real cold.
    Apophis is 25-30 years away so wee have plenty of time four this problem.
    But how long time have wee got before its to late to do something about the global warming problem before its to late

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