Non-musicians don't understand how much hard work it takes. All you non-musicians reading this...try a little test. Pretend your desk is a piano. Rest your hand with all five fingertips touching the desk. Now try just lifting the fourth finger without moving the other ones.
It's a fact that very few activities require the finger strength and dexterity of playing a musical instrument. So think about the dedication it takes to master an instrument, let alone several, then to learn how music is put together, and how to write good songs, how to write lyrics that aren't cheesy, learn how to sing (the only skill that many famous singers who don't write their own material have out of all these tasks) how to have the balls to sing about your most personal thoughts to a bunch of strangers, especially in the beginning when no one cares, then figure in the countless days on the road dealing with freaks, strangers, hangers on, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, and repetition.
Prince is one of the very few people out of tens of thousands of musicians who made it all happen at this level. So, all of you who choose to criticize...let's hear your masterpiece.