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  1. #1

    Default Stoops to a whole new level - AIDS

    Statement: The opinions I share are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and do not reflect it's staff or affiliates. I am simply expressing my opinion and freedom of speech in a public forum.


    Jeremy Steele aka The Colonel has stoop to a brand new low level taking his hate speech and hate towards trans and gays to the lowest.

    Using his conspiracy theory to hate on transsexuals, this 5'nothing ugly ass dude with the attitude of a silver back gorilla really needs to be stopped.

    His new joke on HIV and AIDS:

    The Colonel ( Jeremy Steel ) says

    What do you call a gay guy on rollerblades? :
    Roll AIDS.

    This fucked-up (but funny) joke of course reminds us of the whole notion that AIDS is a gay disease, which also works real well for “religious” people who believe this is God’s wrath. It’s also good for conspiracy theorists who claim it’s a secret campaign by the illuminazis to eliminate “heathens”, “undesirables” and employ population control.

    He continues...

    Of course this is a gay disease. In fact molecular biologists have recently isolated the gay gene within the HIV virus. It turns out the AIDS virus
    is also a big fan of Liberace and Wham!

  2. #2
    mmmmm beefy Platinum Poster rockabilly's Avatar
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    south carolina


    Thats just a mean and uneducated thing to say. He thinks he's funny but AIDS is an epidemic and affects everyone. And to compare him to a silver back is an insult to primates. Silver Back Gorrilas are sociable.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by rockabilly
    Thats just a mean and uneducated thing to say. He thinks he's funny but AIDS is an epidemic and affects everyone. And to compare him to a silver back is an insult to primates. Silver Back Gorrilas are sociable.
    No question that he is very social, people find the guy entertaining in his ridiculous cocky attitude. He sounds like a munchkin on helium, he has a mullet, he makes jokes about life threatening diseases, what a catch man... I wonder how big his dick is hahahahahah

    Here is my response:

    "Gay and Straight" Strains of HIV and Sexual Preference

    It is common knowledge that AIDS is a heterosexual disease in Africa, and that AIDS started exclusively as a gay disease in the United States. Although the public was told early on that "no one is immune from AIDS", the fact remains that even now (20 years after the first AIDS cases) 80% of the new AIDS cases in America are gay men, IV drug addicts, and their sexual partners. Why is this? Certainly HIV does not discriminate between sexual preference and race! Or does it?

    In the mid-1990s molecular biologists identified at least 8 different subtypes (or "clades" or "strains") of HIV that were infecting various people around the world. Remarkably, it turns out that the "B" strain is the predominant strain infecting gays in the U.S. Even more remarkable is that this strain of HIV has an "affinity" to infect rectal tissue, thus explaining why gays are more likely to get AIDS than straights. In contrast, the HIV strains common in Africa have an affinity for vaginal and cervical cells, as well as for cells of the foreskin of the penis. Thus, HIV is more likely to infect heterosexuals in Africa.

    How do we know this? Max Essex (a Harvard veterinarian who performed pre-AIDS experiments transferring feline leukemia virus between cat populations) tested subtype E strains of HIV from Thailand. He discovered that this Asian strain readily infected women's genital cells of the vagina and cervix. But the "gay" B strain of HIV did not infect them as easily.

    AIDS experts tell us American AIDS came from Africa, but the strain of HIV prevalent in gay men is almost never seen in Africa! How is this possible? Were strains of HIV engineered to adapt easily to cells likely to be infected in gay sex? Or adapted to genital cells involved in vaginal sex?

    We know scientists in the SVCP were able to adapt certain retroviruses to infect specific kinds of cells. As early as 1970 biowarfare scientists were learning to design certain infectious agents (particularly viruses) that would attack the cells of certain racial groups.

    More recently, in 1997, Stephen O'Brien and Michael Dean of the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity at the National Cancer Institute have shown that one out of ten white people have AIDS-resistant genes, whereas blacks in Africa have none. Is this simply another peculiarity of a virus that jumped species in the African bush? Or is HIV a designer virus, specifically adapted in its subtypes to infect certain racial groups and gay people?

    When AIDS appeared in 1981, health officials assured the "general public" that there was nothing to fear. "AIDS is a gay disease" was the phrase repeated over and over again in a media blitz. As late as 1987, Robert Gallo told Playboy reporter David Black, "I personally don't know of a single case (in America) of a man getting the (AIDS) virus from a woman through heterosexual intercourse."

    In Africa, where AIDS affects men and women in equal numbers, Gallo's explanation to Black was: "It happens, but that may be due to differences in sexual practices, more promiscuity or to a greater incidence of venereal disease." Gallo give Playboy his reassurance of the future of heterosexual AIDS in America: "AIDS will never become an overwhelming danger to the general public."
    Solving the Mystery of the Origin of AIDS

    The pre-AIDS species-jumping experiments of the Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) have been largely expunged from the history of HIV and AIDS. The viral contamination problems inherent in viral research have also been downplayed. As a result, the origin of HIV and AIDS has been distorted and obscured.

    A serious examination of the SVCP provides "missing links" to the possible laboratory origin of HIV. The ability of SVCP scientists to produce "new" diseases with cancer-causing animal viruses is a matter of record. The ability of animal viruses to easily contaminate laboratory experiments and vaccine manufacture is also well known. All these factors make the man-made theory of AIDS rational and compelling.

    Some areas of HIV/AIDS history that require further analysis are:

    The connection between AIDS and cancer
    The connection of HIV to known (pre-AIDS) animal cancer lab viruses
    The connection of the SVCP to the outbreak of AIDS
    The connection of vaccine programs to the outbreak of AIDS
    The connection of biological warfare research to the outbreak of AIDS
    The disinformation surrounding the origin of AIDS
    The disinformation blaming the "victims" of AIDS for the disease
    The total secrecy of biological warfare and its implications for science
    The wedding of cancer and AIDS scientists to biological warfare scientists
    The "sworn to secrecy" problem of the government/military scientists
    The wedding of government to medical science for military biowarfare purposes
    The long history of secret medical experiments on unsuspecting citizens
    All these factors need to be explored more fully and impartially in order to more fully elucidate the man-made, laboratory origin of HIV and AIDS.

    To continue to ignore these issues is to ignore the fate of countless millions who will die from AIDS and other "emerging viruses" in the future.

    The Special Virus Cancer Program (and biowarfare experimentation worldwide) has forever changed the course of history of medical science, resulting in the current dangers of biological terrorism and the fear of newly emerging man-made viruses and other infectious agents.

    To study the theories of origin of HIV/AIDS and to ignore the SVCP with its biowarfare implications is like studying the Holocaust and failing to mention the Nazis. Some readers may find this analogy offensive, but in light of the close connection of the SVCP with the outbreak of HIV and AIDS, it is suggested that final judgement be reserved until all the pertinent facts are ascertained.

    The SVCP and "the hand of man" lie at the root of HIV. The flowering of the worldwide epidemic of AIDS [40 million people infected by 2003, with three million dying from AIDS in 2003] is proof that the seeds were well planted.

  4. #4
    mmmmm beefy Platinum Poster rockabilly's Avatar
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    Wow i'm glad i'm a virgin then ... Now i'm gonna seal myself in a bubble and be safe. Thanks for that ...

  5. #5


    Alan J. Cantwell. Read his books, they are good.

    I have a pdf versions of a few of them if any file-sharers out there want a copy.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by The Hierophant
    Alan J. Cantwell. Read his books, they are good.
    I was not really good at history or even in school because I was too busy getting my fucking queer ass chewed up by bullies and teachers who's diploma was an excuse to spread hate. Yes people... my teachers did nothing! I went to school in Florida... go figure...

    But now I cannot stop watching the history channel and natgeo and I find myself extremely interested in history and science, current issues, past issues...

    I try to spend my time educating myself when I don't understand something...It's better that way huh?

  7. #7
    mmmmm beefy Platinum Poster rockabilly's Avatar
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    Home School has it's perks.

  8. #8
    Platinum Poster Silcc69's Avatar
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    What do you call a gay guy on rollerblades? :
    Roll AIDS.

    That joke is so old and it was originally what do you call Magic Johnson in a wheelchair.

    Quote Originally Posted by tjinla2001
    I haven't just let a single prostitute cum in my mouth. Hundreds- more likely thousands of transvesites have shot their loads in my mouth. God bless america

  9. #9
    Gold Poster
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    Holly shit I never knew the Colonel =porn stud Jeremy Steele.

  10. #10
    Veteran Poster
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    As a dude who's trying to break into porn as "talent" I really find myself disliking the other male talent I see out there. This is probably envy sometimes, competition sometimes, just misplaced frustration when I'm not getting as much work as I feel like I should. (which is pretty much always). It's good to know that sometimes it falls on those who actually deserve it. Jeremy Steel? Yeah, fuck 'im.

    Every moment of one's existence one is growing into more or retreating into less.—Norman Mailer

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