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  1. #101
    Professional Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    Quote Originally Posted by passionatelover
    yeah those black ts still look like men.
    Armanixxx, look at this jackass' location (Australia). Any black person who has lived there for any length of time will tell you, the place just reaks of racism and anti-black sentiment. It's very similar to France or most Eastern Bloc countries in that sense. I remember watching some reality show (I think the "Real World) and the group featured were on a nature tour in Australia. The tour guide points to the sky and calls a bird black in color a "ni@@er bird". What made this crazy, was the fact that there were one or two blacks in the group. When confronted with his ignorance, he claimed he didn't mean anything by it. So, this is the "Archie Bunker" pathology that passionatelover brings to the table. These jackasses are killing stingrays out of revenge, because one killed Steve Irwin. I have a friend who played professional basketball there and said he hated that place. Claimed it reminded him of visits to the Irish section of Boston. It's so deeply ingrained in their culture, he can't help himself. That is why this buffoon passionlover feels the need to disparage black TS's. What if a black or latino member came into this thread out of the blue, then said they hate watching pale, flat assed, little dicked white men with accents in movies, using their money and/or white skin privilege to sexually plunder their way thru trannies traditionally from poor countries of color. How would you like that buddy? Another thing, name any attractive white TS's from Australia? I know of none.

    Won't you go out into the brush and let a kangaroo jump on your head over and over again, to put you out of your misery.

    P.S: I respect people for having their personal likes or dislikes, but the internet is full of people who use racist code language, to shoot down another race. They says stuff like XYZ athlete looks like a gorilla or acts like an animal. Black women (GG or TS) are another favorite target. I have to laugh, because so many white guys on this site like to overtly or covertly put down black females, yet when I go to Allanah's functions, there no shortage of white guys sniveling around the sistas. Personally, most Black TS's look better in person than in photos. I've seen numerous Black TS who I thought were O.K or somewhat unattractive in person and they looked way better face to face.

    So you have never been to Australia and you are making a judgement based on Road f'n Rules.

    You are a f'n idiot if thats what you make judgements on.

    Australia is one of the better intergrated countries in the world in terms of race. While there is racism (like everywhere) Australia has passive racism - racial violence or outright discrimination is rare but verbal terms aren't. People call aboriginals abos' or Greeks and Italians Wogs but not neccesarily in a derogatory way. The Wogs call the Ozzies Skips (Skippy the Bush Kangaroo reference) but they also had their own network comedy shows based on Wogs Out of Work. Whilst the casualness of the verbal thing throws outsiders once you live here you realise it's not the malicous abuse that you are infering it is. In Australia you'll call your mates cunts or bastards or fuckwits and not think anything of it. A few years back so surfies and some lebanese had a bit of a violent riot down in Cronulla and the condemnation of the violence from both sides was universal. In Australia being violent towards someone because of race just doesn't have any level of acceptability the same as discrimination in employment etc. In Australia terms that would seem like abuse to outsiders are totally acceptable to us - both ways. I feel safe saying this because I've got a racial mix and grew up with a lot of different races so I know of what I speak. A organisation like the KKK would never be tolerated here.

    We have a remarkably intergrated society and extensive ethnic violence is extremly rare unlike Europe or the US.

    I dated Jenna from the Les Girls Priscilla tour and she's of Indian descent and my last gf was French Polynesian. I know a couple Black girls who currently are very happy with their lives here (certainly a lot nicer and safer for them than their African homeland)

    As for attractive white TS's - Chisty McNicole had a fair amount of success over in the US a few years back and Ashante did a few scenes and nobody can describe either as ugly. Carlotta was a great beauty in her day and a summing up of the nature of Australian society is that she still continues to work touring the country and has been a television regular on panel shows like Beauty & The Beast. Australia tends to not treat TS's like animals unlike some other countries.

    Sorry for the rant guys but when I was reading this thread and got to this ignorant post from this guy I just had to respond.

  2. #102
    Professional Poster tommymageeshemales2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fabianefan
    The god damned bald guy with the blond goatee who has fucked every tranny in existence.
    Fabiane, I agree with you - Tom Moore's appearance in a scene will ruin any good performances you'll get from the Tgirl.

    His involvement with some of the best looking Tgirls, is perplexing....we can only speculate that he has the right connections!

  3. #103


    Clothes!!!!! AHHHAHAHA....Ok... it wasn't that funny

    There is only one person in the world who is going to decide what I am going to do and that's me-
    Don't worry about Me- I am Charles Foster Kane. Don't worry about me.

  4. #104
    Junior Poster
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    the biggest turn off would be a TG smokeing, yuck

  5. #105
    Rookie Poster
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    Jul 2007


    1) 90% of black shemales (men).
    a) subpoint stereotype: talking dirty in ebonics usually turns me off, depending on its severity.
    1a) 60% of white shemales (men)
    1b) 10-20% of asian shemales (men, boys).

    2) Porkers with limp dicks. The ITSC (International Tranny Standards Committee) requires you to be a separate shemale "sub category".

    3) TANLINES. Is this sexy in brazil? gross. pale white titties and a dark brown body. Is this only tacky in the states?

    4) men kissing/fucking other men.

    5) webcam-made porn scenes.

    a)ITSC should require published porn to be encoded at no less than at least 29.97fps.

    6) Any kind of facial hair or visible body stubble.

    7) Failure to capture facial expressions of trannies
    7a)Capturing too many facial expressions of men.

    Yesterday's recovering herpes patch.

    a)Clearly visible but we're gonna film this scene anyway.

    9a) tgirls who dont smile, acting like they're fucking while waiting in a welfare line.
    9b) hopelessly FLACCID trannies. these movies should be deeply discounted or have mini disclaimers, as required by the ITSC (international tranny standards committee). less hormones for you, cow.
    9c) smoking or doing drugs (snorting after you just did coke off camera, wiping your nose when there's nothing to wipe).

    10) tgirls with ugly winces while straining to cum. HURRRRRR!!
    a) subpoint stereotype: I saw a black chick on shemale strokers who strained and made her best Mr. Ed face, slaying my bone-on in the process. but when she was just jerking it, she was hot! go figure.

    11) POV, you cheapskate.

    12)S&M scenes should require an ITSC disclaimer so we can skip past them.

    13) watersports/scat. The ITSC needs to regulate this as well.

    14) overbearing soundtracks. porn music is supposed to be tounge in cheek.

    a) subpoint stereotype: Henceforth, techno, trance music are restricted to gay porn.

    16)Post Ops. sorry :-\

    Numberr 17 might just be my own pet peeve..
    ..Thai tgirls who never top. Why do 99% of thai movies have men solely topping? It seems that a majority of HA guys dont have a desire to be topped, but surely more than 1-10% do! Thai trannies are so beautiful, i'd personally enjoy getting topped by one.

  6. #106
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARMANIXXX
    Quote Originally Posted by passionatelover
    yeah those black ts still look like men.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________ you really think so?

    Because when I look at those pics, those are definately passble pics of some very pretty ts girls.

    Actually, I don't think there is a such thing as "passable" in its truist sense. "CLOCK-RESISTANT" is the term I like to use.

    But those are super clock-resistant girls there. No accounting for taste it would seem......even if it's bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by ARMANIXXX
    Quote Originally Posted by passionatelover
    you must be blind if you think them black ts are even close to passable, the first one maybe, the other 2 aren't.

    __________________________________________________ _____________________________

    I think it's more safe to say you don't really have a personal preference/fondness for black girls period.

    But yeah.....those 3 do look like your average hawt (G.G.) black women.
    This guy clearly has some racial issues (Dino Velvet is borderline too, with the "all black trannies look like Ricky Williams" drivel). While I'm not partial to white trannies, I would never make a blanket statement about all of them. Jennifer Paris and Vicki Richter are two I find very attractive, amongst other lesser knowns I've seen on Eros etc. Just like some people who believe all blacks are unintelligent, some will believe all are
    unattractive. Since, debasing black people and their culture is so accepted and integrated in this society (just watch the news, black celebrities are vilified when they stray, but the Britney's and Lindsey Lohan's are portrayed as victims of having too much too early and greedy, self-serving parents), it has become very pathological to many. The mainstream message boards and forums dealing with Kanye West's mom have become littered with racist nonsense. This jackass is making racially insensitive comments and doesn't even give it a second thought. There are many black men and TS's who visit this site, but I sure it's all about him and his small ideas on how the world operates. What if someone said "I don't like asian TS's because there all short and have little penises." Well, if you look at Mint, Jenny or Nadia you know that's not always the case, especially in South Asia. Point is, nothing is 100% and people who think like that are suspect. With these types, if they do concede about a black TS or GG being attractive, she's usually a mulatto type like Halle Berry or Alicia Keys. Armanixxx, these individuals are closeminded peabrains, who waste valuable air by inhaling it. Most of the guys who make these comments are unattractive anyway. It reminds me of a racist incident Tyra Banks spoke about in her early model days in NYC. She just found out she landed a cover of a big fashion magazine, so her and a female friend went into the nearest magazine store. There was a Middle Eastern man behind the counter. While perusing the magazine and giggling about the cover and layout, the guy yells "No reading". When she tells the guy she's a model and shows him the cover (not in a bragging manner, but in a "This is why I'm happy" way) this dickwad tells her in the most crass way, that she wasn't pretty and she didn't deserve to be on the cover, before dismissing her from the store. See, this guy's racism was so visceral, that no black women could be attractive to him. You have better luck, convincing him 2+2 equals 5. Whether you like Tyra or not personally, she is a pretty women and in her 20's she didn't carry the weight she carries now (even though I like curvy women). Passionatelover is cut from the same mindset as that Middle Eastern guy, who dismissed Tyra as being "very unattractive", when in reality he and his wife/girlfriend at home probably look like shyt. While many guys list Asian transsexuals as being the apex of femininity in the TS world. I find many (not all) asian trannies as having skinny male-like builds. Maybe because their thin and petite, it's not as glaring, but most have no breasts or hips. Many have masculine speaking voices also. Personally, since Latin trannies have the White, Black, and Indian ancestral mix, they tend to be the most exotic and diverse looking out of the bunch. However, there are some manly looking Latin transsexuals like Mariana Cordoba or Carla Bruna (manly, pockmarked face albeit with a bangin body) running amok.

    Bottomline, I know we have preferences, but I find any truly straight male who loves the feminine form suspect, when they discount an entire race of women. Some races might have more beauty than others, based on the prevailing Western beauty standard, but all have their proverbial dimepieces (10's).

  7. #107
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    Alraight now that I addressed someone's nonsense, I can deal with the matter at hand.

    1)Guys how spend way too much time shooting up at the models into the ceiling. It's unnatural and only appealing to submissive men who like to kneel at women's feet. Sammy Mancini from ShemaleStrokers does this WAY too much! Sometimes he ruins what would have been a great scene by overdoing it. You can get vertigo watching his shyt.

    2)Not showing the model actually undress. One minute she's fully dressed, might show some breast, next thing you know she's naked laying in the bed. I like to see a short striptease, expecially if she has a bangin body with a sexy outfit.

    3)Too many gaping asshole closeups. All I can think about is farts, when I see it moving in and out like that. Not sexy.

    4)Two dudes sandwiching a TS, so she is virtually invisible and all you see is these dudes asses going up and down. Not a good look!

    5)While I prefer TS to TS or TS to GG scenes, if a male actor is present, please let the cat not be some old man, albino, tub of lard or hairy Geico caveman looking MF.

    6)Directors who focus the camera on nonsense, like her playing with her A cup breasts, when she has this juicy, bubble ass and is taking off her pants and panties. Basically, not focusing on their strong points.

    7)Directors with diarrhea of the mouth or who try to flirt and be sexy while filming.

    Directors who film themselves getting blowjobs.

    9)Hairy asses on TS's.

    10)Toilet scenes. I saw a seen with ladyboy Jenny from the "Little Transsexuals" series and she was sitting on the toilet and fingering her ass. This cat went over to the toilet when she got up and left and there was a tiny piece of shit floating in the toilet. It was only onscreen for like 1-2 seconds, but it should have been edited out. Last thing I want to see when fantasizing about a women is her turd in the toilet.

    Honorable mention: All that bullshit face slapping and spitting during sex you see in the Brazilian movies. I'm not into S&M.

  8. #108
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha2117
    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker
    Quote Originally Posted by passionatelover
    yeah those black ts still look like men.
    Armanixxx, look at this jackass' location (Australia). Any black person who has lived there for any length of time will tell you, the place just reaks of racism and anti-black sentiment. It's very similar to France or most Eastern Bloc countries in that sense. I remember watching some reality show (I think the "Real World) and the group featured were on a nature tour in Australia. The tour guide points to the sky and calls a bird black in color a "ni@@er bird". What made this crazy, was the fact that there were one or two blacks in the group. When confronted with his ignorance, he claimed he didn't mean anything by it. So, this is the "Archie Bunker" pathology that passionatelover brings to the table. These jackasses are killing stingrays out of revenge, because one killed Steve Irwin. I have a friend who played professional basketball there and said he hated that place. Claimed it reminded him of visits to the Irish section of Boston. It's so deeply ingrained in their culture, he can't help himself. That is why this buffoon passionlover feels the need to disparage black TS's. What if a black or latino member came into this thread out of the blue, then said they hate watching pale, flat assed, little dicked white men with accents in movies, using their money and/or white skin privilege to sexually plunder their way thru trannies traditionally from poor countries of color. How would you like that buddy? Another thing, name any attractive white TS's from Australia? I know of none.

    Won't you go out into the brush and let a kangaroo jump on your head over and over again, to put you out of your misery.

    P.S: I respect people for having their personal likes or dislikes, but the internet is full of people who use racist code language, to shoot down another race. They says stuff like XYZ athlete looks like a gorilla or acts like an animal. Black women (GG or TS) are another favorite target. I have to laugh, because so many white guys on this site like to overtly or covertly put down black females, yet when I go to Allanah's functions, there no shortage of white guys sniveling around the sistas. Personally, most Black TS's look better in person than in photos. I've seen numerous Black TS who I thought were O.K or somewhat unattractive in person and they looked way better face to face.

    So you have never been to Australia and you are making a judgement based on Road f'n Rules.

    You are a f'n idiot if thats what you make judgements on.

    Australia is one of the better intergrated countries in the world in terms of race. While there is racism (like everywhere) Australia has passive racism - racial violence or outright discrimination is rare but verbal terms aren't. People call aboriginals abos' or Greeks and Italians Wogs but not neccesarily in a derogatory way. The Wogs call the Ozzies Skips (Skippy the Bush Kangaroo reference) but they also had their own network comedy shows based on Wogs Out of Work. Whilst the casualness of the verbal thing throws outsiders once you live here you realise it's not the malicous abuse that you are infering it is. In Australia you'll call your mates cunts or bastards or fuckwits and not think anything of it. A few years back so surfies and some lebanese had a bit of a violent riot down in Cronulla and the condemnation of the violence from both sides was universal. In Australia being violent towards someone because of race just doesn't have any level of acceptability the same as discrimination in employment etc. In Australia terms that would seem like abuse to outsiders are totally acceptable to us - both ways. I feel safe saying this because I've got a racial mix and grew up with a lot of different races so I know of what I speak. A organisation like the KKK would never be tolerated here.

    We have a remarkably intergrated society and extensive ethnic violence is extremly rare unlike Europe or the US.

    I dated Jenna from the Les Girls Priscilla tour and she's of Indian descent and my last gf was French Polynesian. I know a couple Black girls who currently are very happy with their lives here (certainly a lot nicer and safer for them than their African homeland)

    As for attractive white TS's - Chisty McNicole had a fair amount of success over in the US a few years back and Ashante did a few scenes and nobody can describe either as ugly. Carlotta was a great beauty in her day and a summing up of the nature of Australian society is that she still continues to work touring the country and has been a television regular on panel shows like Beauty & The Beast. Australia tends to not treat TS's like animals unlike some other countries.

    Sorry for the rant guys but when I was reading this thread and got to this ignorant post from this guy I just had to respond.
    Funny how you saw fit to call me "ignorant", when you said nothing about your countryman's racist comments that spawed my remarks. You are what's called an enabler. You remind me of all those good cops on the NYPD who support or look the other way, when racist, barbaric cops menace black and latino neighborhoods. Yet, these bastards get upset when they hear rap music littered with anti-cop rhetoric. Talking about how they are a "good cop". Well if you can arrest some brotha selling a nickel bad of weed to make some pocket money, because he can't find a job paying over minimum wage, yet look the other way when your partner shoots any innocent black man like Sean Bell, than you are almost as bad buddy. I would have taken your comments to heart if you would have addressed you countryman's ignorance. But no, you're more focused on being a bumper sticker for Australia in this thread.

    People who try to focus on the person airing the problem vs the cause, have ZERO credibility to me! When you take your head out of the sand and deal with the ignorant comments made by your fellow Aussie, than we might be able to have a more civil dialogue. But since you want to pay "hear no Australian evil, see no Australian evil" we have nothing to discuss.

    By the way, the "Real World" incident was just an example of another Aussie making a racially offensive comment in the midst of black people like it was nothing (see passionatelover). Furthermore, didn't I say I had a good friend who played pro basketball over there and hated it. Listen, an attractive black woman, especially if she is light-skinned or exotic looking won't have the same cross to bear, as a dark skinned, tall, muscular black man like my friend. Too totally different situations, one is seen as a physical threat, the other one isn't. Also, I did find some pictures of the TS's that you mentioned and they are attractive. At least I'm opened minded enough to say that, unlike this a-hole from your homeland. Clean up your own backyard, before you try to clean mines!

  9. #109
    Platinum Poster MacShreach's Avatar
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    I'd actually like to know what it is people hate so much about Tom Moore aka Tranny Hunter.

    He's banged some gorgeous girls and they usually seem to really like it, he rarely if ever takes it in the arse (or at least I haven't seen much of that crap from him, I can only think of one scene.)

    He's certainly and by far not the worst director around, he seems to have a basic understanding of lighting (pretty unusual).....generally his movies are pretty acceptable, at least by tranny porn standards.

    So what's the big problem with him?

    Is it because he DOESN'T take it? Or is it just jealousy? Or you just don't like the way he looks?

  10. #110
    Junior Poster lazyman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacShreach
    I'd actually like to know what it is people hate so much about Tom Moore aka Tranny Hunter.

    He's banged some gorgeous girls and they usually seem to really like it, he rarely if ever takes it in the arse (or at least I haven't seen much of that crap from him, I can only think of one scene.)

    He's certainly and by far not the worst director around, he seems to have a basic understanding of lighting (pretty unusual).....generally his movies are pretty acceptable, at least by tranny porn standards.

    So what's the big problem with him?

    Is it because he DOESN'T take it? Or is it just jealousy? Or you just don't like the way he looks?

    Damn right, man. Although he does "take it" more often than I would like, it's very much a minority of his scenes. I actually like his work a lot, especially the Tranny Hunter and POV series.

    I like the fact that he doesn't take it too seriously, and that he actually bothers to dress up the scenes with some kind of plot/shtick, no matter how thin.

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