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  1. #21
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    Either way, you already know who has made allegations of abuse against you. Why ask?
    because I just told you that they were false? I feel like thats super obvious.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Veteran Poster diddyboponTOP's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by christianxxx View Post
    Fitzcarraldo I assume you are talking about Jamie French's little site she started in 2015 after I didn't want to film with her and her then girlfriend Eva Cassini and she got really upset about it. First of all, i never even personally met any of the models on that site - its tough to abuse someone you have never met. Second, some of the those models are talking about a different producer. Third, read River Enza's story...and then go to my site where AFTER she posted that - I hired her literally 10 times and we worked very very well together.
    I know many people you worked with I even Spoke to GG girls you use to work with like Dana Hayes who hated You, that fat white cross eyed BBW who refused to work with you I saw the blacklist of performers who MAY have HIV and you were at top with kimber James. Dana claimed you were cocky rude and disrespectful. She is also a nut who claimed homelessness for ten years while making 400 to 600 an hour as an escort etc, The fat one was obviously a loser in life as she would eventually have like a 1000 man gangbang or something. And the fat You are clean obviously counts the black list out. I heard complaints that you only pay new girls 400 per scene by a girl who is now pretty famous she refused to work with you she's a TS But you are a way into the industry so even if that's true that 400 can turn into six figures once bigger companies or this new only fans thing gets them tons of fans off of your scene so they don't understand business. When I was selling Percocet I'm going back 20 years I'd sell much cheaper then I could get for a large quantity buyer that way I could count on them every month instead of smaking them over the head for everything once.... I make fun of you a lot But I won't let you take the handle of an actual abuser when you more have the label of a skumbag

  3. #23
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by diddyboponTOP View Post
    I know many people you worked with I even Spoke to GG girls you use to work with like Dana Hayes who hated You, that fat white cross eyed BBW who refused to work with you I saw the blacklist of performers who MAY have HIV and you were at top with kimber James. Dana claimed you were cocky rude and disrespectful. She is also a nut who claimed homelessness for ten years while making 400 to 600 an hour as an escort etc, The fat one was obviously a loser in life as she would eventually have like a 1000 man gangbang or something. And the fat You are clean obviously counts the black list out. I heard complaints that you only pay new girls 400 per scene by a girl who is now pretty famous she refused to work with you she's a TS But you are a way into the industry so even if that's true that 400 can turn into six figures once bigger companies or this new only fans thing gets them tons of fans off of your scene so they don't understand business. When I was selling Percocet I'm going back 20 years I'd sell much cheaper then I could get for a large quantity buyer that way I could count on them every month instead of smaking them over the head for everything once.... I make fun of you a lot But I won't let you take the handle of an actual abuser when you more have the label of a skumbag
    Umm you just confessed to selling narcotics (Percocet is two drugs combined - an opiate combined with the painkiller that's in Tylenol) which besides being criminal can destroy peoples's lives...

    I didn't think anything Christian did on that Jamie French website was illegal (please correct me if I'm wrong, I may have a blind spot here) and I'm not sure exactly where people can draw the line between someone being abusive or sexually harassing, and someone who is just being aggressive or pushy. Groping a model when she's putting on makeup before the shoot, that sounds unprofessional, but I don't know if crosses the line into abuse. It sounds like when she told him to stop, he stopped (maybe I remember it wrong). There weren't a lot of details there, so maybe he didn't stop fast enough, or maybe he was literally grabbing her junk, I don't recall getting very many details there. Trying to scam blowjobs from another model in return for giving them rides home, that could be coercion (if they said blow me or you can get out here and walk) or it could be an aggressive person making a pass, which is a normal part of life. Bothering another model to shoot a scene with pushy text messages, that should not have even been included on that website in my opinion, it diminishes the other accounts. If someone is offering you a shoot and they're annoying, just block the number. I may be wrong (?) but what was described about Christian seemed like a grey area. The worst account I saw was that one model said he was too rough during a blowjob scene, but if she knew it was a rough blowjob scene ahead of time, she shouldn't have even done that shoot to begin with (maybe she didn't know it was going to be rough until she was on the set, I don't know).

    Maybe it's because I'm naive about professional standards in the adult industry, but when I read the accounts about Christian it wasn't clear to me that he had been abusive. I suppose it's partly up to the victim to define what they think is harassment, but it's also more complex than one person's opinion of their bad experience. As I read this reply back, it may strike people as making excuses, but when I read the website I was a little... underwhelmed by the Christian section. Some of the accounts were not very in depth. Maybe I missed some of the bombshell allegations, or maybe I didn't read them carefully enough, but I am willing to learn.

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    Last edited by Luke Warm; 10-20-2022 at 07:51 AM.

  4. #24
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke Warm View Post
    I didn't think anything Christian did on that Jamie French website was illegal (please correct me if I'm wrong, I may have a blind spot here) and I'm not sure exactly where people can draw the line between someone being abusive or sexually harassing, and someone who is just being aggressive or pushy. Groping a model when she's putting on makeup before the shoot, that sounds unprofessional, but I don't know if crosses the line into abuse.
    I'm pretty sure groping someone without their consent is actually a form of sexual assault, though it might not often be prosecuted for various reasons. In any case, is legality the only relevant standard? Standards of acceptable conduct have obviously changed over time. In most workplaces, the sorts of behaviour you describe would not be tolerated nowadays, even if they are not illegal - eg persistent unwanted sexual propositioning.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Gold Poster christianxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    I'm pretty sure groping someone without their consent is actually a form of sexual assault, though it might not often be prosecuted for various reasons. In any case, is legality the only relevant standard? Standards of acceptable conduct have obviously changed over time. In most workplaces, the sorts of behaviour you describe would not be tolerated nowadays, even if they are not illegal - eg persistent unwanted sexual propositioning.
    wait what? hold on a minute -

    1. the scene was for Jamie Frenh - she hired me to fuck her for her site
    2. it was literally in her house so for her to say that she didn't want to say anything was weird - again she hired me for the scene
    3. I was the guy fucking her in the scene. it seems strange to get upset that I wanted to fuck her right before I was about to fuck her.
    4. so you are saying that I groped her right before I groped her on camera? What are we even talking about?

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  6. #26
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Read what I wrote again, and this time think about it.
    I was responding to what Luke Warm said in his post and addressing his comments about what kinds of behaviour might to regarded as abusive or unacceptable. I made no claims about what may or may not have happened in this particular case.

    Last edited by filghy2; 10-20-2022 at 11:49 AM.

  7. #27
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by christianxxx View Post
    because I just told you that they were false? I feel like thats super obvious.
    Should be super obvious that true or false, you would know who has made allegations of abuse against you.

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.
    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  8. #28
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    Thanks for sharing. I've been aware of her and had threats off her before, hence why she was one of a very few people to be persona non gratis at the TEAs. I wasn't aware she was still producing content.
    An extremely well put together and articulate video.
    Steven, every single act in my video with Nikki Glitch was prenegotiated. One of your models, who is no friend of mine, was on that set running camera and there for the entire pre-scene consent negotiation.

    The vast majority of that scene is simulated penetration, with over-the-top acting to make it look harder than it was. As I have stated publicly and repeatedly, the only thing done “wrong” in that scene was the choice to use that collar: neither Glitch nor I had used that style of collar in a scene before (three piece, two pieces of pleather with a chain joining them in a front with a snap in the back). Afterwards, Glitch even remarked to the videographer and I that she was thankful she learned that the collar could malfunction that way in a set, rather than with a civilian in her private life.

    The next day, Glitch broke consent in a trade scene with one of your models, Steven. After that, she tried to coerce that model into another scene. Here’s her public statement:

    Afterwards, I asked her to leave my home, and since I live one block from two of San Francisco’s finest hotels, and Glitch had been flashing money all trip, I made the reasonable assumption that she would have no trouble finding a safe place to stay.

    Steven, if you’re genuinely interested in consent, you should have done your due diligence here. As should you, Riley.

    As far as the allegation in Riley’s video about an improper test, which you personally boosted on your public-facing social media, I find it very interesting that the exact same test was good enough for at least six shoots with one of your producers’ non-grooby paysites. A full-panel, online-verifiable test from the largest health insurer in the state of California is not “improper.”

    The only thing holding the woman who shot the Nikki Glitch scene back from making a public statement declaring my innocence is that she fears that you, Steven, will blacklist her in retaliation. I hope that her fears are unfounded.

    I continue to make quality content despite these baseless, libelous allegations because of the quality of my personal and professional conduct, and quality of the product that I produce.

    I resent the accusation that I do this work for access, pleasure, or clout. I find it very curious that these accusations of “seeking access” are never levied against younger, thinner, or more passing-privileged models.

    I do this work primarily for one reason: to positively change how trans women see ourselves, and each other. These movies are the only ones we don’t die at the end of; therefore, they mean something in a way that porn doesn’t to cis people. For many trans women, the only way we see our bodies is in porn, and for every trans woman who looks like the “industry standard,” there are a thousand who look like me. How many trans women only see thin, young, passing-privileged trans women in mainstream content, and say “if I can’t look like that, I can’t be a woman?” And then they shove themselves back in the closet, or worse.

    So I won’t leave this business until I see a lot more women who don’t fit the “industry standard” than I see now doing the work. When that’s the case, my work is done, and I’m gone.

    Beyond that, I will continue my work, and I am able to continue it because the woman who was there on that set has been confirming my innocence via backchannels, because my conduct on every set I’ve been on has been beyond reproach, and frankly, because Nikki Glitch has more confirmed consent issues than I’ve been accused of. If you’re a professional in the industry, talk to others who have worked with her, and see for yourself. Steven, one of your own models went public about Glitch flagrantly breaking consent in-scene, and you certainly didn’t retweet or otherwise acknowledge her post.

    I’m innocent. I’m not backing down, and I will continue my work.

    Steven: can the woman who was on the set that day trust that you will not blacklist or otherwise withhold work from her if she makes a public statement?

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  9. #29
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by ChloeCorrupt View Post
    Steven, every single act in my video with Nikki Glitch was prenegotiated. One of your models, who is no friend of mine, was on that set running camera and there for the entire pre-scene consent negotiation.

    The vast majority of that scene is simulated penetration, with over-the-top acting to make it look harder than it was. As I have stated publicly and repeatedly, the only thing done “wrong” in that scene was the choice to use that collar: neither Glitch nor I had used that style of collar in a scene before (three piece, two pieces of pleather with a chain joining them in a front with a snap in the back). Afterwards, Glitch even remarked to the videographer and I that she was thankful she learned that the collar could malfunction that way in a set, rather than with a civilian in her private life.

    The next day, Glitch broke consent in a trade scene with one of your models, Steven. After that, she tried to coerce that model into another scene. Here’s her public statement:

    Afterwards, I asked her to leave my home, and since I live one block from two of San Francisco’s finest hotels, and Glitch had been flashing money all trip, I made the reasonable assumption that she would have no trouble finding a safe place to stay.

    Steven, if you’re genuinely interested in consent, you should have done your due diligence here. As should you, Riley.

    As far as the allegation in Riley’s video about an improper test, which you personally boosted on your public-facing social media, I find it very interesting that the exact same test was good enough for at least six shoots with one of your producers’ non-grooby paysites. A full-panel, online-verifiable test from the largest health insurer in the state of California is not “improper.”

    The only thing holding the woman who shot the Nikki Glitch scene back from making a public statement declaring my innocence is that she fears that you, Steven, will blacklist her in retaliation. I hope that her fears are unfounded.

    I continue to make quality content despite these baseless, libelous allegations because of the quality of my personal and professional conduct, and quality of the product that I produce.

    I resent the accusation that I do this work for access, pleasure, or clout. I find it very curious that these accusations of “seeking access” are never levied against younger, thinner, or more passing-privileged models.

    I do this work primarily for one reason: to positively change how trans women see ourselves, and each other. These movies are the only ones we don’t die at the end of; therefore, they mean something in a way that porn doesn’t to cis people. For many trans women, the only way we see our bodies is in porn, and for every trans woman who looks like the “industry standard,” there are a thousand who look like me. How many trans women only see thin, young, passing-privileged trans women in mainstream content, and say “if I can’t look like that, I can’t be a woman?” And then they shove themselves back in the closet, or worse.

    So I won’t leave this business until I see a lot more women who don’t fit the “industry standard” than I see now doing the work. When that’s the case, my work is done, and I’m gone.

    Beyond that, I will continue my work, and I am able to continue it because the woman who was there on that set has been confirming my innocence via backchannels, because my conduct on every set I’ve been on has been beyond reproach, and frankly, because Nikki Glitch has more confirmed consent issues than I’ve been accused of. If you’re a professional in the industry, talk to others who have worked with her, and see for yourself. Steven, one of your own models went public about Glitch flagrantly breaking consent in-scene, and you certainly didn’t retweet or otherwise acknowledge her post.

    I’m innocent. I’m not backing down, and I will continue my work.

    Steven: can the woman who was on the set that day trust that you will not blacklist or otherwise withhold work from her if she makes a public statement?
    I was referring to a complaint made by someone other than Nikki to me.

    I'll give you the right to reply on this thread only, but I won't let you start gaslighting here. I've seen threats you've made about me in the past.

    There is nothing I've seen you ever do that shows trans women in a positive light.

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  10. #30
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    Default Re: How Abusers Keep Abusing in the Trans Adult Industry

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    I was referring to a complaint made by someone other than Nikki to me.

    I'll give you the right to reply on this thread only, but I won't let you start gaslighting here. I've seen threats you've made about me in the past.

    There is nothing I've seen you ever do that shows trans women in a positive light.
    Yeah, that’s something else you should also talk to one of your models and one of your producers about, the alleged “victim” there still has tweets up gushing about that sexual encounter, and they’re archived. And the woman who accused me (who is not the alleged victim) wasn’t even there the day of the incident in question: in fact, she and I have never been in the same state at the same time.

    One of your producers saw all this proof for themself, and when she asked the alleged “victim,” who never said these things herself, she said our encounter was consensual…which is why your producer still gave me a ton of work on non-grooby paysites. The only reason I’m not posting the proof here is that the woman in question asked your producer and I not to make it a public issue in may 2021, and I respect that.

    If you want to do your due diligence, you can DM.

    I’m certainly not about to be talked down to about “showing trans models in a positive light” by a cis guy who spent two decades marketing images of our bodies with transphobic slurs.

    You haven’t answered my question about whether your model who witnessed the glitch shoot is safe from retaliation. I await that.

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