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  1. #1
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    This is the end of running on the waves; we are poured out like water.

    Most historians will agree that no single factor can explain the collapse, disintegration or fracturing of a complex political system. As the US faces its most lethal crisis since the 1860s, there is one factor that can help explain what might be its last days as a Union of 50 States. In his book Legitimation Crisis (1973) Habermas goes into some detail to explore the problems embedded in three overlapping spheres : the Political, the Economic and the Socio-Cutural. What we have here is thus a crisis of Legitimacy, and one that the US has faced before.

    The difference this time is that I see no resolution to the crisis that can be effective in retaining the 'mass loyaty' to the Republic that is -or was- fundamental to the endurance of the Union.

    In the 19th century, Slavery was nominally the dividing issue, though at a deeper level, it was the Plantation Economy of the Southern States that was obstructing the capitalist development that by the end of the century would create one of the three most dynamic econmies in the world.

    The 1860s thus became the interregnum between the Old World of Colonial America, and the emergence of the New World of prosperity and freedom, albeit one that by 1899 had re-incorporated acoss the defunct Confederacy the 'soft' version of slavery known as Segregation, a compromise the North made with the South to compensate it for its losses.

    In the 21st century, legitimacy is the thread that once binded, and may yet undo the Republic.

    Historians will look back in amazement that a man so obviously ignorant and stupid, became the standard bearer of an alternative narrative that has repudiated both the values, and the practices that sustained the US since its revolution against the British Empire in 1776. The key to unlocking this enigma, is not so hard to find -it is precisely because Donald Trump is an ignorant man, and an incompetent manager, that those men and women with their own agenda, have played him like a puppet to obtain their cherished goal -permanent and unlimited power.

    Most observers do not believe the 2020 election produced anything other than a just result, but the narrative that has submerged the result in 'controversy' is more than an act of resentment by a man and his supporters who can't believe and can't accept he lost.

    It has become a litmus test of politics that has challenged the legitmacy not just of the election process, but of the whole of the US political system.

    Just as it was said during the Terror of the French Revolution 'Ten men can make ten thousand tremble', so in the US, a minoity of people -roughly 30%, but a larger percentage of elected officials and their allies in the media, have undermined the US with their relentless attacks on the legitimacy of the outcome of the election, but in extension the voting system, the economy, and a range of socio-culural issues stamped with 'Made in America' with Racism and Gender Anxiety central issues in a narrative of Decline, which has as its only solution, what in effect is a new Revolution.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene, a semi-professional agitator, tweeted '1776' in relation to the attack on the US on January 6 2021, but not as comedy or satire. Critically, a blatant attack such as this, manifestly opposed to the spirit and the letter of the Constitution, marks out this event as one rupture in the fabric of the US which, as the Eagles and Vultures seem determined to do, may yet tear the US apart.

    To re-configure the violence of January 6 as a Liberation not an Attack, allies all those who promote this with a key factor in any legitimation crisis -the breakdown of mass loyalty into violence, whether it is the actual violence of street protests resuting in casualties -Charlottesville or Kenosha- or the implied violence of Paul Gosar's lurid cartoon in which a democratically elected member of the House of Representatives is executed, as if there was no alternative means of de-electing her from office.

    The most chilling example of this came a month or so ago in Idaho, when a member of the audience at an event organized by Turning Point USA said-

    “When do we get to use the guns? ... That's not a joke. I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

    When the only response to a crisis of legitimacy is violence, there is an exsitential threat to the system as a whole. That it comes from somoene who probably votes for a party that has been using State law to remove millions of Americans from the electoral register, to deny them the opportunity to vote on election day, underlines the scope of the crisis, just as the comments by Senator Rafael 'Ted' Cruz on the secession of Texas cannot be dismissed as an offhand remark, but a statement of intent.

    Thus one can draw up a list of such statements and actions, and link them to the violation of the law by Donald Trump as candidate in 2016 (the Federal Election Campaign Act), as President (the Hatch Act), and the insolent repudiation of the rule of the law and the Congress of the United States by fomer members of the Trump administration investigating the seditious attack on the US on January 6.

    Taken collectively, the argument proposed by the Neo-Revolutionaries is this:
    -the Constitution of the USA is not fit for purpose;
    -the Separation of Powers no longer enables the US to function as an efficient administation and legislative body;
    -the Rule of Law has been 'hi-jacked' by sectional interests at the expense of the 'American people'.

    But the legtimation crisis begs the question, 'Who are the American people?' with the suspicion that just as Fascism in the early 20th century sought to define, and then re-define the Nation and those who belong in it, so the Neo-Revolutionaries can be seen as New Wave Fascists, determined to replace one system with another.

    And because this campaign cannot command the support of the majority of the people, but has support in the old Confederacy, so the prospects of the Union of 50 states breaking up must be taken seriously if, as is claimed, re-districting provides supporters of Donald Trump with permanent power in those States opposed to the US as it is, a US they have come to hate and despise.

    And just, as James Buchanan declined to use force to reclaim South Carolina when it seceded in 1860, one wonders if force would again be used, or declined, were Texas to secede from the Union.

    The stage is set for a showdown as the New Wave Fascsts force their ageda on the US, not because they don't believe the US belongs to 'We the People' but because they want to re-define who the people are before committing to them.

    There is a crisis of legitimacy in the US, and I fear it will not be resolved in the favour of the US as it is today. The US is running on water.

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    Last edited by Stavros; 11-19-2021 at 06:01 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    Meanwhile, the same people who condemn the 'Far Left' Democrats are busy creating a One-Party State within the US to rival North Korea or the Russian Federation. Democracy, for the discples of twice-impeached, forever-in-debt, Cry-Baby Trump is a mechanism for rigging elections so that only one Party ever wins.

    "In some cases, even when a majority of voters voted for one party to be in charge, the rigged districts meant that the losing party remained in charge. In Michigan, in 2018, voters chose Democrats over Republicans for their statehouse by 52%-47%. Nevertheless, this led to a Republican majority in that statehouse of 58-52. In Wisconsin, losing the popular vote for the statehouse across the state by a 54-45 gave Republicans a 63-36 supermajority in that statehouse. Now that would truly impress a foreign autocrat – a system locking a minority into power despite a clear mandate by the voters that they wanted the opposite."

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  3. #3
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    I've already educated you about gerrymandering, Stavros. The Republicans do it, and the Democrats do it too, the whole country is gerrymandered to hell and back and you're cherry-picking examples of Republican advantages out of your beloved liberal shitrags. You've gone from just being ignorant to now being willfully ignorant.

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    The anniversary of the attack on the United States is upon us, the consequences still uncertain, but afraid. I am not sure Stephen Marche has it right as the so- called ‘left’ in the US is divided and incoherent with no representation in Congress worth writing home about. The anti-American terrorists are clear to see- they ignore subpoenas as they do not recognise the legal system of the US as legitimate, an attitude of contempt for the Constitution which they have never read or understood anyway, and foment the Personality Cult developed by the Russian-funded traitor, Coward-in-Chief and for years the ‘wing-man’ to Jeffrey Epstein still crying his eyes out in Florida.

    Is it too late to save the US? Do enough people want to? But do those Americans who have lost faith in their country to the extent they welcome 800,000 deaths as an exquisite irrelevance really understand what New Wave Fascism means in practice? All those wannabe Nigels may soon find their cherished freedom is an Oathkeepee’s nightstick permanently in their ass.

    “Two things are happening at the same time. Most of the American right have abandoned faith in government as such. Their politics is, increasingly, the politics of the gun. The American left is slower on the uptake, but they are starting to figure out that the system which they give the name of democracy is less deserving of the name every year.
    An incipient illegitimacy crisis is under way, whoever is elected in 2022, or in 2024. According to a University of Virginia analysis of census projections, by 2040, 30% of the population will control 68% of the Senate. Eight states will contain half the population. The Senate malapportionment gives advantages overwhelmingly to white, non– college educated voters. In the near future, a Democratic candidate could win the popular vote by many millions of votes and still lose. Do the math: the federal system no longer represents the will of the American people.
    The right is preparing for a breakdown of law and order, but they are also overtaking the forces of law and order. Hard right organization have now infiltrated so many police forces – the connections number in the hundreds – that they have become unreliable allies in the struggle against domestic terrorism.”

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  5. #5
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    The anniversary of the attack on the United States is upon us, the consequences still uncertain, but afraid. I am not sure Stephen Marche has it right as the so- called ‘left’ in the US is divided and incoherent with no representation in Congress worth writing home about. The anti-American terrorists are clear to see- they ignore subpoenas as they do not recognise the legal system of the US as legitimate, an attitude of contempt for the Constitution which they have never read or understood anyway, and foment the Personality Cult developed by the Russian-funded traitor, Coward-in-Chief and for years the ‘wing-man’ to Jeffrey Epstein still crying his eyes out in Florida.

    Is it too late to save the US? Do enough people want to? But do those Americans who have lost faith in their country to the extent they welcome 800,000 deaths as an exquisite irrelevance really understand what New Wave Fascism means in practice? All those wannabe Nigels may soon find their cherished freedom is an Oathkeepee’s nightstick permanently in their ass.

    “Two things are happening at the same time. Most of the American right have abandoned faith in government as such. Their politics is, increasingly, the politics of the gun. The American left is slower on the uptake, but they are starting to figure out that the system which they give the name of democracy is less deserving of the name every year.
    An incipient illegitimacy crisis is under way, whoever is elected in 2022, or in 2024. According to a University of Virginia analysis of census projections, by 2040, 30% of the population will control 68% of the Senate. Eight states will contain half the population. The Senate malapportionment gives advantages overwhelmingly to white, non– college educated voters. In the near future, a Democratic candidate could win the popular vote by many millions of votes and still lose. Do the math: the federal system no longer represents the will of the American people.
    The right is preparing for a breakdown of law and order, but they are also overtaking the forces of law and order. Hard right organization have now infiltrated so many police forces – the connections number in the hundreds – that they have become unreliable allies in the struggle against domestic terrorism.”

    "Russian-funded traitor"

    Is there any lie that's beneath you, Stavros? Or are you willing to say absolutely anything that makes it seem as if your pie-eyed progressivism isn't laughably toxic? I may take a break from this site soon, it seems I've destroyed the will of the handful of vocal liberals here to continue their verbal diarrhea in the face of constant beat-downs. I'm a compassionate conqueror though, I know you guys are just biding your time until this forum goes back to echo-chamber status, and I do accommodate that periodically. But I've got my eye on you, Stavros.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    If we assume Nigel can think and read at the same time, he will know that during the 2016 campaign, the US was being attacked by Russia, and that every US citizen aware of Russia’s proven links to the Trump campaign had a moral and a legal duty to defend the United States from Russian attack. As Steve Bannon put it, the activities of the Trump campaign could be summed up in one word: “Treason”.Details of the links can be found here-

    And here

  7. #7
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    If we assume Nigel can think and read at the same time, he will know that during the 2016 campaign, the US was being attacked by Russia, and that every US citizen aware of Russia’s proven links to the Trump campaign had a moral and a legal duty to defend the United States from Russian attack. As Steve Bannon put it, the activities of the Trump campaign could be summed up in one word: “Treason”.Details of the links can be found here-

    And here
    Words mean what they mean, Stavros. "Russian-funded" is not what those articles say. It's a lie. You lied it.

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  8. #8
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    Intelligent readers are invited to Chapter 1: ‘Bailed out by Russia’….

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  9. #9
    Terribly Mysterious Veteran Poster Nick Danger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post

    Intelligent readers are invited to Chapter 1: ‘Bailed out by Russia’….
    Yeah, "intelligent readers," go ahead and give it a thorough read. Let me tell you what you are going to find out: Donald Trump has sold real estate to Russians. Just like...practically every realty company in the USA and the rest of the planet. Seriously, that's all the article concludes.

    Also, Stavros, do you even bother to screen your sources? "The Moscow Project" is 100% sponsored and written by the Center For American Progress - (ex-Clinton and Obama advisor) John Podesta's post-Obama effort to remain politically relevant. There is no more politically-biased information source. Das Reich maybe?

    What a farce. No wonder you're so blind to the truth, Stavros, your sources are glowing.

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  10. #10
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    Default Re: The United States 1776-2024, Running on Water

    Perhaps someone can join the dots for Nigel? He is struggling, as usual.

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