Conservative Party superstar Liz Truss (hugely popular in the Associations, a potential replacement for Boris Johnson), has claimed her Government has made life easier for Transgendered citizens of the UK, thus-

"Liz Truss weighed in on calls for trans people to be able to legally self-identify without going through any official bureaucracy. She told the Conservative Party conference on Sunday: ‘Medical checks are important.’
As it stands, trans people must have identified with their gender for at least two years, have a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and submit a medical report of any hormone treatment and surgery.
They also have to formally declare they will continue to live under their gender permanently."
"But Ms Truss told The Telegraph’s Chopper’s Politics Podcast: ‘I think we’ve taken the right approach with transgender people. We’ve made the process simpler [and] we’ve made the process kinder.
‘I have full respect for transgender people, however it wouldn’t be right to have self-identification with no checks and balances in the system.
‘Is it clear process of medical understanding of how that process works, and those medical checks are important.’

She also weighed in the claim that only women have a cervix-

"Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has defended Labour MP Rosie Duffield over criticism from trans campaigners for saying that "only women have a cervix".
Truss, who is also equalities minister, told The Telegraph's Chopper's Politics Podcast that the controversy around Duffield's comments showed the "absurdity of identity politics".
Duffield withdrew from last week's Labour Party conference over concerns for her safety after saying she had been threatened because of her trans-critical views.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer insisted she would be "safe" at the conference but did not defend her stance when questioned by the BBC's Andrew Marr, saying instead that it was "not right" to say that only women have a cervix. "

Why does self-identification for Transgendered people need to be subject to regulations invented by the State when no such reguations are required for professions of Religion? Is it beause the Body, in this case the Transgendered Body, must be subjected to State Regulation, but not the Mind?

Thus, Miss A can claim to be a Woman, but must have her gender status verified by 'medical checks', but if Mr A declares on the Census form that his Religion is Jedi, no such checks are required, though some might be more concerned for the mental health of the UK's Jedi Nights than Mike in the process of becoming Mica.

As for the Cervix, one wonders if those unfortunate women with cancer who have their Cervix removed, in the procedure known as Radical Trachelectomy, cease to be women when it is completed.

Descartes, Freud, Ryle -when it comes to the Mind-Body probem, those guys have nothing on the Warriors Against Woke who inveigle their political preferences into publc policy while trumpeting their commitment to freedom and individual liberty.

My body, my rules? Hmmm....