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  1. #121
    Senior Member Gold Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    It's baffling how little credit Biden has gotten for his accomplishments. First and foremost, he saved us from a second Trump term and full fascism. I realize he was far from a dream candidate for anyone, but he saved us from a second Trump term and full fascism. Second, he got an infrastructure bill passed! That is one of the most significant domestic political achievements in decades. He may not be exciting, but he's getting shit done, he's rebuilt our alliances (at least while he's in office), and he's taken steps to help the lower and middle classes and women. It's pathetic how these days people won't support someone in office who isn't constantly causing drama. I'm thrilled not to be cringing every day at the actions of the president.
    Completely agree 1000% with your post.

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  2. #122
    Cynical Idealist 5 Star Poster Fitzcarraldo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Dark Brandon

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    "We can't seem to cure them of the idea that our everyday life is only an illusion, behind which lies the reality of dreams."--Old Missionary, Fitzcarraldo

  3. #123
    Senior Member Gold Poster KnightHawk 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    President Joe Biden Zingers.

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    Last edited by KnightHawk 2.0; 05-02-2023 at 12:52 AM.

  4. #124
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzcarraldo View Post
    It's baffling how little credit Biden has gotten for his accomplishments. First and foremost, he saved us from a second Trump term and full fascism. I realize he was far from a dream candidate for anyone, but he saved us from a second Trump term and full fascism. Second, he got an infrastructure bill passed! That is one of the most significant domestic political achievements in decades. He may not be exciting, but he's getting shit done, he's rebuilt our alliances (at least while he's in office), and he's taken steps to help the lower and middle classes and women. It's pathetic how these days people won't support someone in office who isn't constantly causing drama. I'm thrilled not to be cringing every day at the actions of the president.
    Lmaoooooo DrUmPF iS a FaScIst.

    Fucking brainlet take right there, but that'll happen when you're flailing for reasons as to why this absolute abortion of a term is a successful presidency.

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  5. #125
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by dirkmcgee View Post
    Lmaoooooo DrUmPF iS a FaScIst.

    Fucking brainlet take right there, but that'll happen when you're flailing for reasons as to why this absolute abortion of a term is a successful presidency.
    He hasn't told people to inject themselves with bleach, defended neo-nazis in Charlottesville, called covid a flu, asked the Georgia secretary of state to find votes for him, had dinner with a Neonazi named Nick Fuentes who used a baking cookies analogy to explain why he thinks the Holocaust couldn't have happened. His supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th included a man wearing a Camp Auschwitz shirt and someone waving a Confederate flag in our capitol (which is a painful and sad image that reminds us of the stupidity and bigotry he evoked). They also included a whole list of people who were part of the alt-right who have supported him since Charlottesville.

    You should tell all of your Republican friends that you're attracted to transsexual women. I would support you if you wanted to speak about this at the next cpac conference. You can tell them that your anti-trans stance is really born of your passionate, sincere, and deeply felt feminism (and that just because you masturbate to images of transsexuals doesn't mean you think they should be allowed to endorse products). I'm sure some of the people who were saying stuff like "feminism is cancer" will be really receptive to your arguments. Maybe you can ask them to like some of your posts since nobody else seems to do it.

    I also noticed you disliked a post saying that 4% inflation is not like the hyperinflation of 1920s Germany. You do like Nazi comparisons apparently, just not ones that object to the racism of Nazis.

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    Last edited by broncofan; 05-03-2023 at 06:23 AM.

  6. #126
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    He hasn't told people to inject themselves with bleach, defended neo-nazis in Charlottesville, called covid a flu, asked the Georgia secretary of state to find votes for him, had dinner with a Neonazi named Nick Fuentes who used a baking cookies analogy to explain why he thinks the Holocaust couldn't have happened. His supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th included a man wearing a Camp Auschwitz shirt and someone waving a Confederate flag in our capitol (which is a painful and sad image that reminds us of the stupidity and bigotry he evoked). They also included a whole list of people who were part of the alt-right who have supported him since Charlottesville.

    You should tell all of your Republican friends that you're attracted to transsexual women. I would support you if you wanted to speak about this at the next cpac conference. You can tell them that your anti-trans stance is really born of your passionate, sincere, and deeply felt feminism (and that just because you masturbate to images of transsexuals doesn't mean you think they should be allowed to endorse products). I'm sure some of the people who were saying stuff like "feminism is cancer" will be really receptive to your arguments. Maybe you can ask them to like some of your posts since nobody else seems to do it.

    I also noticed you disliked a post saying that 4% inflation is not like the hyperinflation of 1920s Germany. You do like Nazi comparisons apparently, just not ones that object to the racism of Nazis.
    Literal fake news abound.

    Never told people to inject themselves with bleach.

    Never "defended Neo-Nazis" in Virginia.

    Never encouraged anyone to "storm the capitol" (remember though, it's ok if State houses are stormed, or the senate building, at the actual behest of democrats).

    The irony of your thinly veiled accusations of hypocrisy as you do nothing but project! No doubt you've referred to the likes of Blair White as a "traitor."

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  7. #127
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by dirkmcgee View Post

    The irony of your thinly veiled accusations of hypocrisy as you do nothing but project! No doubt you've referred to the likes of Blair White as a "traitor."
    I don't know who she is. That you're bringing up a person I've never mentioned to accuse me of having a particular opinion about them just makes you look stupid. But please find me a post where I've mentioned "Blair White" or called her or anyone else a "traitor" for their political views.

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  8. #128
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by dirkmcgee View Post

    Never encouraged anyone to "storm the capitol" (remember though, it's ok if State houses are stormed, or the senate building, at the actual behest of democrats).
    Where did I say it was okay if Democrats do it. Donald Trump did not concede an election he lost. He made frivolous and inconsistent accusations about voter fraud in Michigan and Pennsylvania. He called Raffensperger, the GA secretary of state, and asked him to find votes for him. He filed dozens of lawsuits, all of which were frivolous, and continued to insist that he really won the election even though there is no reality based theory on which he could make a good faith claim he did. If you don't see this as a catalyst for the actions of people who entered the capitol to try to hang Mike Pence and overturn the election, you're either willfully stupid or just stupid. What were they there for? They were there because they had been told by him that a grave injustice had taken place. None had. He continues to say the election was stolen from him. He has no theory on which to base this. Even while the votes were being counted he was demanding the counting be stopped and the election be called for him. Again, you can pretend otherwise, but I watched this human embodiment of corruption in action on twitter until his account was suspended.

    Second: he asked a doctor on air whether injecting one's self with bleach could cure covid. This is one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard a person say. While he is so much of an egomaniac that he could not let medical experts talk about covid without his intervention, he could avoid sounding like someone who eats lead paint as a hobby. He also asked if sunlight entered into the body could cure covid. It probably won't surpise you that some Americans (his supporters) tried bleach as a treatment for covid. But I'm sure since he was just asking questions, ones that nobody with a brain would ask, it's okay. He also accused various universities of fabricating results about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine as a covid treatment because they found it was ineffective and at one point he accused doctors of lying about covid deaths (ostensibly to make him look bad). You think that's fine maybe.

    Third: the proud boys, Christopher Cantwell, and the entire alt-right thought Trump was the closest they've come to seeing their views mainstreamed. They were all at Charlottesville yelling "Jews will not replace us", yelling homophobic slurs, and also yelling fascist slogans. I can find you the interviews. Trump said he was sure there were good people on both sides. The problem is that one side was ideologically committed to hating every minority group in this country.

    Finally, I never insist anyone of any particular background have particular views. There are some viewpoints I disagree with but I think they're wrong no matter who holds them. As a general matter one cannot defend something bigoted and then immunize the bigotry by finding one individual of the targeted group to offer a defense. If, for instance, a person says something antisemitic, like "Jews control every institution in the world" it doesn't become less so if you find one Jewish person to defend the statement. This should be obvious. If I then say, the statement is still antisemitic and that person is wrong, I am not calling the person who defended it a traitor. As an analogy all of this is lost on you I'm sure.

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    Last edited by broncofan; 05-04-2023 at 04:46 PM.

  9. #129
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    That's probably why Nick hasn't been back in over a year. The failure of the inevitable Republican triumph would be too embarassing, even for him. He made equally bold predictions in the past about Trump's inevitably triumphant presidency, but as least he had the pandemic as some kind of excuse.
    Nick was going to Germany the last time he posted and complaining about vaccine side effects (mandatory vaccination to enter). Maybe he went to Germany and found it's a much more liberal place with much better healthcare than the United States. In his head he doesn't admit that but it could be why he's stayed and is working his way towards citizenship. If so, he might not be here until October 2025 to weigh in on the German federal election as a supporter of the SPD.

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  10. #130
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    Default Re: The Biden Presidency

    Trump said neo Nazis were “very fine people”. (spoiler alert: they are literally neo Nazis.) Some of Trump’s “very fine people” were people flying Nazi flags during the march (lots of pics online) and “very fine people” marched along side them and were fine with it. If I was at a march or a rally and someone was flying a Nazi flag, I would make them leave the march or I would leave the march. I would not march together with Nazis… “very fine people” would actually reject that shit, they do not tolerate hate groups.

    Trump told people to walk down to the capitol building, and that people should “fight like hell” because otherwise “you’re not going to have a country left” if they don’t. The Proud Boys were just convicted at a trial, sentencing is later. But one of their defenses was that they were following the orders of Trump. They lost their case but if you don’t agree that Trump encouraged the attack on the capitol building, then you disagree with the people who actually attacked the capitol. Besides the Proud Boys, lots of defendants have argued this in court… that they were just doing what Trump told them to do.

    This is not “fake news” - people are entitled to their opinions but they are not entitled to their own facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by dirkmcgee View Post
    Literal fake news abound.

    Never told people to inject themselves with bleach.

    Never "defended Neo-Nazis" in Virginia.

    Never encouraged anyone to "storm the capitol" (remember though, it's ok if State houses are stormed, or the senate building, at the actual behest of democrats).

    The irony of your thinly veiled accusations of hypocrisy as you do nothing but project! No doubt you've referred to the likes of Blair White as a "traitor."

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.
    Last edited by Luke Warm; 05-07-2023 at 02:58 AM.

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