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  1. #31
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Sandy Hook in its gruesome way presented the US with the opportunity for radical change, but Congress chose not to. If the reaction to dead children was one of such indifference- and indifference to, even causing suffering to, children seems to be standard policy in the US-, why would those people ever bother to look at the facts and make up their mind to ban assault weapons, to broaden background checks, to ban arms fairs, to make online purchases of weapons illegal -ultimately to either repeal the 2nd Amendment, or amend its wording? This is one issue which does not cross the aisle, and until Republicans lose their control of the legislative agenda, nothing will change.

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  2. #32
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by rabbitfufu View Post
    assault rifles shoots only 1,000,000 rounds a minute?? I'm trying to say anyone can get booze and kill innocent people and there is no background check on beer yet billions if dollars are spent yearly on broken families, shattered dreams, etc. alcohol kills and the industry that manufactures it and held harmless. that's bad when company's make tons of money and they are not held accountable for ruining lives. I could quote numbers but why? Think about every Friday and Saturday the people coming out of bars drunk, and bars let them go home and destroy people. Get into bar fights, Get into fights with loved ones, cant go to work the next day, almost all of you have done it, but me as a responsible ar 15 owner has not shot one person.
    Sorry, but if you only mention alcohol-related deaths in the context of guns and you refuse to offer any solutions then your professed concern does not appear to be sincere. Further discussion is a waste of time if you just keep repeating the same lines and refuse to address any of the points other people have made in response.

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  3. #33
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by rabbitfufu View Post
    assault rifles shoots only 1,000,000 rounds a minute?? I'm trying to say anyone can get booze and kill innocent people and there is no background check on beer yet billions if dollars are spent yearly on broken families, shattered dreams, etc. alcohol kills and the industry that manufactures it and held harmless. that's bad when company's make tons of money and they are not held accountable for ruining lives. I could quote numbers but why? Think about every Friday and Saturday the people coming out of bars drunk, and bars let them go home and destroy people. Get into bar fights, Get into fights with loved ones, cant go to work the next day, almost all of you have done it, but me as a responsible ar 15 owner has not shot one person.
    I guess I'm going to have to bring this post over here:

    Number of alcohol impaired crash fatalities in 2016- 10,497 28% of all crash deaths.

    Number of gun deaths in 2015 - 14,925. Number of people injured- 26,819.

    Since you want to play the "Think of the children" game:

    2016- Teens and Children killed with guns- 1,876

    Children killed in drunk driving accidents- A total of 1,233 children 14 and younger were killed in motor vehicle
    traffic crashes in 2016. Of these 1,233 fatalities, 214 children (17%)
    died in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. Of these 214 child deaths:

    115 (54%) were occupants of vehicles with drivers who had BACs
    of .08 g/dL or higher;

    61 (29%) were occupants of other vehicles;

    36 (17%) were nonoccupants (pedestrians, pedalcyclists, or other
    nonoccupants); and

    2 (<1%) were drivers

    I'm a person who happens to think if there is a hell, there is a special place in it for drunk drivers. But when a person drives drunk they don't intend to kill a person. When a person wants to intimidate, rob, or murder, the use of a firearm makes it easier for them to achieve anyone of those intentions.

    I want to make it clear that, I DON'T WANT TO BAN GUNS. So I'm not being a hypocrite when I'm saying that there is a huge difference between violent gun deaths and drunk driving deaths.

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  4. #34
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    When Obama said Republicans in rural areas who have seen all the jobs disappear and therefore cling to their guns and religion, maybe he should have said Freedom and Family. If you live in Smalltown USA, and you plan to die in Smalltown USA, you don't need a College Education or a high paying job. If everyone in your family has had guns for generations, guns aren't the problem, Hightalkers and Transgenders who want to break up your family values are. In the Senate, South Dakota gets the same number of Senators as California. So if a relatively small bunch of ranchers or farmers will go vote for guns, in a few sparsely populated rural states, that's enough to keep McConnell in power.
    If I had Trump's taxes, or video of him pissing on a Bible with three hookers, I'd drop a tease on October First, 2020, then I'd release the proof on Halloween Night. I would send all the Republicans out on a limb, and then saw it off.
    Oh yeah, FuFu's argument is ridiculous, but on Fox & Friends he would be wrong but well-meaning.

    World Class Asshole

  5. #35
    Senior Member Professional Poster rabbitfufu's Avatar
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    my argument at the beging id why the media picks on gun related deaths an not alcohol related deaths. I have no solutions, no answers just a post for all of use to think about. When we become adults at 18 or 21 in certain areas, we are to become citizens and help each other not to kill anyone by any means, by gun, by alcohol, or anything else. We are responsible for ourselves and not imposing our lives over others. On all the laws this nation makes us humans canot even obey a simple 10 that is a base for all laws.

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  6. #36
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    ….by the bullet......or by the bottle...…...just the same, except the far left does not do a body count on dui caused deaths...
    The difference is that your constitution blesses gun ownership and that your woolly argument seeks to blame global media for something which is the responsibility of the American population. Your constitution has evolved a culture where the individual needs to have a gun in order to feel part of Team USA.

    It’s not just the same because in the vast majority of gun-related cases it was pre-meditated whereas in alcohol-related cases it wasn’ others have stated before.

    So why do you need an AR15 - here’s its track record of mass killing from Wikipedia:

    Use in crime and mass shootingsEdit

    A majority of firearm-related homicides in the United States involve the use of handguns.[58][59][60] According to a 2013 analysis by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, 14 out of 93 mass shootings involved high-capacity magazines or assault weapons.[61]Nevertheless, AR-15 style rifles have played a prominent role in many high-profile mass shootings in the United States[62] and have come to be widely characterized as the weapon of choice for perpetrators of these crimes.[63] AR-15s or similar rifles were the primary weapons used in around half of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern American history,[64][65] including the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the 2015 San Bernardino attack,[5] the 2017 Las Vegas shooting,[66] the 2017 Sutherland Springs church shooting,[66] and the 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.[67] Gun expert Dean Hazen and mass murder researcher Dr. Pete Blair think that mass shooters' gun choices have less to do with the AR-15's specific characteristics but rather with familiarity and a copycat effect.[68][69]

    By the way other countries and creeds are available.

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  7. #37
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    After a while it may become pointless to argue, none of us have to authority to sign laws that will bring about far reaching, logical, fair, forward moving changes to our car and gun safety policies. For that we need to hear from the all-seeing wisdom and mountainous intellect of our elected leaders.

    World Class Asshole

  8. #38
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    This guy can barely write his poorly thought out arguments, why are any of you actually trying to engage him?

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  9. #39
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    This guy can barely write his poorly thought out arguments, why are any of you actually trying to engage him?
    I figured it was preferable to not engaging him and still writing a post in his thread. I mean, why not? You don't get a lot of pro assault weapon arguments that look like they could have been written by James Joyce.

    As for Rabbitfufu, he does have a difficult choice between purchasing his 16th gun and learning how to use an apostrophe.

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  10. #40
    Senior Member Gold Poster Laphroaig's Avatar
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    Default Re: im going to get into trouble how many more will die

    Quote Originally Posted by javier81 View Post
    This guy can barely write his poorly thought out arguments, why are any of you actually trying to engage him?
    is it not important to address the various issues within this thread through discussion and hopefully education. Even if he doesn't benefit, others may do so from reading the arguments and information presented.

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