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  1. #111
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Trump wears more make up than Dolly Parton.
    He has large breasts and wide, child bearing hips.
    He is obviously a post operative transsexual.

  2. #112
    Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    what about this how about his sunday trip to the hospital....saying it was his yearly check up sure

  3. #113
    Gold Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I know you don't mean it maliciously and you are attacking Trump but I think we shouldn't use transsexual as an insult, even if you think the insult is to Trump's fragile masculinity.

    I wanted to post a couple of clips of Joe Biden from youtube. It's for anyone who hasn't seen them because I hadn't seen all of them until last night. There is the clip of him calling someone fat, him calling a woman a dog-faced pony soldier, and the corn pop story short version (the long version is worse).

    Now I've always like Joe's personality and thought he was quirky. His policies are not great but I have some faith in him to do his best and he would make this country far better than it is under Trump. And I know that in the dog-faced pony soldier clip he was trying to joke around, but he seems a bit off. Maybe he's lost his filter or maybe he's always just been prone to saying and doing some inappropriate things, but I didn't realize quite how bad it was.

    Last edited by broncofan; 02-10-2020 at 01:33 PM.

  4. #114
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I watched all three, and other than the reference to the Republican questioner in the second video as 'fat' I did not think Biden said anything wrong or scadalous, assuming the first remark about a pony was light-hearted, as I didn't really understand the reference, and in the third I did not understand anything he was saying anyway.

    Rudolph Giuliani Jr is now embarking on the revenge mission to investigate/prosecute Hinter Biden, and by association Joe Biden, there is an interview with Fox News in which he puts on his serious face and reveals he has evidence of wrong-doing -stuff that has not been exposed before. It appears to be a re-run of the use of foreign sources and individuals to smear a political rival of the President in an election year, which is precisely what the Impeachment was all about, yet it seems Giuliani and his boss don't seem to care about that, I guess because he can only be impeached once.
    Problem for Giuliani is that The Daily Beast reported last week or so that Giuliani is susceptible to bogus information, and not least because it comes from supporters of corrupt, disgraced politicians like Yuri Lutsenko and Victor Shokin, and the man who has so far been absent from the news, Dmitry Firtash. These were the very same corrupt officials that the US -along with the IMF and the EU- opposed because they were salting away money from the Treasury, some of which had arrived in the Ukraine as foreign aid. Giuliani is this relying for his information on the very people his own government sought to remove, whose word cannot be trusted, but is doing so to maintain the narrative that the Biden family was deep in the dirt in Ukraine, and also, Giuliani claims, in China.
    I don't know how Hunter Biden got involved in these countries or if Dad arranged it, but Giuliani sounded to me like he libelled Hunter Biden in the Fox News interview, I doubt Biden will sue.
    Who is paying Giuliani? But it's an old trick. If you are accused, investigate the accuser, then prosecute them, even if there is no case, just to tie them up in the courts, or like Weinstein, get them to sign a NDA and lob 100k their way. Whatever it is, it stinks.

  5. #115
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    To add to my post above, I think the problem Biden now has is that the Republicans have succeeded in making his son and Ukraine an issue that will not go away and is designed above all to distract attention away form domestic policy issues in the election. The Democrats have to decide if Biden is going to spend most of this year responding to questions about himself and his son -regardless of the facts- instead of debating the issues in the election. In addition if his poll ratings do not grow, it surely means he will resign from the contest, along with Elizabeth Warren who has failed to gain any momentum of the kind Pete Buttigieg has. It seems to me it will come down to Sanders or Bloomberg, and I suspect the latter, for surely the Democrats would not be stupid enough to nominate Sanders?

  6. #116
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I agree with you Stavros about the absurd accusations and character assassination Republicans have engaged in with Biden. I only meant that in impromptu settings he can say puzzling things sometimes (I'm not sure anyone understood the reference because it was supposed to be a John Wayne quote but nobody could find it). Nothing there was disqualifying or scandalous or even close to the type of thing we see Trump do. It just seemed odd, including the story about him getting into a fight with a bad dude named "corn pop". Maybe I just fell for some of the noise that primary opposition can stir up during the season. It's difficult to avoid the narratives and characterizations of candidates that their primary opponents throw at them. I almost wish I hadn't read about any of them.

    I hope Sanders is not the choice and that there's someone better than Bloomberg. Your logic makes sense about the race narrowing on these two, but that doesn't seem like a good thing to me.

    Last edited by broncofan; 02-11-2020 at 02:31 PM.

  7. #117
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Bloomberg has issued a clever, and with regard to the filthy and degrading language the President is trying to normalize, a cogent ad: I even love it, because it expresses one of my key issues, the degradation of language unbecoming in the public speech of a President. But I admit I know next to nothing about Bloomberg other than that he is significantly richer than you-know-who, and that makes him sore -it seems he has just issued some incoherent tweet about Bloomberg's golf skills, a bit rich coming from a known cheat who gets his security staff to move his balls closer to the hole....on the green that is....


  8. #118
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    According to this article, Bloomberg spent more on advertising last month than Hilary Clinton spent in her entire 2016 campaign. If he can effectively buy the nomination that underscores how sick American democracy really is.

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  9. #119
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by filghy2 View Post
    According to this article, Bloomberg spent more on advertising last month than Hilary Clinton spent in her entire 2016 campaign. If he can effectively buy the nomination that underscores how sick American democracy really is.
    It definitely highlights a problem in our political system and one that impairs us as a democracy. The idea of two billionaires competing for the presidency sounds nearly dystopian. Because I haven't liked the idea of Bloomberg as a candidate I haven't looked at his policies. He does have the baggage of the "stop and frisk" policy he instituted in New York as mayor that gave police permission to perform unconstitutional searches and had a racist impact on people of color. It's something he can overcome, but what does he bring to the table that people with a lifetime of public service like Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Joe Biden don't? He was/is a successful businessman mainly because he created the Bloomberg terminal that's used by all financial firms, but I don't see how that gives him special prowess when it comes to managing the U.S. economy.

    Edit: the article posted by filghy says Bloomberg opposed financial reforms in 2008. It's fairly obvious that deregulation and lax regulation leads to financial crises so that's a particularly bad sign.

    Last edited by broncofan; 02-12-2020 at 03:59 PM.

  10. #120
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Money has been a determining factor in US politics for decades, it is not new, but in Obama's case (in 200, a lot of the money came from small donors and mounted to large sums. I suspect that is the way of life in the US, but the cost of the elections in obscene, though I believe attempts in law to limit campaign contributions have all but failed.

    Have I underestimated Amy Klobuchar? Truth is, I don't know who she is, can anyone enlighten me, as the more I read about Sanders the more astonished I am this nauseating fraud has been allowed to run as a Democrat. As for the bagagge, don't all the candidates have something in their closet that could be used against them?

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