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  1. #1
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default From New World Order to No World Order

    The US has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, halted negotiations on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; it has threatened to withdraw from the G7, NATO, and now may walk away from the World Trade Organization with the longer term threat to the United Nations -in effect, demolishing an international order of co-operation between states that has been developed and sustained since 1945.

    But there is no Plan B. The intention of the US is not to replace one order by another, but to remove international order on the basis that because the US is big enough and strong enough to survive on its own, it doesn't need the G7, or NATO, or the UN -so why bother paying for it? And if the smaller states complain, let them complain, it is 'America First'. And when the UK after Brexit enters the negotiating room on its hands and knees, begging for scraps from the American table, it is the UK that will be screwed, its economy filleted for the benefit of the very corporations the President identified as swamp life, to be drained. We were conned, and will be conned.

    Norm Ornstein has been writing acute analyses of US politics for many years now, and in 2016 wrote a devastating critique that traces the descent of American politics into a partisan war similar to what happened in the 1850s and 1860s to the work of Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, yet his domestic critique can now be extended to the international scene, thus:

    Consider a world where partisan tribalism—the sense that the other party is a threat to the country, the enemy, not just an adversary—is conjoined with race, one party becoming overwhelmingly white, the other largely non-white. The challenge for national unity will be much sharper than it has been in over a century.

    Since 2017, the US threat to withdraw from the 'global order' has without doubt become a stunning victory for the Russians who have spent years now trying to undermine through political violence and illegality the very same global processes the US is now doing legally as its stated policy. Dictators are in ecstasy as they now see they are free to act with impunity in a world where there is no accountability, but 'kill or be killed' shall be the whole of the law.

    In North Korea nuclear development continues even as the President lies to his supporters about the 'de-nuclearization' taking place because of the summit in Singapore. In Syria, Bashar al-Asad and his family, emboldened by the news the US no longer cares what happens, plan a 'final solution' to the rebels in the South on the border with Jordan, and in the west in Idlib province, assisted by the Russians. If the result is another 50,000 dead and 250,000 or even a million more refugees -who cares? And what can be done about it?

    If he wants to, Vladimir Putin, without a full invasion, can interfere in the politics of Latvia and Estonia to cause chaos there and weaken the governments, knowing the US will look the other way. Though an outrageous hypothesis, President Erdogan could extend Turkey's illegal occupation of Northern Cyprus over the whole of Cyprus unifying it with Turkey -and who is going to stop him from doing that?

    It is a defeat for all those who think global politics is too dangerous to be practiced without rules, and who can point to over a century of co-operation on issues such as global health that have not only worked to combat infectious and contagious disease but in the process proved it is possible for states to collaborate for the good of all. It is a victory for the partisan, the ideological crusaders convinced their view is the only view that matters and the rest of us can go to hell. But we don't want to live in hell on earth, and if the US is not careful, it may find that it has created a monster that hungers for victims, and finds them where they are easier to pluck -at home.

    US may withdraw from the WTO-

  2. #2
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: From New World Order to No World Order

    Maybe you guys know- isn't "the republicans" pulling all this shit, is it Miller and his little crowd???
    I do not know how much of what we see going on is under the thumb of Congress, is it just Trump's little posse?
    Who's calling the shots?

    I am MYSTIFYED that it is quite possible and even probable that the former head of the KBG is not only fucking with the West through an internettal blitzkrieg, but that he actually has some kind of mind-control over the president. It's like the whole world won't make any sense until one sign of the honorary impeachment proclamation kills all the demons at once, like on "the Game of Thrones"
    Then it's back to usual, keeping the bear in it's cage.
    (actually Putin hates Hillary because she fucked with his rigged election. Nato and the G-7 might agitate more against Putin than he agitates against us? Again, I don't know.)

    World Class Asshole

  3. #3
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: From New World Order to No World Order

    The world has been here before, in the 1920s and 1930s, and we know how that ended. As they say, history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

  4. #4
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: From New World Order to No World Order

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Maybe you guys know- isn't "the republicans" pulling all this shit, is it Miller and his little crowd???
    I do not know how much of what we see going on is under the thumb of Congress, is it just Trump's little posse?
    Who's calling the shots?
    I don't think most Republicans in Congress are happy with what Trump is doing, but they haven't been prepared to do much to stop him. I think they are terrified of being beaten in primaries, like Mark Sanford. Republican voters have increasingly adopted Trump's views - eg Republican support for free trade has fallen by 20% since 2015. As John Boehner said recently, there is no Republican Party any more, there is just a Trump Party.

  5. #5
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: From New World Order to No World Order

    Speaking of "the new world order", I've been looking at strain of Trump supporters, where the threat of a so-called threat of a NWO, is central belief. It is tied in with religious end-time prophecies. I came to me, that the NWO, always talks about Jews, such as the Rothschilds. But it seems to me, there is never any references to US multinational corporations, and their powers, as having anything to do with the NWO. I have seen, or heard things, attacking the government, multinational agreements, as leading towards NWO. Thus they can claim that Obama, (and Hillary) were really promoting the agenda NWO, but never anyone, from the right.

    My new interest in the NWO, is from trying to understand the 'philosophies, and prophecies of Mark Taylor. Some have nicknamed as "Trump's prophet". in his alt-universe, "Trump is being used by God", to accomplish his plan, or something. One of them, fight the NWO.

    We all already know this. This stuff has very, little, if anything to do with the teachings of jesus.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: From New World Order to No World Order

    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz View Post
    Speaking of "the new world order", I've been looking at strain of Trump supporters, where the threat of a so-called threat of a NWO, is central belief. It is tied in with religious end-time prophecies. I came to me, that the NWO, always talks about Jews, such as the Rothschilds. But it seems to me, there is never any references to US multinational corporations, and their powers, as having anything to do with the NWO.
    I think Mark Taylor and people like him are not interested in the 'new world order' as much as they are in the 'end of the world order', it is one of the peculiarities of American fanatics, though I am sure we have them in the UK, but nowhere near government, as far as I am aware. When Tony Blair was Prime Minister, his press secretary advised the press and others, We don't do God, but here is the irony -both Gordon Brown, who succeeded Blair, and Theresa May are children of Priests -the Church of Scotland in one, the Church of England in the other. I don't know how far their Christian heritage shaped their policies and the fact I don't know suggests that politics is better off when the religious views of its politicians are not broadcast as some sort of litmus test of fidelity, but left to the people themselves.

    But maybe the vocal protestations of fundamentalist Christians in the US is itself a way of distinguishing themselves from the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhist, Sikhs Hindus and other religions, and thus simply paranoia about those 'other Americans' in case they get lost in the crowd. But that still leaves you with policy makers who target women and transgendered Americans as if they were the greatest threat to the USA. Hmm...but since there are more women in the USA than men....and Jesus is a taxi driver in LA. I know, I met him.

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