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  1. #21
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    If West Virginia can impeach the justices on the State Supreme Court, albeit for financial and other misdemeanors, can Congress impeach justices on the Supreme Court of the USA? If so, I am surprised the Republicans have not already looked at how they can remove Justices Ginsberg and Sotomayor from the Court, and would surely not care at all what the public think of it.

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  2. #22
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Well, well, well, it seems like Ken Starr picked the right guy to cast aspersions on Bill Clinton (in the most graphic terms) of sleazoid hormones run amok after a couple beers. Enough to creep out a couple of female Republican Senators? I guess we'll find out. I knew there was something creepy about that guy. Will he prevail while Mitch McConnell whistles and become a skid mark on the fabric of the Supreme Court? It must really roil Mitch that he could have Christine Ford killed, but then it would be like HE'S the bad guy! (Mr Burns quote)

    She passed a lie detector, Kellyanne says she could talk, Me too.

    poems about hair

    World Class Asshole

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    With a sex pest in the White House, and an established sex pest on the Supreme Court, maybe this is the way to assess the qualities required by a new Supreme Court Justice, and suggests there is room for one more.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Let's admit it, the theatre is more important than the facts here, Kavanaugh is no sex fiend, the moral lapse here is that he will be a rubber stamp on all the Republican's lofty ambitions, like fucking over poor people. More God, Guts, and Guns. If Kavanaugh had admitted years ago that "something happened" involving a chick at some party, he'd be better off in this case, but he wouldn't be up for the Supreme Court. Rape is not about sex, it's about power, and that's what this is all about.
    Every Homicide Cop in the US knew O. J. did it, I hope the FBI gets to the bottom of this before Monday. No Judge wants a case of He said She said.

    World Class Asshole

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Let's admit it, the theatre is more important than the facts here, Kavanaugh is no sex fiend, the moral lapse here is that he will be a rubber stamp on all the Republican's lofty ambitions, like fucking over poor people. More God, Guts, and Guns. If Kavanaugh had admitted years ago that "something happened" involving a chick at some party, he'd be better off in this case, but he wouldn't be up for the Supreme Court. Rape is not about sex, it's about power, and that's what this is all about.
    A pathetic shrug of the shoulders regarding 'a chick at some party' as if it were just another form of 'locker room' behaviour begging the question: what rights did a female student have then, or the woman that she is now?

    It is not theatre but most definitely the facts.
    Has the next Supreme Court Justice, of all people, lied under oath?
    The Republcan majority has deliberately prevented over 90% of Kavanaugh's record from being made public so you won't know in detail what his legal history looks like including the advice he gave to the Presidency of George W. Bush with all its implications with regard to regime change in Iraq, rendition and torture,and the start of a permanent war in Afghanistan that has cost you over $2.4 trillion which in theory you could have spent educating your children for a 21st century the US under its current President seems determined to leave behind in its insane rush backwards to 1861 and the resurrection of Andrew Jackson as 'one of the good guys', a man whose portrait is often visible behind the President when he makes some public statement.

    To Michael Pence and many of the phoney Christians this President was not just selected by the Electoral College, but by Almighty God. You have to pause at least once in your life to wonder at the near mystical reverance these people have for a con-man, a liar, and surely, as someone who publicly called on the Russians to help him attack an American at the same time they were attacking the country, a traitor. That a traitor and a liar should even be allowed to nominate Kavanaugh is the measure of how low your politicians have sunk in their determination to line their pockets at your expense and traduce the very purpose of Congress.

    As for the idol of the idol of the President, Jackson was considered by John Quincy Adams to be so unfit for office he was I believe the one and only President not to attend his successor's inauguration, and his worst fears came true:

    In office, Jackson was an aggressive wielder of the president’s hitherto unused veto power. He stopped Congress from spending money on new roads or canals, and he prevented the re-charter of the Bank of the United States, which had attempted to regulate the money supply and served as a lender of last resort. And whatever political challenge he faced, his language was hyperbolic. “You are a den of vipers and thieves,” he wrote to the directors of the Bank of the US, “I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out”. When he left office, the country was plunged into the deepest recession anyone could remember.

    But hey, shrug your shoulders, dismiss the complaints of 'chicks' and watch your country take another step away from the future. People outside it are now beginning to dismiss the USA altogether. A close friend from Asia who was educated in the US said quite bluntly that if the USA wants to destroy itself, he is past caring. Do you care?

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  6. #26
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    ….But hey, shrug your shoulders, dismiss the complaints of 'chicks' and watch your country take another step away from the future. People outside it are now beginning to dismiss the USA altogether. A close friend from Asia who was educated in the US said quite bluntly that if the USA wants to destroy itself, he is past caring. Do you care?
    Let me take my tongue out of my cheek for a minute and tell you to some extent I believe what Trump says, the illegal immigration problem has gotten way out of hand, and THE WORLD has hated us for decades. This is the feeling that got him elected, even though everything else he says is 87% pure bullshit. In seven weeks we will have a course correction toward the future, if you have a magic Crystal Ball, Stavros, please enlighten us what the future will bring. Nobody even reads this crap posted down here, not because they're out polling from door to door to get rid of Trump, because they're all jerking off to porn above. Are they fools too? Or did they get sick of listening to you and me?
    Bad Blood in the Senate.

    World Class Asshole

  7. #27
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Let me take my tongue out of my cheek for a minute and tell you to some extent I believe what Trump says, the illegal immigration problem has gotten way out of hand, and THE WORLD has hated us for decades.
    As Mark Twain is supposed to have said, it's not the things you don't know that get you into trouble - it's the things you know for sure that just ain't so. The illegal immigration problem in the US has actually been declining for some time.

    To state the obvious, Trump is only making the second problem much worse. The US is only just over 20% of the world economy, and that share is almost certain to decline further in future. Do you really think that acting like swaggering bully that thinks it can always get it's own way without needing anyone else's agreement or help is going to be sustainable in future?

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  8. #28
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Well, filghy, where I live there are Hispanics everywhere, and it's been like this for 30 years. You're probably so young you can't remember a time without them. But I do. I'm glad I don't have kids.

    On the Kavanaugh front, Republicans will be Republicans, and Democrats will be Democrats.
    THE THIRD MAN needs to be interviewed under oath. He and Bart O'Kavanaugh were good time buddies, soon to be MADE MEN in the Good Ole Boys Club. The GOP. Right Mrs Murkowski?
    Why should this be less insane than anything else in the Trump Era? Like I said, I'm glad I don't have kids.

    World Class Asshole

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Let me take my tongue out of my cheek for a minute and tell you to some extent I believe what Trump says, the illegal immigration problem has gotten way out of hand, and THE WORLD has hated us for decades. This is the feeling that got him elected, even though everything else he says is 87% pure bullshit. In seven weeks we will have a course correction toward the future, if you have a magic Crystal Ball, Stavros, please enlighten us what the future will bring. Nobody even reads this crap posted down here, not because they're out polling from door to door to get rid of Trump, because they're all jerking off to porn above. Are they fools too? Or did they get sick of listening to you and me?
    Bad Blood in the Senate.
    I understand that there are times when politics can be taken too seriously, though on this occasion allegations of sexual assault and the fact that the woman in question has received death threats, her family in hiding and an attempt being made to smear her reputation suggest this is indeed serious.

    The President now says 'I don't have an Attorney General' as if the Attorney General of the United States was there for his rather than the country's benefit, and if you accept that a pubilcy available description of the President's penis marks the extent to which the Office of the Presidency has been degraded, you might concede something is going badly wrong in your Executive.

    I don't know what the mid-terms will produce any more than I can predict there will be a hard or a soft Brexit. I suspect that the elections will confirm how deeply divided the USA is, and that some states have successfully guaranteed a Republican majority just by making it impossible for Black people to vote, though we have yet to find out how far if at all Republicans have deserted their own party.

    What I do know is that the next time I am asked if I want extra topping on my pizza, it won't be mushroom.

  10. #30
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    The problem for Republicans is that having decided to give Trump a free pass for everything they can't really apply any standards to any other government appointee. Ditching Kananaugh over the rape allegation would simply highlight the multiple allegations against Trump.

    Last edited by filghy2; 09-20-2018 at 08:01 AM.

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