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  1. #11
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    well, doesn't really come as a surprise that nikolas cruz was a member of the white supremacist group 'republic of florida' whose motto is "resist forever". their leader jordan jereb alluded to nikolas having problems "with a girl" (allegedly his ex) - and got into an altercation with his ex's current beau and hence going on his rampage on valentine's day a little more significant.

    considering white supremacist groups are the biggest terrorist group in america, i'm guessing trump will be going against them with vigor he goes after undocumented aliens

    also, NRA (with a special salute to marco rubio) says new gun laws won't stop school shootings; which i suppose make sense since trump revoked an obama era rule that blocked some people with severe mental illnesses from buying guns while putting others on a special registry.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    Perhaps you can explain why you are discussing a very real incident of mass murder in a thread on fake news awards?

  3. #13
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    as doctor would say: when is it going to stop?

    gotta problem with that asshole - or is your ass just a hole?

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    Last edited by bluesoul; 02-16-2018 at 06:25 PM.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    NRA dollars at work:

    john mccain: $7.7 million
    richard burr: $6.9 million
    thom tillis: $4.4 million
    cory gardner: $3.8 million
    marco rubio: $3.3 million
    joni ernst: $3.1 million
    rob portman: $3.0 million
    todd young: $2.8 million
    bill cassidy: $2.8 million
    tom cotton: $1.9 million
    david perdue:$1.8 million
    pat roberts: $1.5 million
    pat toomey: $1.4 million
    ron johnson: $1.2 million
    mitch mcconnell: $1.2 million
    french hill: $1 million

    really love how the wealthiest of that lot got the biggest payout. i guess that's how it should work considering their mantra was 'drain the swamp'

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  5. #15
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    Pat Buchanan leaned as far right as any of 'em, but occasionally he would be a breath of fresh air when he admitted all the shit his side pulled. Whenever a freshly elected Republican "Mr Smith" got to Washington, fluffy tailed and full of ideas how to save the country, the Old Guard would put their arms around his shoulder and usher him into a back room and tell him how things get done around here.
    MSNBC read off every one of those NRA donations on Valentine's Night, and with each one, the corresponding tweet from each Lawmaker about how truly sorry they were for this tragedy and how their hearts ached. . I think Trump got 30 million, half that was anti-Hillary, half pro-Trump, I think. Me not even bothering to look it up is the secondary collateral damage that people here have mentioned before, people throwing up their hands in disgust works for the liars every bit as much as believing the lies does. Normalizing it.
    Fox News INVENTED fake news, Politicians have been lying as long as there has been politicians, but before Fox News, News was straight up. IMO.
    When I worked at the Library of Congress, me and my motley crew would hit the same bars as the guys from the Hill, ....the Hawk n' Dove, the Tune Inn. Drink til it looks straight. They probably drink more now.

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    World Class Asshole

  6. #16
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    people throwing up their hands in disgust works for the liars every bit as much as believing the lies does. Normalizing it.
    a large part of it is also a sort of gleeful ignorance- because you really have to go out of your way to come up with some of the conspiracy theories conservatives have to explain why the left is against them.

    for example: when a bunch of students from brownard county (including kids from stoneman douglas high) decided they wanted to hold a rally demanding stricter gun laws, a former republican representive- jack kingston- came up with a theory that "their sorrow had been hijacked by left wing groups".

    when a houston area ISD superintendent heard students in his district were going to participate in the national school walk-out to protest gun laws, he threatened a three-day suspension adding:
    "life is all about choices and every choice has a consequence whether it be positive or negative. we will discipline no matter if it is one, fifty, or five hundred students involved. all will be suspended for 3 days and parent notes will not alleviate the discipline."

    in his mind, these kids are liberals brainwashed by the mainstream media that has somehow managed to convince them that if precious assault weapons are taken away from the masses, then gun violence will decrease. accepting that narrative then becomes equal to accepting a liberal mindset (which most conservatives see as communist ideals where you trust your government implicitly rather than handling business yourself like a true alpha male)

    even trump jr. got in on the action retweeting something about one of the surviving kids being a paid actor. i don't really think even he believes that theory because anyone with a conscious has to realize how demeaning that theory is- but at this point, just the mainstream media covering it makes them believe there is an ulterior motive. after all, that's how the right works

    btw: did you watch today's twitter purge? i can only imagine the conspiracy theories it will spark tomorrow- unless all these crybabies get their precious (blank) followers back- because what makes someone feel more special than knowing someone "likes" your stupid tweets?

  7. #17
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    There are 50 states in the USA and 50 countries in Europe, but there are only two political parties in the USA.
    That makes the issues much hairier, because the attitudes differ so much in Texas, California, Iowa, New York. It means you have to dilute your message, to reach the most people, and spike the punch, to get people interested. Strange Brew.
    It's not so hard to understand a group playing to the baser instincts of their constituents, if the Liberals didn't give me pot and chicks with dicks, I might switch over to the machine gun party.
    But seriously folks, the FAKE NEWS mantra you're hearing from Fox isn't what they want to do, it's what they have to do. It's infuriating, and damaging, and how they get away with it is beyond me. I guess the states with less income can't afford good schools. What state is Jack Kingston from, Norway?????

    World Class Asshole

  8. #18
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    It means you have to dilute your message, to reach the most people, and spike the punch, to get people interested. Strange Brew.
    i don't know if it has to be that way. the problem i have with this line of thinking is that it doesn't force people to think since the message delivered is in such a way that they don't have to think about it, and thus we've made it normal for some not to think.

    the confusion (or rather noise) has come from the conservatives viewing the mainstream media (MSM) as a leftwing think-tank that will feed the public anti-trump propaganda endlessly while the left see's the gop as a mouthpiece for it's donors

    last night's 'listening session with trump' was an example of how completely surreal/unreal politics has become. a few survivors and parents from the stone douglas high school shooting sat down with trump to give him share with him their stories and ask for some solutions. one kid recounted how he survived almost being shot by the gunman. another girl talked about how she was able to escape to school. one dad said if he wanted to see his kid, he now had to go to a cemetery.

    when asked what he'd do to end the violence trump's answer was simple:

    give concealed guns to gun adept teachers with military training

    immediately fire back at savage sickos who go to schools with bad intentions

    gun adept teachers and coaches serve as deterrents to savage sickos

    sicko shooter will never attack a school if he knows the teachers are talented and armed

    and run comprehensive background checks with emphasis on mental health

    more guns in schools is how you end school shootings.

    most of the parents and students looked confused/shocked but this is what they didn't get: the NRA are great people and great patriots that love our country

    so whilst the walk-outs and protests across the country do get people talking, they cannot match the kind of budget the NRA has to influence congress regardless of how much george and amal clooney or speilberg or oprah want to donate.

    so the conversation hasn't technically even began about gun violence

    Last edited by bluesoul; 02-22-2018 at 07:25 PM.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    Quote Originally Posted by bluesoul View Post
    in his mind, these kids are liberals brainwashed by the mainstream media that has somehow managed to convince them that if precious assault weapons are taken away from the masses, then gun violence will decrease. accepting that narrative then becomes equal to accepting a liberal mindset (which most conservatives see as communist ideals where you trust your government implicitly rather than handling business yourself like a true alpha male)

  10. #20
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    Default Re: The Highly Anticipated Fake News Awards

    i don't know if it has to be that way. the problem i have with this line of thinking is that it doesn't force people to think since the message delivered is in such a way that they don't have to think about it, and thus we've made it normal for some not to think.

    I don't know what percentage of eligible voters are "into politics" enough to really be up on all the decisions being made, I know half the people don't vote, and the Majority of Americans give Congress the same approval rating they give Hitler or Stalin. I know lots of people that don't vote, they figure it's all bullshit, and don't notice any difference in their lives whoever is in the White House. Even if you are heavy into politics, your one vote counts the same as an idiot's does, who accidently pencils in the wrong circle. There are a small number of people who actually make a difference in Congress, and a small number of people who have the Juice to change voter's minds. But I would say it's a very small number of people that actually shape the political future, and they see things that would depress the hell out of your average TV watching American.

    World Class Asshole

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