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  1. #11
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    I feel like I'm sitting in the cheap seats at the Globe Theatre,
    The cheapest seats at the Globe were, and are, not seats at all, but standing up in the pit. This would all be 'stand up' if it were not in fact the government of the United States of America.

  2. #12
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  3. #13
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    someone's goose is cooking; who is it?

  4. #14
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    Difficult to assess this book -Bannon has not denied -so far- the statements he is alleged to have made; whereas Tony Blair has dismissed the claims made about him as without foundation. It may be entertaining to know that the President has an elaborate comb over and a diet based mostly on junk food (this was also true of Bill Clinton); that he does not sleep in the same bed as his wife, that NOBODY touches his toothbrush, and so on, and so on.

    But this is the Presidency, it is not a tv show, or an article about two Hollywood superstars who hate each other splashed over the centre pages of the National Inquirer. Whatever your political views, the extent to which the Office of the Presidency is being undermined is extraordinary. We thought Nixon was a unique case, that it could never happen again. I am not an American, but I see a much valued political system under assault and it worries me, just as I worry that the UK's exit from the EU may have outcomes that threaten the integrity of the country, and lead to bitterness and division never seen since the civil war pitted Roundheads against Royalists. It may sound ludicrous, but ludicrous is becoming the 'new normal'. To nobody's benefit.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    Not sure if Kushner is cooked, or if he has been, as it were, cooking:

    Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner's real estate business reportedly received loans worth more than half a billion dollars from two companies after meeting with executives at the White House.
    Kushner Companies, received substantial loans from Citigroup and private equity group Apollo Global Management last year, The New York Times reported.
    Apollo's $184m (£133m) loan in November was to help refinance the mortgage on a Chicago skyscraper and Citigroup's $325m (£236m) in the spring of 2017, went towards financing office buildings in New York.
    One of the founders of Apollo Global Management, Joshua Harris, made frequent visits to the White House early last year, the newspaper reported.
    Sources told The Times that Mr Kushner, whose security clearance was downgraded earlier this week, discussed the possibility of a White House job for the private equity billionaire.
    “This is exactly why senior government officials, for as long back as I have any experience, don’t maintain any active outside business interests," Don Fox, former acting director of the Office of Government Ethics under Barack Obama, told the newspaper. "The appearance of conflicts of interest is simply too great.”
    But a spokesperson for Mr Kushner's lawyer said he "has taken no part of any business, loans or projects with or for" Kushner Companies since joining the White House.

    They're all out to get me! I think the lad is out of his depth and should go back to New York where I am sure he can rip off new customers with his fabulous property deals.

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  6. #16
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    He can return to New York real estate where he's gonna rip people off and also maybe go broke because he made one of the dumbest decisions I've ever heard of. Hate to harp on this but the man inherited an empire and immediately turned it into an empire of distress by purchasing a building for 1.8 billion dollars that according to those who reasonably appraise these things was worth 1 billion dollars max.

    Now, this may be out of my pay grade (I've never purchased a skyscraper) but no matter how much fancy finance and re-financing, he still has the fundamental problem that he paid almost double what a building is worth. He may think, "where's the skill in that, never paying vastly more for something than it's worth! That's for amateurs! I'm Jared Kushner."

    I can almost guarantee that someone at the Office of Government Ethics had a discussion with him or tried to initiate one when he made his disclosures. His poor-me routine doesn't wash. People in government service typically aren't negotiating hundreds of millions of dollars worth of loans with people they're having conversations with in a dual capacity...

    He has no business being in government. He will be lucky to salvage the businesses he inherited. I have no idea whether he can squirm out of all this. I don't know all the facts so I can't comment on whether he deserves to. But the sins are vanity and stupidity at a minimum.

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  7. #17
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    FBI is currently investigating one of ivanka trump's international business deals.

    so recap:

    trump jr is under investigation
    kushner is under investigation
    trump is under investigation
    ivanka is under investigation

    now we just need the FBI to look into eric and tiffany's account and we can complete the great (ish) circle of (criminal) life

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  8. #18
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    I heard Mattel plans to cancel the "Ivanka & Jared" line from their BARBIE Collection........

    upload image

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    World Class Asshole

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Is Kushner Cooked?

    With so many people sacked, running for the hills or under suspicion, how much longer can Kushner last, or is it the case that with so few friends, his father-in-law needs him more than ever? Oh, and the rule of law? Hmmm...

    US legislators have asked the FBI investigate presidential adviser Jared Kushner over reports that he disclosed classified information to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.
    The FBI must open an investigation into possible “unauthorised disclosures of information” by Donald Trump’s son-in-law, six Democratic representatives wrote in a letter to the bureau.
    The request was spurred by reports that Mr Kushner told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman the names of royal family members who were opposed to him – information the adviser allegedly gained from Mr Trump’s daily briefing.

  10. #20

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