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  1. #31
    Fly boy Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    A couple of weeks ago, Mr Trump was pilloried for not condemning white supremacists ("blame on both sides"). He kept his job.

    This week, Ms Bergdorf was pilloried for blanket-condemning white men. She lost her job. (She'll get another one in no time at all with her profile and sass!)

    While I have no wish to further her unfounded, non-evidence based, emotional, unfathomable argument... it's kind of interesting how those two worked out.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by TS jazmin View Post
    I, myself am known to voice my strong, sometimes controversial opinion.
    When I do make what could be considered quite a bold statement, I keep in mind that whilst some may agree with me... there will be those that feel just as strongly about disagreeing with me
    When you're being questioned you need to have a strong, educated defence and you need to hold tight to your beliefs
    She embarrassed herself in this mornings interview by second guessing, backtracking and tried to justify her statement with 'it was taken out of context'
    No. It was very black and white IN black and white
    A weak and quite silly justification for her words. I think that maybe she wanted to stir up a bit of controversy, perhaps to reach a broader audience and quite frankly when piers Morgan put her in her place... she responded like a rabbit in the headlights with no idea how to burrow out of the mess she had caused herself because it was clear that that was not a firm belief she holds close to her heart.
    I feel sorry for her white mother, being labelled a racist by her own mixed race transgender daughter. A metaphorical slap in the face for all her acceptance and support through munroes transition. I know if it was me, my mother would have been deeply hurt by that.
    Attacking an entire race is never going to be taken lightly.
    Just imagine the backlash if somebody said 'all black people are...'
    A publicity stunt gone wrong
    I do not agree with the points you have made. Munroe was articulate in her interview with Victoria Derbyshire -a more sympathetic person than Morgan- and I only saw a clip of Morgan opting for his usual 'I am outraged' pose which doesn't fool anyone.

    The key point Munroe has been making is that racism is embedded in the history of empire in Europe and in the history of America since Jamestown, and I don't know how anyone can dispute this when the facts exist independent of anyone's interpretation of them. The deeper point, that the long-term impact of racism is expressed in (often casual), day-today prejudice to the extent that white people may not even realise they are repeating it is also important, and while it doesn't mean that every white person by definition is a racist, it does go some way to explaining, not just the Supremacists at Charlottesville and their flags, chants and violence, but as importantly the reactions to Charlottesville. The original Facebook text that Munroe posted was taken down by Facebook (but not the abusive comments attached to it) and has not yet re-surfaced, but Munroe's explanations of her position have been eloquent and sensible, even if not everyone agrees with her views.

    It is not a matter of personal mistake, disgrace, or feeling sorry for people who read the Daily Mail that matters, it is the questions that Munroe asks, and what their answers might be. And they do not produce comforting thought.

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  3. #33
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Just saw this earlier..

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  4. #34
    Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    I can understand that she is upset at the rise of white supremacy in the Western World, but statements like this are not going to help. There are many white people that are allies in the fight against racism, and her statement would only serve to create more division. To truly end racism, we need people of all backgrounds to rally together and hash out our differences. I hope she considers what she said and why people are upset by it.

  5. #35
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    I think what she is really trying to say is that white people gain advantages from the lucky accident of being born white, and unless they support action to address the disadvantages of non-whites they are effectively condoning this situation. I agree that characterising this as "all white people are racist" shows poor judgement and does not help the cause. It is also true that many of the people criticising her are engaging in selective indignation and have ulterior motives, but then why play into their hands?

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  6. #36
    Jazmin Jagger Junior Poster TS jazmin's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    I do not agree with the points you have made. Munroe was articulate in her interview with Victoria Derbyshire -a more sympathetic person than Morgan- and I only saw a clip of Morgan opting for his usual 'I am outraged' pose which doesn't fool anyone.

    The key point Munroe has been making is that racism is embedded in the history of empire in Europe and in the history of America since Jamestown, and I don't know how anyone can dispute this when the facts exist independent of anyone's interpretation of them. The deeper point, that the long-term impact of racism is expressed in (often casual), day-today prejudice to the extent that white people may not even realise they are repeating it is also important, and while it doesn't mean that every white person by definition is a racist, it does go some way to explaining, not just the Supremacists at Charlottesville and their flags, chants and violence, but as importantly the reactions to Charlottesville. The original Facebook text that Munroe posted was taken down by Facebook (but not the abusive comments attached to it) and has not yet re-surfaced, but Munroe's explanations of her position have been eloquent and sensible, even if not everyone agrees with her views.

    It is not a matter of personal mistake, disgrace, or feeling sorry for people who read the Daily Mail that matters, it is the questions that Munroe asks, and what their answers might be. And they do not produce comforting thought.
    Yes, after the Piers Morgan interview I imagine she sat down and gave some thought to what she might say should similar questions be asked again.
    I suggest you watch the Piers Morgan interview in its entirety. Whilst his approach may be a little strong, he asks the questions that need to be asked.
    He also calls BS when he hears it

    The clip tacocorpv2 posted shows this perfectly.

    Not one person is disputing that racism still exists to this day but when a black person goes around stating that all 'white straight males are racist sexist homophones' then they can't expect to be taken seriously when asking for equality.

    Racism, stereotyping, sexism- these are sensitive issues. Aproaching them brute force and slander isn't going to encourage change!

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  7. #37
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    I can understand some of the backlash from her statement, because I can see people getting upset with it. Personally I saw nothing wrong with she said. Racism is a systemic practice in this country. Failures to acknowledge the advantages and privileges that are given to you while others are being oppressed, and expression their displeasure would make you put you in that unattractive category as prejudice and racist. To be fair some people genuinely do not realized that they are privileged. That's why one of the hardest and most courageous thing that individual can do is acknowledge it. Like I said racism is systemic so if you are just looking for overt racist practice the covert goes right over your head.

    I personally do not agree with racism, stereotyping, and sexism as sensitive topics. People are being affected every second of the day by it. I do not think we should have to cater to the bigots and tip toe around the topic. I never understood why we have to constantly have be politically correct while our lives are being affected daily. I am not saying fight it with violence but call it how it is. Do not beat around the bush.

    To stay on topic I do not think she should have be fired. To be fair every person of color and individuals who identify with other communities such as LGBTQIA has been affected. When speaking on topics that directly effect our lives you can not expect us to speak about emotionless.

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  8. #38
    Senior Member Silver Poster MrFanti's Avatar
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by TS jazmin View Post
    Yes, after the Piers Morgan interview I imagine she sat down and gave some thought to what she might say should similar questions be asked again.
    I suggest you watch the Piers Morgan interview in its entirety. Whilst his approach may be a little strong, he asks the questions that need to be asked.
    He also calls BS when he hears it

    The clip tacocorpv2 posted shows this perfectly.

    Not one person is disputing that racism still exists to this day but when a black person goes around stating that all 'white straight males are racist sexist homophones' then they can't expect to be taken seriously when asking for equality.

    Racism, stereotyping, sexism- these are sensitive issues. Aproaching them brute force and slander isn't going to encourage change!
    I'm Black, but once again, I'll say "well said"!

    "I am, a SIGMA Male...

  9. #39
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Quote Originally Posted by holzz View Post
    i consdier that racist. and i am not white. i don't believe in collective racial or cultural guilt, since the Romans gave us shit we use today, and they never enslaved any black people. does that make me a shill or "uncle tom" as americans say? no, it makes me a person who thinks mutual hatred gets us nowhere, and sins of people long dead should not translate to all people living alive.

    she's angry, but then the people who sold her ancestors into slavery 200 years ago or whenever are just as responsible for racism today. but she wouldn't !acknowledge that would she?
    You're embarrassingly uninformed if you seriously think that The Romans didn't enslave any black people

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  10. #40
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    Default Re: L'Oreal sack trans model for racism

    Munroe just does not get why people have a problem with it.

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