How I Funded My Surgeries - A Chapter From The Maggiegee Story

There is a clerk at a store that I shop at, S....s, who is always telling me jokes when she sees me.

So, she pulls me close to her, I know this going to be good.

She says "do you know what happens to old prostitutes"?

I think for a moment, say, no.

She says, "they ship them off to the Virgin Islands to be re-furbished"

We laugh like Hell, the customers are looking at us.

That, is the genesis or birth of the question.

My answer coming soon is not as funny.[/quote]

I have thought about my answer to this question, for quite some time.

The answer that came to me is the Readers Digest' version of one (1) of the many chapters in my life.

I will make it a quick story:

I have thought about the many responses, I have gotten from many women, and some men around this issue. I truly struggled with a decent answer, and response, and can only offer what worked for me:

This came to me because I was reminded in posts by others in other forums, how I funded some of my surgeries.

I believe my nose job, and adams apple shaving were a combination of my GI bill in college, being creative with student loans, and savings from work.

The GI bill is one of the benefits, you get for being a veteran of the militiary. As I have perhaps metioned I am a veteran of wars both abroad and domestic.

And the war to be 'a broad'.

The savings was from work that was legitimate, and some less than legitimate.

My breast augmentation and GRS were credit cards and savings. With the price of GRS,etc, in say Thailand, being about the price of a new or used card, it is very do-able.

You would think that would be the end of the story, t'were that were true. But I had an Achilles heel, a weakness.

My kryptonite was drugs and alcohol.

While fixing up my house - my body, the tits, the ass, the face, the GRS, I forgot that the house was still haunted. There were demons everywhere, from things I had seen and done.

It seemed like the only thing that appeased the demons was drugs and alcohol, and in large quantities. And, it didn't take 'substances' to make me do the wrong things, the 'game' was born in me.

Finally we exorcised or got rid of 'most' of the demons, how? Well that's another chapter.

End result I am post op, with a moderate debt burden. Half ass decent credit rating. I am clean and sober. Casper, and his crew of less than friendly ghosts are mostly gone.

I am a college graduate, earn fairly good money, enjoy my work. Life ain't half bad.

Moral of the story:

A. Don't listen to jokes from clerks in stores, unless you want to risk re-thinking your life.

B. Make good decisions, the choice you make today good or bad, can last a lifetime.