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  1. #121
    Senior Member Professional Poster AshlynCreamher's Avatar
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    So everyone on this thread is upset because of a miss spelled word?

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  2. #122
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    If we spent that same amount of money we would spend on a wall over time on border patrol, it would be more effective in combating illegal immigration. The vast majority of migrants are coming to the United States for economic reasons and are not seeking to harm anyone. I lived in Southern California growing up and there were large numbers of itinerant workers who were undocumented. I never felt the least bit threatened by them but we do have immigration laws and a right to enforce them. I am aware that Trump and others have highlighted some crimes committed by illegal aliens, but these are crimes that are also committed by American citizens, who are justifiably punished when they commit them.

    This is an article on crime rates of foreign born v. native born individuals in the U.S. The author says it's difficult to compare directly undocumented immigrant crime rate to american born, but indications are that undocumented individuals may commit less crime on average.

    The only thing the wall does is symbolize to Mexico that we don't want normal relations with them. We benefit from trade with Mexico every year notwithstanding the fact that we have a trade deficit with them. Trump seems to believe that we only benefit from trade when we export more than we import from a country, but that's not how trade works. Trade allows us to allocate our resources towards those industries that are strongest in our country, even if we source some goods from other countries. Funding the wall with a tariff on Mexican goods would place a tax on American consumers who purchase either finished goods from Mexico or products made with inputs from Mexico.

    If the idea is to prevent illegal immigration and not stigmatize Mexico or damage relations with them, border security is the way to go, not a wall.

    As far as terrorism is concerned, we have not had any major acts of terrorism from anyone infiltrating our southern border. And if a wall is not any more effective in protecting that border than officers looking for illegal migrants, then why build it?

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  3. #123
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    This is an article on cost effectiveness of building a wall v. other technological methods of patrolling the border, with the use of manpower and radar devices to detect movement. A wall is easy to circumvent and does not even defray many human costs. I've read elsewhere that the wall also runs into difficult issues of eminent domain, as it would require the government to confiscate private land to build it. I'm going to start a new thread for Trump policies.

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  4. #124
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Quote Originally Posted by AshlynCreamher View Post
    So everyone on this thread is upset because of a miss spelled word?
    Probably just me, but having produced copy for corporate clients I know that spelling the simplest of words is precisely the kind of error that sticks out, and would be ashamed to see it happen if I was responsible, but always took steps to make sure it didn't. This is the Government of the USA we are talking about, which has produced documents that not only contain basic spelling mistakes, the people responsible evidently don't use a spell-check built into their word-processing software, and don't proof read the documents before they are sent to print or publication. At the very least it is unprofessional, and suggests to me that the people concerned are either just no good with English, or don't care.

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  5. #125
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Donald Trump 5 January 2012
    President @BarackObama's vacation is costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Unbelievable!

    Average annual cost of President Obama's trips: $12.1.1 million
    Cost of President Trump's trips after one month: $11.3 million

  6. #126
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Quote Originally Posted by AshlynCreamher View Post
    That's funny because the Obama Administration failed to put together a simple birth certificate. It's funny because I downloaded that birth certificate from a PDF that came from and then I loaded it the illustration (birth certificate) into my Adobe fireworks software and lone behold there were layers involved with the graphic and if you don't understand what I'm talking about in simple English this means that I could change the text on the birth certificateand removed items from the birth certificate what this means they failed to flatten the layers before publishing the illustration

    As i understand it, adobe wasnt released until 1992 decades after President O was born
    I'm not technical expert but it seems there is a perfectly reasonable explanation

    I've no idea why your last sentence is relevant. Obviously the certificate posted online had to be an electronic copy - not the original document.

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  7. #127
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Donald Trump 14 October 2014
    Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter

    Donald Trump, first month in office as President, Jan-Feb 2017
    Golf—25 hrs
    Foreign relations—21 hrs
    Tweeting—13 hrs
    Intel briefings—6

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  8. #128
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Donald Trump, speech to Congress, 1st March 2017
    We are blessed to be joined tonight by Carryn Owens, the widow of a U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William "Ryan" Owens. Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero --- battling against terrorism and securing our Nation....Ryan's legacy is etched into eternity. For as the Bible teaches us, there is no greater act of love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. Ryan laid down his life for his friends, for his country, and for our freedom --- we will never forget him.

    Words for a dead American, but not one single word of support or sympathy for the Yemen where millions are without food, water and a place to live -Trump could not even find time to mention the word Yemen, or to shower praise and support for 'one's friends' in Saudi Arabia, the GHQ of global Islamist terrorism. Maybe someone should tell Mr Trump that the last time the USA backed Saudi Arabia in a war to decide who forms a government in the Yemen, it began in 1962 and ended in failure in 1970. And maybe he could explain how destroying homes, businesses and lives in the Yemen protects America?

    But as the English conservative Edmund Burke once said, Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

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  9. #129
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    The United Fuckin' States of America

    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post the English conservative Edmund Burke once said, Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
    Along with all the rest of the world.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  10. #130
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    "Owens didn’t die in a highly successful mission to defeat al-Qaida once and for all. He was part of a firefight that killed 30 civilians, has yet to produce a shred of useful intelligence and was approved by Trump over a candlelit dinner. US military officials said that the operation was approved without sufficient intelligence, ground support or back up preparations."

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