
Type: Posts; User: SarahG

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  1. Replies

    Re: The return of Eugenics? What is it for?

    DNA would never have been the full story, as even aside from the experiences that shape people it is also possible for genes to be triggered by environmental variables. Think about all those stress...
  2. Thread: Satanism

    by SarahG

    Re: Satanism

    Yes, it would be. Stool in the medical sense, ---not the furniture sense.
  3. Replies

    Re: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War: a new era?

    You're thinking about this all the wrong way.

    Two birds & one stone here--- you start the nuclear war but toss only a few icbms instead of the whole arsenal, cluster the targets together and use...
  4. Re: Does Prostate Cancer threaten Transgender Women?

    The current consensus on this is that if you go on HRT before age 40 its almost impossible for you to get prostate cancer. If you go on HRT after age 40, it actually makes your prostate cancer risk...
  5. Replies

    Re: would you date Caitlyn Jenner or fuck her?

    Psychological imprinting is a female-dog. You ever see the internet's "what's seen can't be unseen" memes? If you're used to seeing someone one way for a very long time, seeing them any other way is...
  6. Re: Why castration before puberty isn't common and considered bad?

    Well, unless you know how to find the breast-reduction scars and if they had an hourglass shape pre-transition those wide hips are there for life. Might have to do with why so many of them increase...
  7. Thread: Transition MtF

    by SarahG

    Re: Transition MtF

    If you're talking about what I think you are, its a hormonal BC pill. Correct? Its not going to be potent enough to do anything. You haven't been abel to get hormonal birth control pills potent...
  8. Replies

    Re: FTM Shawn Stinson

    Testosterone is so much more potent they don't use estrogen blockers (they exist but for cancer patients) and it starts effecting their genitalia within 72 hours. No joke.
  9. Re: Philadelphia/Easton area...where to meet girls?

    Easton is a long way from Philly, its only like 3 counties away lol.

    Its like the half way point between Philly & NYC if you get lost and end up not-on the highway anymore.
  10. Re: TV or TS? don't people in the community know the difference?

    Its not just translation issues, the English language is constantly in a state of flux and usage of the words gender and sex has changed dramatically just within the last 30 or so years.

    Not too...
  11. Re: TV or TS? don't people in the community know the difference?

    Close. Transvestitism is defined by the medical community as a paraphilia (abnormal sexual fetish) where someone CDs as a fetish.

    Autogynophilia was never fully adopted by the medical community...
  12. Replies

    Re: Could you have a relationship with a TS?

    There are trans women who fall on either side of that topic. I would be mortified if someone I was dating or in a LTR with felt they needed to go around telling people about my genitalia. I have...
  13. Replies

    Re: How Awkward!!!!! 🙈🙉🙊

    Either its not as unusual as you'd think or I had a strange childhood.
  14. Re: Are flat bellies on GG the new endangered species?

    There's a lot more to the story than this.

    Part of it has to do with the fact people aren't smoking anymore. Sure, its a good thing in that smoking is unhealthy, but it was doing a lot to...
  15. Replies

    Re: Am I the only housewife here?

    Its not so unusual.

    IRL I am not really out about my genitalia so I only normally interact with people who know that about me in the context of medical facilities. Even then, not all of them. But...
  16. Re: Why are most trans male to female, vs female to male???

    Not an answer but a speculation.... female is the default in humans. Hormonal levels combined with hormonal sensitivity dictate development.

    Normally if a fetus is exposed to more testosterone,...
  17. Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    The idea of fertile women was the long term goal, they did not know at the time whether it would be feasible or not.

    The furthest they got along these lines were organ transplants.... ovaries or...
  18. Replies

    Re: The FAST Approaching Gun Ban

    However much of those would go away if we could ever move past this failed war on drugs that has been responsible for so much gang & drug related gun violence.

    As for the suicides, they can be...
  19. Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    I agree with you completely. The bathroom issue boils down to... I think this is disgusting, therefor I must use the law to criminalize it and prevent it from happening.

    It is a long standing...
  20. Re: Caitlyn Jenner and why a trans person would vote for Cruz

    However if we slightly twist this scenario around a bit... say by replacing the words "republican" with "conservative," and "gay" with "trans," things get a little more complicated.

  21. Replies

    Re: Why has discussion died on Hung Angels?

    Battles are things that take place within the context of wars, and wars require there to be sides.

    They also inevitably create collateral damage.

    The problem with having fun with gender topics...
  22. Replies

    That's a new one by me. Can't say I've ever had a...

    That's a new one by me. Can't say I've ever had a model A or a tommy gun.

    ...That's can't as in "I never have had" not can't as in "I shouldn't say." Despite rumors of keeping corpses behind my...
  23. Replies

    X-ray screening does nothing to protect against...

    X-ray screening does nothing to protect against explosives being smuggled onto planes using either cargo or persons' bodies.

    Petn, the explosive used by the recent cargo bomb plot, the underwear...
  24. Replies

    After this summer's changes the terminology they...

    After this summer's changes the terminology they use doesn't specifically require SRS.

    You just need a letter from your GP saying you've completed "appropriate clinical treatment" for...
  25. Replies

    The justice department isn't totally controlled...

    The justice department isn't totally controlled by the president. Like most agencies the DOJ is full of career bureaucrats. They'll be there long after Obama has done his four years and retired AND...
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