View Full Version : Catching a Curve Ball

09-02-2006, 01:08 AM
Recently, I have seen many topics on the board regarding relationships with transsexuals or asking advice thereof.

Speaking from someone who has been involved a few times in her life, and who has gone through many different relationship obstacles and disasters, and someone who has, by choice, remained single for most of her adult life for various reasons-I want to share with you a something I wrote for my monthly article on my website.

It's a personal testament that you really never know that is going to come your way, however different it might be. It's my own personal testament on expecting the unexpected and regaining faith in what you once thought to be impossible.

It's a little story of a little curve ball I caught this year....

Sometimes we find love in the most unexpected times or places. I know that sounds like a cheap cliche, but I know it is true because I have lived it. When I first started talking to my boyfriend DJ we shared an instant chemistry that felt like we had known each other for years. Actually we knew each other indirectly for about four years. We had some contact four years ago but I was then involved with the spawn of Satan, also known as my ex-boyfriend, so it was a very brief acquaintance. When we communicated again, it was at a transitional time in my life, when the last thing on my mind was having a boyfriend or a relationship; in fact, I was dead set against it. But there was something about DJ that made me open up very quickly to him; a rare occurrence for me. DJ had an understanding, a special intellect, and made me feel much more comfortable than any man had done so in a very long time. Like many modern romances today, we met on the Internet. He emailed me through MySpace and by chance I opened and answered his email (keep in mind that I get SO much email on MySpace that it is impossible to open and answer all of them unless I devoted my entire day to MySpace-and I think my assistant would quit if I asked him to take on that responsibility). Our initial exchanges were purely platonic and of a business matter, but we soon found each other having a deeper connection and talking of very intimate matters. Before I realized it, I was talking to him for hours daily and he quickly became a part of my daily routine. We had become friends, but above all, I had begun to fall in love with him. I know that both of us did not have romantic intentions initially, but it worked out that way. I was however quite hesitant about falling in love an attempting to embark on a romance due to the many circumstances that surrounded us. Don't get me wrong, I had very strong feelings developing for DJ, but I had been very unlucky at love and like most people who have been hurt, trust was an issue. I hate to sound like another cliche'; but for a transsexual girl in my business, it's very hard to find a good, honest partner who is well balanced and comfortable with his own skin and who he is, as well as comfortable with what I am and what I do for a living. It takes a certain level of maturity and understanding that is very uncommon. I always wanted to find a guy that was smart, funny, good looking, sweet, affectionate, caring, and was interested in me not only for what I had in between my legs but someone who could get passed that and love me for the person I am. Someone who was willing to accept the good and bad aspects of my personality and saw me as an actual person and not a glorified sex doll. With DJ, I found that and much more. I consider myself very lucky even though a lot of my friends thought it was a bit crazy to fall in love with someone that lives half way across the world. But I indeed I traveled half way across the world and found the love I once hesitated upon. I know it's hard to believe but there came a point that I was completely sure of it and him. Call me crazy, but I was very sure. I know this is starting to sound like a plot for some romantic comedy but it is all true. Sure, being in a long distance relationship is very hard at times but we make the best of it.It takes a lot of trust, understanding, and patience, which must be earned, in order for it to work. Those are three things that I have discovered I have much more of than I could ever imagine. That is mainly because loving DJ is effortless in so many ways. I cannot lie though, I miss him terribly most of the time and much rather wished that he lived in the same city, state, or country rather than a 17 hour plane ride away. It is difficult and frustrating at times, but we are making it work and he is well worth it.

I just got back from visiting DJ in Thailand where we spent a couple of days in Bangkok and 12 days in Koh Samui. It was really such a lovely trip that I am still on a high from it. DJ arranged our stay at a very beautiful resort in Samui that was worthy of a wonderful honey moon. It was a honey moon of sorts as we did do things but we did spend most of the time in our villa :D . Samui is really a beautiful island and the beach views are spectacular. Everyone pretty much gets around on scooters, which freaked me out a first since I am terrified of driving in general and especially scooters and motor cycles. Yeah, I know it is silly- DJ makes fun of me cause I don't mind flying at all, or getting plastic surgery, but riding in the back of his scooter caused me a few moments of anxiety and sweaty palms. We did manage to leave the bed a few times and got to do a lot of things like watch a really interesting (and I really mean INTERESTING) Thai magician perform a really bizarre act that included eating sticks of incense to a loop of Ricky Martin's 'Living La Vida Loca' (which played about 20 times during the course of the performance) proceeded by a number of failed tricks, I got felt up by a bunch of Lady Boys in NaNa Plaza- since apparently Thai people are much more 'touchy feel' than Americans are , and the size of my boobs were a big attraction pretty much everywhere we went, we watched season 2 of Lost (which was really, really good- yea DJ turned me into a Lost addict), we went to the beach, swam in our private pool, had massages, went around the island, watched movies, saw some elephants, and just did a bunch of low key things together (which was great!). We also saw the mummified Monk at one of the temples in Samui, which is like this big mystery- how his body has preserved that is. The only creepy part of it is that the only part of the monk that decomposed were his eyes and they have him placed in a glass booth, dressed traditionally, in a sitting position, with these really big 'Ray Charles' looking glasses on his head which really, really is kinda freaky. Gotta love a mummy with sunglasses on . I actually miss Samui, and the weather, and all of its idiosyncrasies .Such as the crazy Thai Boxing truck that goes around the island announcing the matches in a broken English message that repeats constantly. Funny how some annoying things can become endearing and associated with good memories. Above all, I miss DJ and the way he makes me laugh all the time. I miss sitting in the shallow water with him and being lazy. I miss being goofy for him. I miss watching him sleep. Only he knows how much of a dork I really am :).

I guess that you do sometimes have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince. I guess that I am not as cynical as I once thought I was. I guess that no matter how much I have been hurt, or damaged by broken love in the past, deep down I am a hopeless optimist when it comes to love. I guess that I can let go get on that once dreaded scooter and let someone else drive and trust them completely . And I guess it feels pretty damn good to do so.

Oh and for those of you who have been concerned that I am retiring from my work, films, career, and business endeavors, I have no plans to do so just yet. I hate to break it to you, but you are stuck with me for a little while longer. When I am ready to go, I will make sure that you are the first to know.

All best,

Allanah *

09-02-2006, 01:24 AM
I'm gutted ... all these years you've been turning me down because I'm a pornographer with no hair and now I find you're with just that!!! What is it, his muscles?

Just remember girl you were nothing until I talked you into getting those ridiculous size breasts....I made you who you are and I get dropped like a pidgeon turd ....

Nice Allanah and about bloody time! Good for you, baby. BUT don't go to Thailand without giving me a heads up, the shock of walking into Cascades and seeing you might be too much.

Now send me an email about that other matter...

09-02-2006, 01:29 AM
This girl is in L-O-V-E!!.........Good luck to you and DJ, baby :claps

09-02-2006, 01:29 AM
A very interesting read Allanah. Relationships, and especially long distance relations can be very difficult. The idea of trust and love has been obscured recently and I believe this could be the reason that a lot of people go through the muddy patches before finally getting what they need.

Congratualations to you.. and I'm glad your happy and not leaving.

09-02-2006, 01:34 AM
lol that was too funny mr. s!!

oh come on, it was more like a donkey turd not pigeon :)

thanks mr. s.

i heard after that u might have been in thailand at the same time-in fact i mentioned it to dj- but we were kinda busy trying to get me pregnant. u know those pesky ovulation times :lol: .

i shoulda let u know but i was so frazzled with getting ready and taking care of all the odds and ends here at home i forgot. so i am sorry dear.
it would have been shocking to see u there as well- but hell u never know, someone who i have not seen in years was on the same flight back to jfk as i was- so it is a small world after all.

ok i promise to email u about that matter. im home for two months or so and will be working on it. so expect an email this weekend mr.

glad u are well

and thanks for all the other well wishes- long distance definately takes a lot more but like i said- he is well worth is many times over

09-02-2006, 01:37 AM
in fact i mentioned it to dj- but we were kinda busy trying to get me pregnant. u know those pesky ovulation times :lol: .

Gosh - sorry to be the one to break it to you but you know when he's been sticking it in your ass ... you can't get pregnant that way...
Try swallowing.

09-02-2006, 01:42 AM
well u know what they they say is the difference between love and like and i am in love- so :twisted: GULP, GULP, GULP

09-02-2006, 01:50 AM
Oh gawd, it's the love thang. :roll:

Good for you, Ms. Starr and DJ. Glad that someone can find it. And what a great venue! 8)

09-02-2006, 02:39 AM
see all those sports magazine subscriptions helped you on your catching abilities hehe......i wish u the best str8 from the pickle :claps

09-02-2006, 05:53 AM
thank u mr pickles

09-02-2006, 09:18 AM
Dear Allanah,
I'm new here (three days old member!) Thank you for sharing your life with us. More people should feel that free to do that. We are put on this earth to love. It may not last forever, but we are forever changed by the experience. Thank you for being you, no matter how you change. And thanks for providing a forum for us guys, with our all of faults, to be ourselves. PEACE!

09-02-2006, 09:40 AM
I'm happy for you that you found someone to love like that... I think there should be a lot more loving relationships in the TS community.... good luck on that fo'sho!

09-02-2006, 10:09 AM
Im speechless really.....I could ramble on about this post but I will spare u all the sappiness,but I will say this....

Allanah is a beautiful person,inside and out..so caring,warm,loving and affectionate.
I pretty much had forgotten about having a LTR w/ a girl from the industry,as I had dated a few in the past and it wasnt so great for various reasons.Allanah has changed all that,and Im so fortunate to have found her.
I know that to most guys shes a fantasy only to be viewed in pics and vids,but she is such a wonderful person in real life and my world is so much brighter with her in it.

DJ Asia

09-02-2006, 11:24 AM
Its so nice to read a story where love is involved instead of lust. Allanah, if you can withstand the 17hr flights then I'm sure your love for one another can withstand the distance. (god! I sound like a hallmark card :))

and......... if you should have any children (a bloody miracle if you do :lol:) please, name the first 3 after me.

oh yeah, PLZZZZZZZ don't disappear just yet to the beaches of thailand, cos this hairy bloke needs to visit atleast one of your parties before you stop hosting them.

09-02-2006, 07:54 PM
I'm beyond flattered :) and I'm lucky to have such a sweet and loving man.

09-02-2006, 08:55 PM
Some dudes get all the luck.

09-02-2006, 10:07 PM
Hate you, hate you, hate you.

But in a soft and cuddly sorta way. :wink:

09-03-2006, 06:46 PM
Congrats to Allanah and DJ Asia (I'd put an exclamation mark here, but it doesn't want to work on this lousy keyboard). You two do make an excellent couple.

Much happiness to both of ya.

Khloe Hart
09-04-2006, 12:30 AM
Oh my god. Allanah, that was so touching, I'm crying. You're lucky, there are so many tgirls out there that would give anything to share something so special with someone...I know how it can be. I also didn't want to open up for the longest time, but then I met my boyfriend, and I've been so happy ever since. I am so happy for you and your man. Congradulations, you deserve this and good luck.