View Full Version : Fahrenheit 9/11 = FREE membership on Grooby website?

07-03-2004, 09:16 PM
"Fahrenheit 9/11" those of you who haven't seen it yet, have got to get there. Those of you who have, drag your friends. It doesn't matter where you're political affiliations are, you need to see this. If you've read "Dude, Where's My Country" it's pretty direct translation of it to the screen - and shows what most of us already know but may open your eyes to some other disturbing connections not
reported by the mainstream US media.

Members of Shemale Yum or Ladyboy Ladyboy GET A FREE ONE MONTH MEMBERSHIP - just go and see "Fahrenheit 9/11" and follow the directions on the Shemale Yum or Ladyboy Ladyboy members pages by sending your ticket stub to us.

HINT - not a member of either of the above sites? Join one, watch the movie and get another for FREE - a $24.95 saving.

07-03-2004, 10:11 PM
Apparently the book: House of Bush, House of Saud helps corroborate some of what's in the movie......check it here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/074325337X/002-0043302-1183225?v=glance

07-03-2004, 10:18 PM
I read way more than this movie on it, Mega - if you're propaganda says it's bullshit, mine says it's real. It all depends on which media you read - and as I read worldwide media, I trust I've a larger understanding and much more plausible than what Fox and CNN is feeding us.

not going to get into a political argument...but if you support Bush you cannot support freedom, democracy or shemale porn.

07-03-2004, 11:06 PM

No more -- NOWHERE NEAR -- the propaganda that the Limbaugh's, Hannity's and O'Reilly's of the Conservative media world dispensed out on a daily basis, or for that matter, the propaganda utilized by this administration to hoodwink the ignorant and ill-informed American masses to buy into this illegal and unwarranted war. So that was a computer generated image Moore concocted on the screen showing our current warmonging Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld greeting Saddam Hussein with a big smile ? Rumsfeld met with Hussein at least twice as an envoy of the Reagan administration in the 80s in case you didn't know it. This administration loves to bring up the tens of thousands Hussein has killed, but how many were killed when the U.S. was in bed with him ? How many tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have died through the US backed UN embargo, or this current turkey shoot itself ? Ten-thousand civilians at last count for this war alone ? We killed 250,000 in the first Persian Gulf war. Wasn't that enough ? What Moore should have shown was a clip of the Senate delegation that went to see Saddam right after he gassed 5000 Kurds to deflect world criticism of the atrocity. I seem to recall Senate luminaries such as Alan Simpson and Bob Dole greeting Hussein with open arms. We could care less about doing the right or moral thing in Iraq, and we wouldn't be in that region if it weren't for oil. Look at our track record in that region.
Chalenge Moore's premises if you like, but don't ignore your own country's dirty laundry. We have been in bed with some tyrants from all over the world. Would you like a list just for the last 30 years ?

...Don't even get me started on your post. This isn't the forum for it. And what Seanchai said is absolutely right. The same Conservative mindset who peddled this unnecessary slaughter of this third world country, would be the first to slander and criticize your love for transsexual women/lifestyle. You can't have it both ways, Mega.

One more thing: FUCK GEOGE W. BUSH!!!

07-04-2004, 04:07 AM

Oh ? Your opinion is founded in what, carefully researched material from all sides of the media and political spectrum, or your level of testosterone at the time ? Tell me, do you go around beating up 150 pound weaklings simply because you can ? That's what the U.S did in this case. I'm not even going to bother getting into it with you, but I will leave you with the following quote:

You're not suppose to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.

Malcolm X

And remember one more time what Seanchai alluded to: Conservatives, just as those behind this shit in the mideast, would be the first ones to condenm you for living such a "perverted" and "immoral" lifestyle. Think hard about that, huh.

07-04-2004, 04:44 AM
I just got in from overseas and going to see Michael Moore's film is top on my list of things to do.

Michael Moore exposed the Bush administration and Bush for what he is-
Did you all know he has an iq of 95? FOR GOD SAKES A MAN WITH AN IQ OF 95 IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY. Clinton I believe was 165, the same as Margaret Thatcher, a few points shy of Albert Einstein.

When you travel overseas you really find out that the rest of the world
disagrees with the War in Iraq and the policies of the Bush administration.
The problemw ith this country is that we think that everything and everyone revolves around us. I love patriotism but national arrogance is disgusting.
There is a large anti American sentiment in many parts of the world right now (And I dont mean the Middle East) and we can largely thank George.

They are doing more and more every day to infringe on your civil liberties here in the US thanks to the Bush administration. The Bush administration is doing everything they can to limit people such as myself who make a living through the adult industry.

One more note- I recommend you go read "Vive La Revolution" by Mark Steel. A hystercial and historical account of the French Revolution- I mention this because he writes something that I find terribly poigniant:
"Now, as a superpoer stalks the world with apparent invincibility, it may be worth re-telling a tale of a time when an apparently invincible dynasty (the French Empire) was over turned by some washer women, some slaves, and a postman."

Au revoir.

07-04-2004, 06:12 AM
I'm probably going to go see this movie. I usually like documentaries, and I remember seeing a movie by him a while back called Roger and Me, which I liked.

07-04-2004, 08:03 AM

Mega who is "They"??? The same criminally inept media that parroted verbatim White House "facts". No, it could not possibly be them could it??? Please enlighten us poor blind propaganda lead sheep.

07-04-2004, 08:07 AM

Mega who is "They"??? The same criminally inept media that parroted verbatim White House "facts". No, it could not possibly be them could it??? Please enlighten us poor blind propaganda lead sheep.

Baa, baaa, baa

07-04-2004, 03:24 PM
I'm no Bush fan but this Moore character runs around Europe saying Americans are the dumbest people on earth. The freedom he enjoys here is what allowed him to make a movie like this in the first place. Yea, if was up to Bush/Ashcroft we'd probably be on a national pervert list and god knows what else, but why does Moore have to always run down the USA?

07-04-2004, 08:19 PM
I'm no Bush fan but this Moore character runs around Europe saying Americans are the dumbest people on earth. The freedom he enjoys here is what allowed him to make a movie like this in the first place. Yea, if was up to Bush/Ashcroft we'd probably be on a national pervert list and god knows what else, but why does Moore have to always run down the USA?

Moore is not without fault. He has a scattershot attack style and extrapolates wildly at times but I take that it's squarely sighted on the big guys. powerbrokers and not the common Joe or Jane.

07-04-2004, 09:57 PM

Geez, Mega - none of us really need this movie to see that Bush is just a simple-minded nitwit trying to finish daddy's laundry and make his oil buddy's rich at our expense.

Let's see Enron(Chaney) gets busted, then Halliburton (Chaney) gets busted for gas gouging in Iraq and then suddenly the prices at the US pumps begin an unprecedented and unwarranted rise? BTW - the majority of the increases can be easily traced to the major oil companies profit schemes not OPEC nor supplies running out.

"Axis of Evil" (sound suspiciously like Reagan's "Evil Empire"?) ? Crap. Why go after Iraq? N. Korea posed a bigger threat as did Iran with nuclear. And Osama Bin Forgotten? Oh yeah - remember him? Didn't he have something to do with the "War on Terrorism"?

True, the movie is said to be a bunch of pieced together soundbytes of sorts that gives a misleading representation but ain't that what the Bush administration is all about anyway?

Did they have the Bush speech where he says "Now the right hand (holding up his left hand) knows what the left hand (holding up his right hand) is doing." The man is an idiot and he proves it on an almost daily basis. No movie could ever capture the true essence of Bush (sounds like a single's bar perfume...) the way that Bush does when he opens his mouth.

There's an old Cheech & CHong routine where they come across something that looks like shit.
"Hmm Smells like shit"
"Tastes like shit"
"Hmph - must be shit then"

I'll be sending my ticket stub in.

07-04-2004, 11:23 PM
Then you shoulda kept your mouth shut? You weren't asked your opinion!

07-04-2004, 11:57 PM

Dumb, no, but ignorant, stupid, and selfish, yes. Look how many of your fellow citizens bought into the lies of this administration tying Saddam Hussein to 9/11. At one point it was over 50 percent. Look how many airheads out there still support this fucked up ill conceived imbroglio in Iraq. Look at someone such as Mega, whose opinion is likely rooted through some twist of gonads and Right-wing talk radio (Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly). Other country's citizens don't rely on hate radio to garner their information from. Compare an American 13 year old to any 13 year from any of the other industrialized countries, and not only will they know more about their country's history, but they are also most likely to know more about ours. They are far better read, and consequently, more aware of world current events. More power to Micheal Moore. It's going to take a few Micheal Moores to wake this country up....Imagine -- IMAGINE how those 150 billion spent in Iraq could have been better spent in your own country. It boggles the mind.


We're brainwashed ? You take your thinking straight from talk radio ("bleeding heart Liberals"), and we're brainwashed ? Do you know how incredibly ignorant and stupid you sound at this point ? One more time: IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11! Got that ?! And voting for an idiot who can't get through a sentence without fumbling it tells me all I need to know about you.

07-05-2004, 02:47 AM
I am so fucking happy to have a smart cocksucker like Realgirls4me to show us the way, even though his writing style tends to be preachy, wordy and very boring. Mega, shame on you for sending troops to Iraq. That was not nice of you at all, you evil so-and-so.. And furthermore, you should be rebuked for not wanting to see our troops fail. And I haven't heard word one from you on the prisoner abuse. Placing Lyndie England's undies on a prisoner's head is truly an atrocity. The horror. And as for sitting around listening to right-wing talk radio: Next thing you know you'll be in the shower with Sean Hannity, Ollie North and Newt Gingrich having a swordfight. Let's get with the program and start hating Americans, like Realgirls4me, who is obviously a supergenius and, I suspect, an FBI profiler.

07-05-2004, 03:00 AM
Why is speaking out agaisnt the goverment anti-american?
In fact it makes it even MORE American that we can disagree and be critical.

There is a difference between patriotism and arrogance! I am sick of hearing that liberals and the critics of the administration andthe war are anti American.

This administration is in shambles because of all the lies and secrets they have perpetrated all in the name of "The War on Terror". Yet the biggest terrorist in the world still remains at large.

I am proud to be an American but I am not proud of the administration and how George Buh has misled the country.

07-05-2004, 03:02 AM
And Mega, no BUSH voters are allowed at my party, LOL
Just Kidding.

07-05-2004, 03:29 AM
And as President
my first official order would be to finf u a nice young tranny hehe

I am just teasing u hun.

07-05-2004, 03:32 AM
Are you saying that you can't vote - ever - because you were once convicted of a felony? I'm assuming you've done your time, and therefore have 'paid' for your crime. In most democracies the logical assumption would be that your slate has been 'wiped clean' - a past indiscretion isn't held against you for your entire life. I can't see how you have abrogated your democratic rights purely by committing a felony - how can the US call itself a democracy when it can deny citizens their right to vote on such specious grounds? Along with the truly terrifying 'Patriot' Act and other assaults on your freedoms, you Americans really should be concerned about the direction you are going in.
BTW - I don't want to get down in politics on what is obviously not a politically-oriented board (!). I support our troops (and our allies, including the US) in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it should be apparent to anyone by now that democratisation had nothing to do with the invasion. Hopefully it can now be the result of it, but poor leadership and corruption (it is quite evident that you current administration is in the pocket of the energy industry) are the real reasons for the invasion.

07-05-2004, 03:44 AM
I think it reasonable that non-Americans voice an opinion. Unfortunately, what happens in the US affects the rest of us - particularly when your government uses foreign/external matters for internal gains. As an ally of yours, we are now entangled in Iraq until the situation is resolved - most of us (apparently, according to numerous polls) don't support the war, but we do support the men and women on the ground (I thing we are all very aware of Vietnam and the way many treated our troops then, and after). I don't think anyone really believes that the Towers were destroyed by Bush et al, and if one reads the posts carefully, that hasn't been suggested. I know that this is an emotive issue, but as usual Chet you've rapidly descended to racism and name calling - do you wonder why, sometimes, your nation isn't terribly popular. You can try to stand alone, secure in you isolationism (except when you need the legitimacy of a 'Coalition of the Willing'), but you will fail. Try to get along with others - particularly, don't insult friends purely because you are unable to mount an argument.
BTW, Real' - you are correct: the quality of education in the US is cause for derision in much of the Western world. Some excellent tertiary institutions, but across the board, and particularly in secondary institutions, and system in decline and disarray.

07-05-2004, 04:21 AM
Sid, I did my part to deliver my state for Gore. As for what the world thinks, what's its opinion on the oil-for-food scandal? Or the UN in general, with the Rawandan president implicating France in the little bloodbath there a few years ago? Also, thanks for the tips on how to act and think. I really believe that, in another place, another time, I could really fall for you.

07-05-2004, 04:56 AM
I am so fucking happy to have a smart cocksucker like Realgirls4me to show us the way, even though his writing style tends to be preachy, wordy and very boring. Mega, shame on you for sending troops to Iraq. That was not nice of you at all, you evil so-and-so.. And furthermore, you should be rebuked for not wanting to see our troops fail. And I haven't heard word one from you on the prisoner abuse. Placing Lyndie England's undies on a prisoner's head is truly an atrocity. The horror. And as for sitting around listening to right-wing talk radio: Next thing you know you'll be in the shower with Sean Hannity, Ollie North and Newt Gingrich having a swordfight. Let's get with the program and start hating Americans, like Realgirls4me, who is obviously a supergenius and, I suspect, an FBI profiler.

Ha-ha! Oh, great. Another "insightful" idiot with all the critical thinking skills of a glow worm pipes in. Do you really want me, Chet X ? I'll dumb down for you in the interest of educating your sorry ass if I must if you really want me to. It will be a reach given you're to intelligent discourse what Keith Richards is to salubrious health, but hey, I'm gamed. I mean, anyone who is going to apply words and inferences to my posts has already become a bullseye in my sights. Bring it on, Chet. Bring it on! Was this last post your best shot, by the way ? I want to gauge just how much I need to descend.

...We'll start with the "cocksucker" reference, and why it seems you are so enthralled by that part of a male's anatomy ...

07-05-2004, 05:09 AM
It's a term of endearment, isn't it, supergenius? And, BTW, I called Sen. Santorum's office to criticize his dopey homophobic remarks on the heels of the big gay marriage frenzy a while back, and wrote to the FCC protesting their heavy-handedness with the censorship, in particular with the Howard Stern case. Anything else I should be doing? Ok, go ahead and hit me with more of your indignation.

07-05-2004, 06:03 AM
It's a term of endearment, isn't it, supergenius? And, BTW, I called Sen. Santorum's office to criticize his dopey homophobic remarks on the heels of the big gay marriage frenzy a while back, and wrote to the FCC protesting their heavy-handedness with the censorship, in particular with the Howard Stern case. Anything else I should be doing? Ok, go ahead and hit me with more of your indignation.

Good for you, Chet. I'm impressed to say the least ... there are some dendrites firing properly inside those testis of yours after all, aren't there ? There's nothing I would like better than to knock that smile off ol' Ricky's face, and those comments were truly idiotic to say the least. What I just can't seem to understand at this moment is why you found his comments offensive, and they were, and yet if I'm reading you right, you're for supporting something far more horrific than the mere utterances of a moronic senator, that being an illegal, unwarranted, and unnecessary war which has killed thousands of lives, and will affix a bullseye to anything remotely tied to the U.S. or decades to come ? How do you compromise that dichotomy ? Stern has also taking a lot of shots at this current administration, particularly the FCC, so I'm wondering how you're bringing that together in your head too. Did you also let the FCC know that you did not agree with their ruling which would permit more ownership of stations in fewer hands ? I sense a lot of cognitive dissonance going on about you, Chet. True ? Clue me in will ya, Chet. I'm all ears and eyes.

By the way, Chet, why do you keep bandying about the "genius" label with regards to yours truly ? I'm flattered, but I'm nothing of the sort. Are my posts intimidating you that much already, or ??? Hmmmm, what would a neo-Freudian say ? I also find it amusing that you refer to me as indignant, and yet it was you who came in to pick a fight with me. Why not let prior exchanges between us go instead of pressing for more embarassment ?

Just a warning, Chet. This isn't the forum for it, so I've actually excercised some restraint, but guys like you are red meat for yours truly. I don't care too much for most Conservatives.

07-05-2004, 06:37 AM


Ok Mega here ya go but as promised keep ya lame politricks to yaself. Nah that would be un American of me. Keep kickin' anyway you like. Happy Indie Day mon.

07-05-2004, 06:43 AM
Opps (doubled up on the photo attach) but yummmmm

07-05-2004, 07:11 AM
Dude, I did not start the war. I didn't send the troops. But I don't see that what you are doing is helpful. We've been a bullseye for the militant islamics for years. Hell, the Pope himself sprung Vlad the Impaler out of prison and put him on the front line to try to stop them. Besides, maybe this will turn out in the long run to be a good thing. You know, if we hadn't waited so long to jump into the WWII fray, there is no holocaust, there is no D-Day slaughter.

And yes, I've been complaining about the media buy ups for years.

But enough about me....what's up with you? That name, Realgirls4me, seems odd in this forum. Is that choice of monikers a mechanism of denial? Or are you a sleeper, in here seeking the names of those who would speak against America?

Thanks for the warning, but it's not necessary. I haven't cried since I saw "The Joy Luck Club." And my apologies about the supergenius stuff. Your IQ is--what?--115? 117?

07-05-2004, 07:16 AM
Thanks for being real Real.......you are right in what you say......I've been browsing this board for well over a year and the amount of verbal diarrhea that comes out of some posters is truly amazing......some on here talk about how much they love T-girls and then denigrate some girls for being cartoon characters and being too 'pumped-up'......one girl once made a comment about asian T-girls looking nasty around their 'privates' while bemoaning someone else's put down of herself......another made racist remarks regarding the French when a french poster referred a free pic site.....and most recently someone else made some crude remarks about a murdered girl.

No-one seems to notice the hypocrisy.......they are being judgemental of others while supporting a lifstyle which faces ridicule by bigots (like themselves) who in all probability also don't think there is anything wrong with their fucked-up ideas.

People, you can't have it both ways: you can't support the people who would like to return the laws making anal sex illegal (yeah that means you can't fuck trannies without going to jail) while shouting out your support for the lifestyle here......most of the 'men' who post here behave like nothing more than johns who are interested in T-girls only for the sex. And, I'm afraid, few of the girls here really want to speak their mind on that because they don't want to alienate their client-base.......I think it's time they say something like Allanah did......she may be accused of being 'pumped-up' and a 'cartoon character' but at the very least she elevates herself above the those who seek to put people and ideas into neat little boxes.......

And let me anticipate what some will say because I'm Canadian and state that I am proud to be.......I can go anywhere in the world without feeling hatred directed at me......and the simple reason is that we try to accept people for who and what they are........we don't have to like their views or their lifestyle but we try to understand and accept......and we're doing quite all right, thanks.

Tara Emory
07-05-2004, 08:09 AM
So... Sean Hannity, Ollie North and Newt Gingrich having a swordfight"..

okay... so who'd win?


(otherwise keeping her political mouth shut but agreeing with 95% of Michael Moore and Allannah Starr and thinking that some others really need to learn how to spell...)

07-05-2004, 08:12 AM


No disrespect but did you see the movie yet? It's actually very factually sound. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, he did edit a lot, but nothing was out of context.


Tara Emory
07-05-2004, 09:02 AM
Okay.. I am going to open my big mouth anyway..

On speaking politics on this board - I think it's a great idea, since if one went to a political board all people would really be doing is agreeing the same viewpoint. Here, we get people into trannies and that's the only thing they have in common, and then we get to know each other a little better and see that we're all on different ends of (or different sides of the same end) of political opinion.

I for one do enjoy hearing the political opinions of the sort of people that are interested in people like me, since the criteria for someone to date me is more than "I like tgirls, and hey- you're a tgirl! We're made for each other..."... sheesh..

On speaking of the tranny lifestyle- take it from me, it's completely incongruous (sp?) with the moral fiber of the majority of Conservatives, regardless of how you feel about the war in Iraq. The majority of people who will vote for Bush are exactly the sort of people who really think we descended from Adam and Eve and the world was created in six days in 4004 BC. Transexuals do not fit into this picture, no way, no how.

The funny thing is that I do know a few trannies who ARE, or in some cases WERE big Bushies.. At least I think they agreed with Bush as far as getting the tax refund and with Bush's approach on the War on Terror (as far as w/ Afghanistan - and hoping for a happy end result in Iraq).. But throw in the gay-marriage debate and recent Bush mis-steps and some have switched.. Another one I know I've eventually come to the conclusion that she's not very bright, gets what little news she gets from cable news stations, and isn't much fun to be around..

Anyway, I'm rambling. As far as Fahrenheit 9/11 goes, sure there were shots, and I do wish he argued some of his points differently, particularly this one: Moore talked about capiltalizing on the fear of 9/11 type attacks. he mentioned mockingly some of the "Coalition of the Willing", and didn't mention the UK or Australia.

Now which country lost the most citizens in the Trade Towers?: USA
Which country lost the second most citizens in the TT: The UK
Which was the biggest terrorist attack to happen after 9/11: Bali Bombing
Who lost a lot (if not the most) people in tha Bali Bombing: Australia.

It's rather convoluted point to make, but if the top 3 countries were feeling hurt, pissed, fearful and feeling just a tad bit emotional and vengeful, that could be argued as a flimsy reason (or excuse) to wage a pre-emptive war. It makes me wonder what future Osamas were going to get from relatives of Iraqi civilians killed.

Of course, the ironic thing is that famies of the 9/11 victims are among the strongest of Bush's critics. AND Spain pretty much said they weren't going to play that game any more after Madrid. Then again, I think they actually caught somebody after that happened, didn't they?

I only hope people come to their senses before November and decide to try another apporach to this whole mess. For me, I'll be voting based on NOT on how things go in Iraq but on keeping the Right Wing agenda out of my government and life.


07-05-2004, 11:31 AM
It doesn't take a genius to work out that Michael Moore has obviously legitimate arguments. His work is flawed...certainly Bowling for Columbine which in at least two sections is misleading / dishonest.

I most certainly will be going to see his new film, and no doubt will once again agree with the main thrusts of his arguments. I would like to see Michael Moore tighten his fact finding because it really is the only flaw that I can see in his work.

The opening section of Bowling for Columbine where Michael Moore applies for a bank account and gets handed a free rifle is simply fantastic. The closing scene where he hijacks an all but senile Charlton Heston was beneath him I felt and cheapened an otherwise great work.

07-05-2004, 11:15 PM
Thanks for your lucid comments Tara.........you are right the Conservative agenda (be it in the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK.....wherever) is incongruous with the tranny lifestyle as well as with any agenda which promotes cultural or spiritual progression. Too often we blind ourselves into thinking that our politics are separate from our 'private' lives without realizing just how intertwined they really are.......mutual respect and tolerance goes a long way.......we don't necessarily have to like each other just try to understand each other's perspectives without becoming belligerent........


PS - I'm sure you have surprised a few posters who expect only your fulfillment of sexual fantasies (nothing wrong with that!) and not intellectual ones....................

07-06-2004, 03:18 AM


Are you sure that you can't vote? As wrong as it may seem, the law varies from state to state. In some staes you regain the right to vote after your sentence has been completely served(time, parole, probation)

Tara Emory
07-06-2004, 04:06 AM
Speaking of behalf of the soapbox standing cunt bags, transgender issues ARE political, seeing as the Religious Right thinks that WE are one of those things that is sending society straight to the Apocolypse/end times/judement day-bullshit. Remember when Falwell- or was it Pat Robertson? said the gays, aborition acitivsts, etc.. had brought 9/11 on us because they angered God?

And if you don't want a political discussion, stop posting on this thread, called "Fahrenheit 9/11 etc..", and just let the conversation peter out. You can always start another thread about something else.


07-06-2004, 04:52 AM
Are you suggesting that we should only be waxing lyrical about various TG girls? Seems to me that by conducting a discussion such as this, the girls are being given more respect - they, like us, are getting the opportunity to voice an opinion about other than their sexuality. One of the problems that this board sometimes has - from my p.o.v., anyway - is that there is often little substance to it. Someone will start a thread with a few pics, declaring their undying love for this or that girl, and then others will jump on in a similar vein. That's fine, but is pretty basic stuff. I have found it a revelation to see quite how erudite and intelligent both Allanah and Tara are. Previously, in many threads, they've not really had the scope to indicate this (although there have been signs). This board could be so much more than a sycophantic haven.
If you don't like the tone of this thread, just ignore it - you've now started a thread dedicated to your particular interest (the search for a partner), and so long as we don't start talking politics on that thread you need never deal with this again. BTW: do you remember my recent call for better manners and civility being displayed towards one another? Calling others 'cunt bags' (amongst others) really isn't helping things. If you disagree, fine - but descending so very rapidly to personal attacks is juvenile. Aside from anything else, it weakens any argument that you might mount to support your case - as soon as you start along that road, you lose credibility.
Finally - politics plays an integral part of all of our lives. As Tara pointed out, it certainly impacts in an immediate sense on her lives (and ours) - so this discussion does relate to our little community.

07-06-2004, 04:53 AM
Speaking of behalf of the soapbox standing cunt bags, transgender issues ARE political, seeing as the Religious Right thinks that WE are one of those things that is sending society straight to the Apocolypse/end times/judement day-bullshit. Remember when Falwell- or was it Pat Robertson? said the gays, aborition acitivsts, etc.. had brought 9/11 on us because they angered God?

And if you don't want a political discussion, stop posting on this thread, called "Fahrenheit 9/11 etc..", and just let the conversation peter out. You can always start another thread about something else.


I was just going to suggest that myself: If the topic isn't to your liking then remember the title of it and ignore it.

My other thought was that I would be interested in hearing the political viewpoints of the transgended aspect of society. Only because I think of them as more than just tits & dicks. I'm sure that you folks have more issues on your minds than the standard TG issues. It's nice to read some of the thoughts about the world in general from such well-known individuals. Just one more aspect of credibility in my mind. Shows that there IS more to this than just naked pics, porno movies and $100 front seat blow jobs. I don't mean to sound crass with that but it seems that the majority of use here is a few guys that attach naked pics of T-Girls; which I don't mind seeing but it's nice to actually hear the thoughts that are in the minds of these "celebrities"

People are people and we all are affected, in one way or another, by current events in the world. Being that this a "HungAngels" board I would think it would be the place to best hear the opinions and thoughts of the "HungAngels" on such matters. F911 is a strong flic at least from a controversy standpoint. I'm pretty sure that "HungAngels" are allowed to have in-depth thoughts about these things and be able to express those thoughts like anyone else.

I know I find it interesting to read them. Especially when the thoughts are presented as elequently and as intelligently as they have been.

MEGA - I know one thing - if the topic and relevant posts bothered me to the point that I began to rant about the context, I think I would just learn how not to click on that thread from the main forum. Live and let live, brother...

07-06-2004, 04:54 AM
Drinks on me Tara.....if you ever get to Toronto....................

07-06-2004, 05:02 AM
I think that's the smell of isolation...

07-06-2004, 05:32 AM
Just give it a rest.
At risk of becoming personal myself: if you act this way around the girls you profess to love, it's little wonder you're single. Now I realise that this will set you off again, but take a wander into the hall of mirrors and take a long hard look at yourself mate. Your aggressive responses to innocuous postings are completely unwarranted - try to make your point in a civil fashion.

On a lighter note, some of you will enjoy this:
- replace 'XX' with 'tt'. It's a little ditty penned by Eric Idle, of Monty Python fame. Well worth a listen, and it relates - in part - to this thread.

07-06-2004, 05:48 AM
This is an excellent thread. I give it my blessings and will chime in when I'm on a connection faster than 9660bps.

07-06-2004, 06:07 AM
Mega you've proven many times in the past that you are not as ignorant as you sometimes portray........i remember reading some posts last year when you wrote about how your ex died and what you felt about t-girls in general......there's no way that a guy who said those things could be as pompous as you made out in this thread......I'm sure you would defend to the death people's right to live without fear of persecution....and although at times you appear to be a schoolyard bully you're probably the guy who stands up to bullies........so lighten up a little...allow people to express themselves without acting like a bull in a china shop.......and show CONSIDERATION for the opinions of others - not because you HAVE to but because it is the noble thing to do.......

07-06-2004, 06:36 AM
Check PM

07-06-2004, 07:27 AM
Hey Mega I don't think it's bashing America to say that your government is making some really fucked up decisions that is killing people while the decision-makers enjoy their safe insulated lives.....in my opnion America was the bright shining light for most of the world for a very very long time........even when you had your own internal disasters like the crash in 20's and the McCarthy years etc......and all the years of the wealthy abusing the poor(although no more so than what was happening elsewhere in the world), whites against blacks etc....

But.......through it all
I think there was always the hope by the outside world that if any place was gonna work things out it was going to be America......the people that founded your country did it for money but in doing it they created the 'Declaration of Independence' and your Constitution which was like the word of god to many because it gave hope that all people - no matter their religion, their colour, their creed, their status, their caste - had the right to be treated with respect and dignity........although to many those words were just paid lip service I think there were many in your country who fought really hard to realize them.........but now....it appears that those words have become like an ad for McDonalds or something....we hear the words but we know that they lack conviction........the things that your government is doing to it's own people - nevermind those in other countries - is appalling and more so because America was never supposed to be the place where those things happen and was never supposed to be the country that perpetrated wrongs against others.....I think that is one reason why intelligent people have a serious issue with America today........and it goes back further than GW Bush........check out the REagan years.......read Noam Chomsky's book "Manufacturing Consent"....you're a guy that likes facts......it's full of incontrovertible ones.......yes America is still safer....yes it still presents opportunities but the Conservative elite seems to have hijacked your agenda......your Constitution is still there but it's just for show dude......Orwell's prophecies are being fulfilled not in Russia but right on this continent.......

I respect what you said about standing up for your own but sometimes you gotta acknowledge your brother fucked up and let him get a sufficient beating before bailing him out (to use your analogy)....the thing about honour is that it's the very thing people like GW Bush count on to get good people to do bad bad things.........the fascists were (and are) very good at it.......everyone knows about Hitler and Mussolini and Franco......all the crimes against humanity perpetrated in the name of honour and blood loyalties and family ties......when shit stinks you gotta throw it out even if it's in your own home......

Tara Emory
07-06-2004, 08:28 AM
Mega, have you ever been to any other countries? Interacted with people in those countries? just asking.

I just love the way when i was growing up how in school they tought us that America was a free country, as if Canada was some sort of Orwellian military dictatorship or something.

Personally I do belive in the founding principles of this country,and of most others.. I don't get into nationalism becuase it can get very very ugly. Look at 60 - 100 years ago how in Europe nationalism got so out of control that whole entire nations were so convinced that they were better than other countries that it made them not think twice about going to war since the enemy isn't worth as much as they are. Most of the people screaming "Go Go U! S! A!" have that same mentality. Shit- any other country where the people can't speak your language-- ooh.. how can you trust them?

If feeling that way and wanting to be a citizen of the world is unpatriotic, than fuck it, I'm not patriotic. I hope to see a day when the country someone comes from is about as important as the state someone comes from.. We dont have people from Nevada hating and killing people from Vermont do we? And now it;s pretty much inconceivable (except lunkheads who want to push nationalizm) that any European country would go to war with another like they did 60 years ago.


07-06-2004, 08:35 AM
The public put downs of our President is a First Amendment priviledge. The Sedition Act was thrown to the wayside 200 years ago, remember? This ain't Old England. We are allowed to if we feel the need to express our disapproval. I see no "clear and present danger" in it.

He put our troops in harms way without any realistic good reason. He had his eye on Iraq since he was elected. I am in full support of, and my prayers are with, our troops (and those from the other countries in the "coalition"). But I do not and will not support our President's reasons for being there. His actions will do, and have done, nothing but escalate the hatred for the USA by the extremists that tout the Al-Qaeda "flag". The Al-Qaeda priciples will more than likely spill over into the mainstream Muslim world as we do more to piss them off in that region. The "extremist" tag that we apply to these people will no longer apply as they become more mainstream. Bush's invasion of Iraq is nothing but fuel in the fire for them. 9-11-01 will become nothing more than "the first time".

My comments about his intelligence are not unfounded. Watch him and listen to him. He is a bit of a nitwit. President or not. Being the President just makes it more of a joke in my mind. But then again, this is a country that tried to "hang" Clinton for what, - a blowjob from a fat ugly girl? For his taste in sex partners I can see but not for a blowjob. I always wondered who was really behind that being that the Bush family was pissed at Clinton for beating H. in the elections. Do you know that W. Bush placed restrictions on all living presidents concerning their foreign affairs? Seems to have occurred when he saw Clinton meeting with the Saudi's. Seems like a few of them were getting credit for good things.

The man is a nitwit. Then he puts a nipple clamp on the tail of a mad dog. Brilliant. I'm sure he'll be remembered well in the annals of history.

I'll tell ya this: if there is any chance of him being re-elected, expect the shit to hit the fan.

If you want to run around touting support for a president that has created a very precarious, dangerous & vulnerable time for our country, as well as our losing too many lifes for nothing other than trying to be what daddy couldn't be, well then that's your right. Just like my right to express my disapproval of his actions. Blindly applauding anything he does just because he is the President is not what this country is about. What this country is about is removing that environment. That's why the Federalist party didn't cut it. They promoted that type of sedition.

See, the thing is when, not if but when, the next, larger Al-Qaeda attack comes on American soil the general public will be blaming Bush not rallying behind him as we did on 9-12-01. Why? Because more and more is being uncovered about his personal reasons for making Iraq a priority, his ignoring warnings that the invasion would bring more tension in the Israeli-Palastinian situation as well as between us and the Muslim world in general. And his seemingly forgetting about the who's of 9-11-01. More American citizens and others world-wide are beginning to see the light.

The shit will hit the fan and it will be from his actions.

"I couldn't go to school now. Too old. Not interested..."
- Part of a Bush inspirational speech to the youth of America -
Disclaimer: Just an old guy who watched the Twin Towers go up while anchored near the Statue of Liberty every other weekend knowing that a few friends of mine were helping to build them. Just an old guy who loves his American style freedoms and still gets wet-eyed when he sees any pictures of the WTC. Just an old guy waiting for this administration to catch the fuck that brought them down.

07-06-2004, 09:51 AM
Mega - the one point of your opinion I fail to understand is that you say you refuse to bash or put your president down. Why? What loyalty do you owe him and what loyalty has he shown to the public?
False loyalty like blind faith? Why not question it if something is not right.
This is not about Kerry - it's about Bush?

07-06-2004, 10:25 AM
Mega - Why do you think I'm working against you? Believe me - I didn't need anyone to hook me up at a party was co-hosting :-)

I just don't understand the blind faith thing, maybe I was brought up to question things I thought wrong and not just to follow someone who was a "so-called" leader. To inform others of injustices, to fight for what I feel was right and give my loyalty to a cause or persons whom I felt deserved it. You're argument just doesn't stand up because of that one point? (actually many more than one point - but we don't need to get to them as it fails in it's beginning?

You know where my trannies are - they're on Shemale Yum, Black Tgirls, Brazilian Transsexuals, Ladyboy Ladyboy, Franks-Tgirlworld, JoeySilvera and Giadarling - you know how to see them...go and watch Fareneheight 9/11 and send me the ticket stub :lol:

Not asking you to do anything other than sit back - be indignant when you leave if thats how you feel but at least see something, or read the books and newspaper articles on it and make your own mind up where the loyalty should lie. To your the US people and troops - or some goverment sanctioned corporate business?
I fail to see why wanting to bring back the troops to respective countries, to stop the needless killings, to stop the British and US troops from be lied to should be construed as "bleeding hearts"? I prefer to think of it as objective and realistic viewpoint not fuelled by power or money.


07-06-2004, 01:20 PM
What confuses me is how you (Mega) compare the hierarchy of government with personal family business and with employment principles. If you and the rest of the country was responsible for the choice of parents or family member then by all means you should be allowed to speak of your displeasure. Otherwise family business is family. It's not an elected government official. Jobs are jobs. If you don't like the boss - you quit. The three are all different from each other.

You seem to be more obsessed with who you are and where you're from in life than the issues discussed in the thread. The issue is not Bush vs Kerry anymore than it would be Bush vs Gore. The fact remains that Bush is behind the desk. The issues seem to be his legitimacy as a "good leader". He got that position from our collective faith in him. Actually it was his brother's state not knowing how to count. Wow - another coincidence...

These people seduce votes out of us with their political snake-oil soapbox bullshit. When they fuck up we, as a free nation, are able to express our disgust over it. That is what FREEDOM is about. Not ranting on waving a flag and knowing nothing of the mechanics behind the flag. I'm not speaking of you in that scenario but you know that there are people that do it.

I do agree with the statement about Moore running around Europe shooting down the USA. I don't think that's right. If he wants to discredit the country of his citizenship then he should give it up. Discrediting his country's leadership is a bit different and I'm sure that he found many foreigners that agreed with him.

Supporting our troops is not the same as supporting the President. "Commander In Chief" is just a legal term created for clarification purposes. A shitbag would be the ones that spit at the troops when they come back from SE Asia fighting a no sense war for a lieing government trying to save face. The choice was not and is not theirs to make. The lack of support that they received, to me, was a total disgrace.

Supporting our troops is the proper thing to do in ANY campaign. Applauding the blindfolded busdriver who can't find the brake pedal just because he's the bus driver is not. This President took a surplus and ran it into the ground. He pissed away 150 BILLION (so far) in his ridiculous quest to rid the world of Saddam. That, in my opinion, was nothing but a family vendetta. Saddam was a terror to his own country with all the different religous sects attempting their uprisings against his government. He invaded Kuwait with the mindset that it belongs to Iraq. Kind of like the Israeli thing except we waged war against him for it. Iran & Iraq have warred for centuries. He used chemical warfare. Didn't we set the standard for that? I'm getting off topic here.

The point is everyone is entitled to their own opinions and their own beliefs in what being a true American is. Of course many of those principles are pre-defined and as I said before sedition is not allowing people to say "bad things" about their government. That ended with Thomas Jefferson in 1800. If you feel that is the way to show patriotism, well more power to you. But shitslinging and demeaning comments directed to those that disagree with you is kind of childish. And doing it to "stir things" up is akin to knocking over traffic cones on the Interstate for no reason.

Just remember:
You ain't the only one that's seen shit or done shit or been involved in shit or been caught for shit or has payed his price to society for shit or been victimized by shit. And look around you, son - you ain't the only knocker in the Bronx book. :wink:

Thanks for sharing the great pics BTW!

07-06-2004, 03:43 PM
Mega...that girl in those pics. She gives me--How you say?--impure thoughts. I would like to take her for a ride on my magic carpet, yes?

Oh, and fuck Michael Moore, that Nambla-lookin Limosine Liberal. I just don't like the cut of his jib. He should get a proper haircut. It appears as though his mother engaged in carnal congress with a monkey.

I'm glad we have a president who says "nuculer" and scares the fuck out of the rest of the world. And Dr. Evil as VP....I wonder if him using the fuck word on the senate floor was intentional, a subtle reminder that he isn't in that freezer next to Ted Williams's head and that alien who crashed in 1947?

Al Sharpton for President. I haven't heard him mention making assfucking illegal, and that's all I need to know. James Brown, as secretary of state, wouldn't be caught mincing around performing a Village People skit, eh?

07-06-2004, 09:46 PM
Nice babe Mega i could run if I had a Campagain Manager like her I could even could win. :D then i would show the American people and Kenny Starr ture action in the White House.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :evil:

i will see Far. 9/11 for the simple reason that True understanding is a 3 edge sword.

one edge has G.W.'s truth (been beseiged by that edge :D )
the second edge has M.M.'s truth (I can take him in very small doses :D )
the midde edge (third) has the true truth (that is what i want to know and what both sides are skirting around)

i really want to say that this nov. I will vote for ...."None of the above" but alas even though i dislike Kerry a hell of alot..... i dislike G.W. even more so as usual i will cast my vote to stir the shit.

07-07-2004, 12:14 AM
Bush the only idiot?
January 9, 2004--Former US president Bill Clinton said in October during a visit to Portugal that he was convinced Iraq had weapons of mass destruction up until the fall of Saddam Hussein, Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso said.
"When Clinton was here recently he told me he was absolutely convinced, given his years in the White House and the access to privileged information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction until the end of the Saddam regime," he said in an interview with Portuguese cable news channel SIC Noticias

"The Iraqi regime's record over the decade leaves little doubt that Saddam Hussein wants to retain his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and to expand it to include nuclear weapons. We cannot allow him to prevail in that quest. The weapons are an unacceptable threat."“(Remarks of Senator John Kerry on Iraq, U.S. Senate, 10/9/02)

Kerry on running mate:
‘In the Senate four years - and that is the full extent of public life - no international experience, no military experience, you can imagine what the advertising is going to be next year,’ Mr. Kerry said. With a grin, he added: ‘When I came back from Vietnam in 1969 I don’t know if John Edwards was out of diapers then. Well, I’m sure he was out of diapers.’” (Adam Nagourney and Jim Rutenberg, “With Hopes Up And Elbows Out, Democrats Give Iowa Their All,” The New York Times, 1/19/04)

Vlad Putin:
ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AP) - Russia gave the Bush administration intelligence after the September 11 attacks that suggested Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was preparing attacks in the United States, President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

Putin said he couldn't comment on how critical the Russians' information was in the U.S. decision to invade Iraq. He said Russia didn't have any information that Saddam's regime had actually been behind any terrorist acts.

"After Sept. 11, 2001, and before the start of the military operation in Iraq, the Russian special services, the intelligence service, received information that officials from Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist attacks in the United States and outside it against the U.S. military and other interests," Putin said. [by BAGILA BUKHARBAYEVA, Jun 18, 8:26 AM (ET)]

07-07-2004, 03:57 AM
Just for shits & giggles here are two names to play with:

Arbusto Energy
Harken Energy

Amazing how the bin Laden family name pops up with the Bush family name with common ties to the Saudi King Fahd. That's not to mention the insider trading as a result of "someone" being CIA director; interests in Bahrain which strangley enough has been mentioned a lot in the terrorist's list of targets...

Here's a link to some Harken info: http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0208/S00139.htm

Honorable mention to The Disney Corp, who tried to prevent the Cannes showing of F911. Could that have anything to do with Jeb's job?

and for added pleasure:

University of Texas Endowment Fund
Harvard Endowment Fund
Silver Screen Management Inc

"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things."
—Bush, reassuring us that the wartime president of the most powerful nation on earth does not think too much
Source: Federal Document Clearing House, "Roundtable Interview of the President by White House Press Pool," June 4, 2003

07-07-2004, 04:00 AM
Allanah claims Bush to have an IQ of 95? That's crazy. It can't be...

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."
Source: United Press International, "Bush Proposes Increase in Education Funds," Mark Kukis, Feb. 21, 2001

"We want results in every single classroom so that one single child is left behind."
—Bush, speaking in Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 10, 2003

"There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says: Fool me once, shame on [pause] shame on you. [Pause] Fool me [long, uncomfortable, agonizing pause] you can't get fooled again."
Source: The Washington Post, "The Reliable Source," Lloyd Grove, Sept. 18, 2002

"I should have clarified it by my statement. I just clarified it by my—not should have—I just."
—Bush, trying to clarify a statement
Source: FDCH Political Transcripts, "George W. Bush Holds Media Availability with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi," Sept. 14, 2002

You give him way too much credit...

07-07-2004, 04:02 AM
And for you fellow TeeLovers that support Bush:
White House Spokesperson Calls Gay-Bashing Senator an "Inclusive Man"
Following Sen. Rick Santorum's, R-Pa., comments equating homosexuality with polygamy and incest, the Bush administration praised Santorum as an "inclusive man." In an interview with the Associated Press, Santorum stated, "If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything." Santorum, who also blamed feminists and liberals for hurting American families, is the third highest-ranking Republican in the Senate leadership.
Sources: San Francisco Chronicle, "Gay Uproar May Not Hurt Senator," Marc Sandalow, April 23, 2003

Bush Defends Texas' Sodomy Law
During his 1994 campaign for governor, Bush defended Texas's sodomy law, which makes sexual activity between same-sex adults illegal, as a "symbolic gesture of traditional values."
Source: ABC News, "Where Will He Stand? Bush Faces Difficult Issues on Gay Rights," Julia Campbell, Jan. 17, 2001

Bush Opposes Hate Crimes Bill That Includes Sexual Orientation
As governor of Texas, he opposed a hate crimes bill specifically because it included sexual orientation in the definition of a hate crime. This is one of the few anti-crime measures Bush has ever opposed.
Source: Texas Monthly, "James Byrd, Jr.: Law's Latest Symbol," Paul Burka, Sept. 1999

Wouldn't life be fun with Bush's visions ruling your choice of lifestyles.

07-07-2004, 04:38 AM
Ok this is what America needs to do................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................TA KE BACK THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!! once during every 2 to 4 years we get interested in government I.E election time. For a republic/democracy to work is for the people to have a vested interest in the government. back during the Clinton Admin we let Congress tell us whether or not Kenneth Starr could investigate Clinton or not..... WE SHOULD HAVE TOLD CONGRESS THAT not the other way around. As the orginal consitution said and it was written in Tom Clancy's Book "Clear and Present Danger." the president does have a boss.............................................. ........THE PEOPLE and if the people don't stand up and demand accountability out of all of leaders then we might as well be a dictatorship.
(climbing off my soapbox) :evil:

07-07-2004, 04:46 AM
Let's not forget: Janet Reno appointed Starr--and he refused at first.

I'd say the country got hijacked when JFK got whacked.

07-07-2004, 05:01 AM
Me and the missus (she ain't pregnant--just fat) prior to heading to Pittsburgh to greet Sen. Kerry.

07-07-2004, 06:18 AM

Glad to see that Moore cleaned up for the photoshoot!

07-07-2004, 06:40 AM
Humm just realized this........... of all the political power in DC..... you know Rumsy, cheney, and Ashy all have more accumulated power than Bushy..........hell I bet Conswalla Rice has more power than bushy

it will be the same when Jebby goes for it in 2008

07-07-2004, 07:46 AM
I am so very glad the Supreme Court ruled in favor of that gay couple.
The conservative agenda is just worried about making their America wthout diversity and freedoms.

If George Busg is so worried about indesceny, he should be really worried about the things that are really indescent in this country:



07-07-2004, 02:02 PM
Silly me...I thought the movie was about Bush misleading us into battle, but what it's really about is, I don't like it that Bush doesn't like it when I ass-fuck, and gimme gimme gimme. Now that is a concept I can support (the movie, I mean) as well as not support (the Republicans, showing no compassion for the poor). I'd rather see them defund NASA and apply that huge sum to social programs. I can't believe they sent those poor astronauts up to that orbiting haunted house of a space station without a backup plan to bring them down. And Mars? Hell, even if we got there and discovered life, we wouldn't know if its was native, or something we sent in the 70's with the first probes send, which were non-decontaminated .

07-07-2004, 04:36 PM
well... here in Italy we are still waiting to see those mass destruction weapon they told us for months... even if i think the most deadly weapon is the one living in washington... or in texas when there is some risk...

07-07-2004, 06:51 PM
That's the one thing I'll give Bush credit for. At least he didn't bury some WMD in the sand and pull one of those "OOOH LOOK! TOLD YA!"

But then again election day hasn't passed yet...

07-07-2004, 07:09 PM
All I gots to say is if Fahrenheit 9/11 gets even 1 more vote to ensure my boy John Edwards gets into the Executive Branch, it's alright by me.

07-07-2004, 11:05 PM
Does this now mean John Edwards must give up talking to the dead on his show "Crossing Over"?

07-08-2004, 01:39 AM
That's the first genuine amusing contribution you've made to this posting, Chet. Excellent. Well spotted - I'm going to be borrowing that one!

07-08-2004, 08:59 PM
Well i saw it........i will not rank it on my list of movies to see in 2004 in fact it didn't beat number 10 on that list.... Dawn of the dead. :wink:

As i figured it made some very good points in places with how G.W.'s businesses failed but alas harken oil did well (on paper) (pointed at involvement with Biladen as the reason for the success).

that G.W.'s admin before sept. 11 was saying Sadam was nothing of a threat then after Sept 11 that were stating that he was one of the gravest threats in the world today.

My mother saw it with me she liked the common sense approach M.M. took with the reporting about the flying of the bin landens out on sept 11 segiment.

good watch not a great movie and likely not to be seen by anyone who doesn't already spectulate that there is more to G.W than a silly ass smirk. :-? <kinda like that. :roll:

07-08-2004, 09:04 PM

AVN picked it up :-)

07-09-2004, 11:04 AM

AVN picked it up :-)

You da man!

You should Moore a comp membership

07-09-2004, 12:55 PM
Well i saw it........i will not rank it on my list of movies to see in 2004 in fact it didn't beat number 10 on that list.... Dawn of the dead. :wink:

As i figured it made some very good points in places with how G.W.'s businesses failed but alas harken oil did well (on paper) (pointed at involvement with Biladen as the reason for the success).

that G.W.'s admin before sept. 11 was saying Sadam was nothing of a threat then after Sept 11 that were stating that he was one of the gravest threats in the world today.

My mother saw it with me she liked the common sense approach M.M. took with the reporting about the flying of the bin landens out on sept 11 segiment.

good watch not a great movie and likely not to be seen by anyone who doesn't already spectulate that there is more to G.W than a silly ass smirk. :-? <kinda like that. :roll:

I have yet to see the movie yet (I have to now to get the ticket stub!) - does it mention anything about Arbusto Energy?

If you want to see a nice detailed timeline on Harken Energy, I posted a link a page back that really gives you an eyeball full. All the way back to daddy Bush.

07-09-2004, 03:24 PM
Yeah in the begining. He presented it as one of G.W.'s first of many failed companies that got bought out.

Sorry I don't think that is right hell i am not sure I was up and down alot at the begining of the movie complaining to the Theater managers about speaker problems..... (we have some of the worst theaters here in WV)
but i do recall it was mentioned

07-09-2004, 09:59 PM
I am not sure it actually said that G.W. and Osma were in cahoots over the tower attacks. It just said G.W. sat on his butt and ignored intel that may have or have not stopped the attack on them. It did imply that Osma's daddy and the royal family invested heavily into G.W.'s company and the Companies of his daddy and his Admin.

i am not saying that everything MM said is true and it isn't, for that matter neither has everything that G.W. and his admin said been on the up and up, the real truth as with all truth lies in the middle of their views. I do know one thing for cetain.... i think Cheny and rumsy ought to be held accountable for easing ties between the U.S., Europe, and Saddam back in the 80's when we knew what a son of a bitch he actually was. The sad thing is the only person besides Public Radio to tell anything about that has so far been Mike Moore so i will give him "thumbs up" on that one.

07-09-2004, 11:22 PM

07-10-2004, 01:11 AM
"The Passion of Christ"??? Nice fairytale. I preferred "Conan the Barbarian".

07-10-2004, 06:53 AM
Holy Shit Mega......first, half-hearted support for the Republican politicos and now flagrant advertising for the fundamentalist type........what's next? Revisionist ramblings about the whole slavery thing? Hmmmmm let me guess it wasn't so bad for them niggers....after all they got free food and drink and a place to live, huh?

I once met a guy....a 'good Christian' (white dude from the islands married to a black woman) who claimed he 'loves everybody' but after 1/2 hour I had him saying Jamaica is a wicked place that has never contributed anything to society (although he shook his ass to calyso and reggae music), Africa was a backward place that never contributed anything to civilization (apparently didn't realize that democracy came from Greece who borrowed some from the Cretans, who borrowed some from the Egyptians), and black people in general were lazy good-for-nothings.......notice the general theme? Probably went home afterwards and fucked his stupid, good-for-nothing, backward wife and had himself a good time........

I know this though.........I crushed his twisted ideas with logic and knowledge and after 1 hour he ran from the room screaming (literally) that I was a 'child of the devil'.......

I'll say it again........you can't fuck people in the ass and support the right-wing agenda which invariably includes the fundamentalist religious (be it christian, islamic, judaeic to name a few.......) types........I'm not saying don;t see or see anything........but if I did make a recommendation it would be one that is consistent with my character.......anybody understand what I'm saying?

Tara Emory
07-11-2004, 06:58 AM
I went away from this discussion and looks what happens! Tisk!

Ok Mega.. You're "not religious" and you're pushing the Passion of the Christ? You're joking, right? or you're just throwing curveballs out there to get some wacky reactions..


07-11-2004, 10:26 AM
Wow. Who would've thunk it ? I'm out of town for a few days and the transsexual Hung Angels forum becomes a place for social, political, and religious commentary. ...By the way, a great deal of Moore's film receipts go to charity. How much of "The Passion of the Christ" receipts went/go to charity ? Is Gibson out and about assisting the poor with his millions ? It wouldbe the Christian thing to do after all, right ? That's what Christ would want, right ?

... What I continue to find amusing is how many here, and outside of this forum, criticize Moore for his "copy and paste" MO which supposedly plays fast and loose with the facts, but mention nothing about talk radio "pundits" such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly, et all, who do this for a living day in and day out. All the aforemention do this everyday -- EVERYDAY! -- and they and their lemmings have the gall to point fingers ?! What fucken frauds and hypocrites all!

...With this film, Moore has performed the ultimate public service, by at least getting people to question their leaders, and to perhaps see that things aren't always as black and white as our leaders would like them to be. Look at the debate it spawned here ?! :)

By the way, who said something about France, or the French to be more precise ? Point me to that post.

07-11-2004, 05:07 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Ahh the french................ i love to :D hate :D them.lol

Way i see it this country is so........"bushwack(o)" that they forget that if it weren't for the French we would prob. still be a "subject of the English Empire". The French gave us the Statue of Liberty (which no member of congress or the government itself would rally for) "long may she reign" Wait a minute Tara there is a theme for you "Statue of Liberty"

We also gave the French alot as well. We gave them the idea of rebellion. and if it weren't for us then they would prob still be a subject of the Nazi Empire. That by the way we throw in their face everytime they "go against us".

So all in all I feel that every country that is a nation unto itself should have the right to "be and govern themselves the way they deem prudent."

And speaking from a history standpoint........ France was fighting wars long before George Washington was a gleam in his daddy's eyes so to me if they want to set out a war or two then they have earned that right.

07-12-2004, 06:24 AM
Mega - you certainly keep me entertained...your absolutely precious, a national treasure.

07-12-2004, 08:12 AM
No I wish I could but to many committments over here - takes me over 12 hours to get to NY and $1200.
Will be there in spirit though!

07-12-2004, 06:27 PM
Well I guess Bush must think he's going to lose the election judging by the fact that the government (Ridge) is looking for a legal way to postpone the elections in the event of an attack...

... either that or there's a potential duct tape shortage.

Hail to the chief.

Next thing Bush's buddies will be backing Nader. Oh wait - never mind - they already are...

07-12-2004, 07:21 PM

bin Laden is a big family. Osama's older brother, Salem, was one of Bush's first business partners. That is not a fairytale. It is documented fact.

The Wall Street Journal - you know that fairytale rag that sells next to the National Enquirer - has reported that Bush's buddy James Bath funneled money from Salem bin Laden to set Bush up in the oil business. Same guy that appointed Bush's buddy Bath as his business rep (strangely enough) right after daddy Bush was named head of the CIA. And of course Harken Energy being granted the contract to drill off shore of Bahrain was logical being that Harken Energy had never drilled off shore anywhere before...

I wonder if Salem bin Laden's death is stilled ruled a freak accident. A very experienced pilot flying into power lines in San Antonio...

These are documented facts not inuendo's of a film maker. The bin Laden family is a big name and big business with many ties. Except for that one crazy civil engineer.

And as far as Bush making money on his company - interesting how he sold his shares of it but it wasn't reported for months and months until right after the Kuwait Involvement ended. I think the SEC has some sort of law about timely filings of Report 4's, don't they? And wasn't his sale based on insider information that the general public was not privey to? The name Martha Stewart comes to mind but I can't figure out why...

Interesting quote somewhere about Bush's business practices. Something like "The boys at ENRON could've gone to school with this crap".

What else comes to mind when I think of corruption. Hmmm. The S&L swindles, perhaps? Wait wasn't there yet another Bush involved with that as well?


Being that so many foreign countries were invited/roped into going to this BBQ of Bush's I think that they are entitled to comment on the cooking...

07-12-2004, 07:22 PM
glad I read that last post. I was about to join "Ass-fuckers for Nader '04 .org," only to find its part of the right-wing conspiracy. where are the fucking Masons when you need them?

07-12-2004, 10:10 PM
glad I read that last post. I was about to join "Ass-fuckers for Nader '04 .org," only to find its part of the right-wing conspiracy. where are the fucking Masons when you need them?

I shouldn't have said supporting Nader - rather contributing financially.

Is that Masons or did you forget the "N"... :wink:

07-12-2004, 11:30 PM
TEE, looks like Salem got Ron Browned.....you should check out the Dr. Evil scenarios presented by authors like David Icke and Jim Marrs. Fascinating stuff for cospiracy lovers.



07-13-2004, 02:15 AM
abortions for some...miniature American flags for others

07-14-2004, 01:58 PM
what redeaming qulities do you find in this bumbling fool?

there is one quality I do find in our current president.....he does have his vision of what America should be........but on the flipside of that I am sure he also had visions of where his (now failed) companies should be. however his vision of America disturbs me greatly. From his speechs it seems that he wants all Homosexuals and everybody who isn't the most strict of heterosexual deligated to second class citizens. Take a long look at the "anti-gay marriage admendment" if enacted it will be the first admendent to take rights away from a group of people for no more excuse than "they are different".

The "No child left behind law".....i used to support this because like most Americans I only read the surface of the law..once you go deeper it is the most damaging piece of work done to education in a long time. Why you ask?....It is unfunded the public schools...through whatever reason (some founded some unfounded) are strapped for cash. So if your a parent with a kid who has a problem with learning and the P.S. cannot give him the help he or she needs then they (the P.S.) has to pay for transporting the kid to where they can get the help (drastic example is a Public school system having to shell out more money just to ship a kid to private (religious school)

The "faith based initiatives" How in the bleeding hell did this one get by the Seperation of Church and State? this allows the biggest (richest) sector in the U.S. to receive federal money for services (like alcohol counseling,) without having to pay 1 cent in taxes back to the government. Take a long look in your respective cities or towns.... How many churches are "remodelling","expanding", hell totally building new churches. Don't know about your town or city but where I live I bet in the last 4 years about 60% have started expanding. With one church now encompassing about 2 city blocks.

here it is in a nutshell...... i too believe like Mega on the idea that Kerry isn't the best choice in the world, but on the other hand we could do alot worse than him if we re-elect Dubya back in there.
"4 more years of fear"

Stepping down from the soapbox for the last time "I promise"

07-14-2004, 02:29 PM
Why don't the Democrats run Martin Sheen for president? Here's a lefty who puts his own ass on the line, having been arrested 70 times in protesting for liberal causes. And he's played president several times. Of course, we'd hope he'd be more Jed Bartlet than Greg Stilson. Ed Begley Jr. can be the alternative energy-minded VP who helps free us from the clutches of petrolium and the internal combustion engine.

07-15-2004, 11:54 PM
There are current rumors of subliminal propaganda in F911 based on some frame freezes. These frames are thought to be the reason why most people view Bush in a negative light after viewing the movie.

07-16-2004, 12:14 AM
now THAT is comedy

07-16-2004, 12:32 AM
Never thought i would ever say Sweet about a non TS pic here at hung angels but that last pic is truly sweet.

well for the Bushites out there at least you can say one thing about that last pic.......at least he didn't ave them backwards :roll:

07-16-2004, 01:39 AM
Here is some more funny political humor:



07-16-2004, 01:59 AM
hey TeeLover, that is some funny shit dude. (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA) :lol:

hey do u have some more of "bushism" (bush quotes)?

07-16-2004, 02:50 AM
Never thought i would ever say Sweet about a non TS pic here at hung angels but that last pic is truly sweet.

well for the Bushites out there at least you can say one thing about that last pic.......at least he didn't ave them backwards :roll:

Almost makes you think that he'll have two big black circles around his eyes when he's done...

07-16-2004, 06:53 AM
Take the quiz!


This is one fucken moron. I can't say I can blame his handlers for keeping him away from press conferences, or in off-the-cuff situations. He shouldn't be in charge of a church social, let alone the most powerful and richest country on the planet. Nepotism has reached new depths with this clown in any position of power.

07-16-2004, 08:26 AM
Take the quiz!


This is one fucken moron. I can't say I can blame his handlers for keeping him away from press conferences, or in off-the-cuff situations. He shouldn't be in charge of a church social, let alone the most powerful and richest country on the planet. Nepotism has reached new depths with this clown in any position of power.

I'm fond of this paragraph:

"Being at war doesn't render Dubya's frequent verbal mishaps unfunny. And if I'm not mistaken, a person's patriotism is not defined by blind faith in the nation's leadership. It's a little more sophisticated than that. "

Kinda makes me think of the dialogue a few pages back.