View Full Version : before

06-30-2004, 06:39 AM
I would be interested to see what some of these gorgeous shemales looked like when they were men, just to the difference, and how much work they put into being a woman.

06-30-2004, 09:14 AM
Do you honestly think that we took all this time to get away from our "boy" looks that we would allow and or have boy pics floating around, that is a joke. I am not ashamed of who I am but myself and other ts's I know would NEVER have masculine pics of ourselves online to remind us of the struggle and pain to get where we are today.


06-30-2004, 08:45 PM
Sorry Wendy, I understand better now, thanks.

06-30-2004, 09:44 PM
I for one could care less what a girl looked like in a previous life. I'm interested in them as the women they are today, and not what they entered this world as ... If anything, I would prefer to read about where they are going, not where they came from.

06-30-2004, 11:09 PM
I have a framed picture of myself when I was 13 in my apartment.
I am not ashamed of who I was and what I looked like-it reminds me of the the incredible transformation I have undergone.

In fact, I am thinking of publishing pictures on my site on the bio, through the years and through the different surgeries.
Alot of people are curious as to what I looked like prior, and I see nothing wrong in satisfying that curiosity.

07-01-2004, 12:53 AM
If the girls who frequent this site started a topic heading of what they looked like before their respective transformations, I wouldn't bother to visit it. No way. No offense meant to anyone's embrace of who they once were in their previous life, but why would I want the images and thoughts (fantasies) of these women -- the only ones I've known, mind you -- "sullied" with the juxtaposition of a male image ? I'm not into males, and I see these women as basically reclaiming what they once were as an embryo. There is only a two percent biological/physiological difference between males and females with TS women staking their position to the latter, so anything to muddle or tarnish that stake and image throws a kink into the whole thing. Thanks to the internet, porn videos, and personal meetings, I've only known them as women, and prefer they stay that way in my head. Showing pictures of what they once looked like as males would be akin to revealing that George Clooney was once the identical biological twin to Paul Ruebens (Pee-Wee Herman). Knowing that, could you now be able to sit through a George Clooney flick without giggling at some point ? Could you take him as serious ?

...I wouldn't mind seeing before and after pictures of TS women from their early days as transsexuals to the present, but going all the way back to them as males, no.

There. Those are my two cents on the issue. :)

07-01-2004, 05:08 AM
I agree that I have a curiousity about the "pre-transformation" of the individual but only on a purely curious level. For want of a better analogy: like a car restoration - the before & after in order to "see" the result. I would be fascinated by a morph between the two.

I think one or two girls that I've spoke too about photos where they lived had said that they keep one out from the time when they really knew or figured out "who" they were. I guess what they were going through in the confusion. You know, once they were no longer "confused". I can't remember the choice words that was used but I think I get the idea behind their thinking. Kind of like a pic of an old friend that they used to know.

I like Allanah's response. And I think I could appreciate pics of the prepubescent stage. Or perhaps at the onset of puberty. FACESHOTS you knuckleheads - faceshots. The surgical steps of the transformation would be interesting from a scientific point of view (not to sound to clinical but I hope you get my drift). I guess like seeing the stages between the seedling and the full-bloomed flower.

07-01-2004, 05:39 AM
Well Allanah maybe that is you but I for one am NOT ashamed either but really dont care to be reminded of what Ive worked hard to achieve at this point in my life. I mean you get all iffy when someone mentions your drag career so its hard for me to assume you would ENJOY someone looking at pics of you as a adult male , I also have a pic of me when I was 6 but we do all have our own preferences it has NOTHING to do with being ashamed, if you choose to publish it in a tasteful way then by all means go ahead but I was addressing the fact he wanted people to just post pics and I was addressing that but glad you are there for peoples curosity. There's an awesome boy pic of you at Dr. Galitz office would you like me to scan it for you? I mean it would def help alot with their curosity, right?


07-01-2004, 06:43 AM
A one month membership to Shemale Yum for the first person to answer;
"In which movie did George Clooney play a transvestite?"
First to answer on this site.

07-01-2004, 07:08 AM
The Harvest as a lip sync

and Batman of course... :wink:

07-01-2004, 07:52 AM
You got it - watch out for my email.

07-01-2004, 02:29 PM

My eperience has thought me that u have issues and I choose not to deal with you anymore.

Furthermore, if threatening to publish pictures suits your fancy then go right ahead and do as you wish. THIS IS A FORUM, I was stating my oinion and you decided to attack me.

As far as the pictures at DR. Galitz office, well YES I know what they look like and feel free to publish them all you like, I can proudly say I look different since those pictures because I HAVE HAD SURGERY.

Maybe you should heed that advice? I suggest you concern yourself with your own affairs and life instead of trying to be so involved in others.

By the way Dr. Ousterhout in San Francisco fixes receeding hairlines and foreheads- to answer the previous question about forehead reductions.


07-01-2004, 05:09 PM
Dealing with me? I was only responding to your post as you did mine. Strange how yet you get on here and disagree with yet ANOTHER ts, amsuing. As far as surgery is concerned Im very happy with where I am now in my life I choose NOT to look like a cartoon character. I am doing what I want at MY pace not for others.

Also I never threaten to PUBLISH anything I asked you since you love to help those who are CURIOUS if you wanted that pic scanned for you but if you see that as a threat then so be it.

Much Love

07-01-2004, 10:17 PM
First of all , I was responding to the originitator of the post.

Long Live the Cartoon Carachters!!

07-02-2004, 02:11 AM
seanchai, have you ever seen the flick where VIng Rhames plays a TG?

07-02-2004, 05:56 AM
"Holiday Heart" - never saw it...Ving as a TV....brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

07-02-2004, 03:15 PM
Do I see a cat fight starting between Allanah and Wendy?

07-02-2004, 09:04 PM
Do I see a cat fight starting between Allanah and Wendy?

nah . . . I'd just chalk it up to a "misunderstanding"

I for one, totally dig the look Allanah has morphed into. When I first saw her in "Transsexual Prostitutes 19" a couple of years ago, compared to recently when I scooped up "Transsexual Heartbreakers 23", all I can say is OMG!! I am blown away by the transformation is such a short period of time. The ultra feminene look that Allanah has created is awsome . . .

IMHO . . . Allanah has put together a formidable package and defintely has set the standards for the scene . . . top notch website, puttin' together NY's wildest TS fiesta's, one of the very few marque TS "adult film stars" in the biz, gobs of mainstream play including gigs with day time talk shows etc.

BTW . . . I sincerely hope the "wendy vs allanah" is just a goof. My impression is that are too many haters and posers given us grief as it is, so let's just stick together and watch each other's backs . . .

life's too short



07-04-2004, 05:01 AM
Thanks a million for the compliments and homage. That was very sweet of you darling. I think if I have been successful at what I do, my parties, my apperance-has nothing to do with the amount of surgery I have had, it is because I have a brain and I have used it. Whatever career I have had my smarts have always been my biggest asset.

As far as the argument that we should all get along, well it sounds great on paper but unfortunately its an impossible argument. There will always be ignorant people, haters, jealous people, and trash. Those types can not be reformed. It has been my experience that within the ts community there is much hate, envy, and and fierce competition to be the prettiest, the most real, etc.

I myself surround myself with good friends and people who are grounded and give credit where credit is due.
Some of my best friends are the top girls in the biz and there is not one ounce of competition or jealousy between us.

Yes, I am a fiercely opinionated and independent person but I am also very nice and a good human being. I do my thing and worry about me- Allanah Starr.


07-04-2004, 10:50 AM
I have known Allanah for more years than we both care to mention. I can honestly say "I knew her when." I also run her Yahoo fan club. I have seen her physical changes as we all have. She is a breathtaking woman that is happy with her path. What I also know is her heart. She has not let the TS world ruin her as it has so many. She has kept her sence of humor as well as a very alert mind to people as well as the often off color business of the TS community. I have been around the TS scene since 68 and she is one of very few ladies that has impressed me. She carries her head high and chest out, in fact way out. I am honored to call her my friend. Roy Dallas TX

07-04-2004, 07:33 PM
Allanah, it's my pleasure, you make it waaaay too easy for a boy like me to give ya mad props <wink>

You touched on some real "eye opener's". I totally agree that you have to have a "brain" to become a premier TS girl in as you said, "fiercely competitive" environment. Anyone who would argue that needs to get a clue . . .

You also mentioned that everyone holding hands, wearing love beads, singing coom-bai-yah in this scene ain't gonna happen, LOL . . . Never really thought of it that way before. It's sux that the TS scene has become a shark frenzy at feeding time, but like you said, "if you do your own thing, look out for number 1#", and the rest will fall into place . . .

Allanah, I'd like you to possibly consider something. You mentioned that tons of peeps out there are ignorant etc. I feel ya, and unfortuantely, to a large extent, I fall into that category. Why? . . . when I've attempted to make some "real" connections with TS girls and develope a better understanding of their "lifestyle", "psychic" or whatever and of TS's in general, I've ran into some serious road blocks, here's what I mean . . .

* on-line personals . . . often you'll respond to a profile because of a good vibe, nice pix etc. only to find out (the hard way), the pix was fake, and the person who threw it up there is some 65 yrs old troll in drag
* straight clubs . . . hasn't happened yet <pouty face>
* gay clubs . . . high level of discomfort and anxiety for many
* escorts . . . there are some real "gems" in the biz, but unfortunately, the majority follow the "factory assembly line" model of doing business, therefor, not always the best means to make a TS "connection"

so what are we left with? . . . eyes peel'd to our computer screens, spankin' our monkeys until we're squirtin' out knee cartilage, hehe . . . but seriously, left out of the loop, and ultimately, "ignorant". So if a lot of us come across as dickheads asking stupid questions etc. forgive us. We don't do it out of malice, contempt or disrespect . . . sometimes we just don't know any better . . .

P.S. -- Allanah, maybe you could point me, and problably many others on this board in the right direction of what the best "approach" is to meeting TS girls for some kind of "connection". By squeezing our way in the loop and getting the real deal, maybe we can walk away feeling less stupid.

thx for taking the time to chat with your fans and best of luck with all your endevours . . .

god bless,


07-05-2004, 12:11 AM
"There will always be ignorant people, haters, jealous people, and trash"

Thats the pot calling the kettle black, LOL.

And as Allanah said there is no argument its all on PAPER, Ill see her in person SOON and Im sure she is more than man enough to voice any concerns she may have.


07-05-2004, 01:41 AM
Ooooh - that's heating it up a bit.

07-05-2004, 02:34 AM
Really Wendy we are seeing each other soon? I'll book a table for two at Le Cirque- that means "the circus" in French. It is really a lovely place. Oh I forgot, I'll be filming some stuff for MTV and will be in LA during your visit, but do keep in touch.

As far as for baseles and low brow remarks and humor- be my guest. I enjoy a good laugh!
I'll just leave the "being man enough" part up to you. Sorry folks, too much surgery to engage in contact sports. Others can afford the luxury but I can't. Us cartoon characters, we damage easily.

In any case, I think every remark I have made on his board regarding this matter had been in a general sense- yet for some reason some people keep thinking certain remarks are made directly to them.
I think medical journals would call that "paranoia".

Oh and Mike, yeah I know meeting transsexuals on a personal level is tough but be persistent and you just never know. Contrary to popular belief and some of the examples at hand, there are sane, nice, grounded tg girls out there. Just takes time to find one.


07-05-2004, 03:49 AM
I have to say, Allanah, possibly the reason that I find you most appealing is not your stunning good looks (a given), but rather the fact that you are evidently so intelligent. Brains and beauty - couldn't be more appealing.

07-05-2004, 05:13 AM
Oh and Mike, yeah I know meeting transsexuals on a personal level is tough but be persistent and you just never know. Contrary to popular belief and some of the examples at hand, there are sane, nice, grounded tg girls out there. Just takes time to find one.


thx hun, wish me luck . . .


07-06-2004, 08:46 AM
I also run her Yahoo fan club.

Hi Roy, can you give us the headz up on how we can become members.

thx a mil,


07-06-2004, 04:03 PM
e mail me at roy404@yahoo.com and I will send you a list.

07-07-2004, 01:05 AM
you're da man . . . thx bro


07-07-2004, 03:07 PM
"There will always be ignorant people, haters, jealous people, and trash"

Thats the pot calling the kettle black, LOL.

And as Allanah said there is no argument its all on PAPER, Ill see her in person SOON and Im sure she is more than man enough to voice any concerns she may have.


Wendy, whats the problem between you two? I've never seen either of you actually resort to bashing eachother..

07-07-2004, 04:29 PM
the problem between them is that they have different ideas of tg life as i see it...
Alannah's purpose is too emerge from the normal women as i see it while wendy prefers to be a beautyfull girl in a more normal way...
Or at least this is how i see it...

07-09-2004, 04:12 AM
in a more normal way

whatever that means . . .


07-16-2004, 08:47 AM
yeah... wathever that means... and for me that means they are both beautyfull but really different... that's all...