View Full Version : A Question about long distance relationships

08-04-2006, 12:59 AM
I would like to know your thoughts on long distance relationships do they really last, do they work out, or is it just a waist of time, can too people work it out and have something beautiful grow out of it, or does One person believe that everything is perfect ... wile the other is just stringing them along can a tgirl... that may be an escort and a gentleman who really like her be together and sacrifice and comprimise.... stay strong or does it fall apart .... and does it makes one of them have a wondering eye and eventually mess around .... post thought like to hear like from you all

08-04-2006, 01:41 AM
It all depends,

on whether you are single.

08-04-2006, 02:43 AM
well yea i believe it can work it out sometimes i can be hard but i know from experience that it can work cause im still with my lady and its going 14 years now strong we have some bad times but we stuck it out and been married for 9 years now so yes i say it can work ...

ps you look really good should post more with lot more pics....lol :wink:

08-04-2006, 05:13 AM
nahhhhh its a waist of time ... to me i just say do you cause if you try to work it out .... trust you will get hurt dont mean to down the fellas but most men are dog im one of them ive done it all told them i love them wile i fuck there best freinds... lol dont mean nothing to me hell is a game that we play

08-04-2006, 05:22 AM
Depends on when the relationship STOPS being long-distance.

If we're talking short term long distance, you got a shot.

If we're talking long term or undeterminable date, why leave your emotions hanging like that?

08-04-2006, 05:39 AM
no man not all men are dogs yo some are sensere with there shit if they got a girl then why fuck it up. no wander so many girls decide not to bother