View Full Version : More anti-trans bullshit

03-10-2015, 04:52 AM

Is this really the most useful thing lawmakers can find to do with their time?

Vladimir Putin
03-10-2015, 04:57 AM
Lately the word "freedom" has become synonymous with intolerance.

03-10-2015, 09:00 AM
In this world there will always be a large group of people who will discrimimate against a very small group of people. I remember when I was a little boy there was a lot of discrimination against blacks, Mexicans and Asians. But those groups became to large to really discriminate against. Although it does still exist, it's always on the down low. Then the gays were discriminated against. But now there are too many openly gay people to discriminate against except on the down low. So some have turned to the transcended people. Probably because there are so few compared to other minorities.

Just think of the public uproar there would be if there were a sign and law like that for blacks, Mexicans, Asians or Gays. It would not be tolerated by

Jamie French
03-10-2015, 10:49 AM
None of these things should be topics on a porn forum, only because we have precedent for civil rights. In 20 years trans issues won't be a thing, same as gays- just like black folks back in the 60's... there will be biases that'll be more or less held in private - but over all we'll be just fine. Adopt the long view because progress is inevitable despite what old/prejudiced people feel. Hate dies, white dies, old dies, wealth dies. In the meantime, just punch problems in the face with a broken beer bottle if you're on the wrong side of popular opinion.

03-10-2015, 12:13 PM
^^something i agree with you on!

Gays are generally accepted now, i believe trans is the next inline for "acceptance" from society, not like the sheep in society matter anyway.

03-10-2015, 04:35 PM
I've never seen any transgender person not being accepted for anything here in London. Pretty standard stuff.

03-11-2015, 03:56 AM
. Hate dies, white dies, old dies, wealth dies. In the meantime, just punch problems in the face with a broken beer bottle if you're on the wrong side of popular opinion.

You're right Jamie, demographics are on the side of civil rights. But we can't count on that. That's why prejudiced politicians are making it harder for some people to vote. Everyone has to vote, for equality to win.

03-11-2015, 03:12 PM
If lawmakers in Florida, Texas, and Kentucky have their way, transgender people would be breaking the law when using the bathroom of their choice.

If this becomes law of the land it will be no different from having a "whites only restroom" and a "color's restroom", "white drinking fountain" and a "color drinking fountain", "white only laundry machines" and "color laundry machines", who gets to ride in the front of the bus vs the back of the bus.

Are we going backwards in time, segregation seriously?

03-11-2015, 03:24 PM
Oh, how I wish everything will get more tolerant (not the bit about you punching some one)! I'm not so sure

None of these things should be topics on a porn forum, only because we have precedent for civil rights. In 20 years trans issues won't be a thing, same as gays- just like black folks back in the 60's... there will be biases that'll be more or less held in private - but over all we'll be just fine. Adopt the long view because progress is inevitable despite what old/prejudiced people feel. Hate dies, white dies, old dies, wealth dies. In the meantime, just punch problems in the face with a broken beer bottle if you're on the wrong side of popular opinion.

03-14-2015, 02:48 AM
Alliance Defending Freedom, what a joke, they defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights while completely ignoring them both