View Full Version : When will we have our first open trans-attracted celebirty?

09-21-2014, 05:36 AM
Many celebrities have come out of the closet as gays and lesbians. Society is slowly becoming more accepting of homosexuals. The NFL has an openly gay player on the Cowboys' practice squad. An ex-NBA player came out and played a few games last season.

However, we don't have any openly trans-attracted celebrities. There are cases with some being "caught" with prostitutes. The Hanks Baskett reality story became a mocking and degrading towards transsexuals. If the story was about him sleeping with a man then it still would have been a story, but not nearly as degrading. Being trans-attracted is far more taboo than any other attraction besides being a sexual offender or a freak who plays with animals.

I'm sure there are some trans-attracted celebrities, and they are far too scare to admit it. Their sexual lives are none of our business. It is sad that people cannot openly admit who they are without needless bashing.

Jamie French
09-21-2014, 05:45 AM
Jim Norton. He's the first. This post is null.

09-21-2014, 08:53 AM
I'm sure there are some trans-attracted celebrities, and they are far too scare to admit it. Their sexual lives are none of our business.

Please compare that statement to the title of this thread.

09-21-2014, 10:08 AM
The R & B singer Frank or Frankie Ocean is married to a transexual woman..

09-22-2014, 05:38 AM
Please compare that statement to the title of this thread.

It's funny that you IGNORED the last sentence because it ANSWERS your question.

Jamie French
09-22-2014, 05:46 AM
That last sentence doesn't negate the fact that it's none of our business. You broke your own point. Own it.

Nobody of any gender or sexual persuasion needs to come out about who or what they like for any reason. Period. This thread is null.

It's funny that you IGNORED the last sentence because it ANSWERS your question.

09-22-2014, 06:11 AM
Why are you so concerned with open trans-attracted celebrities when you're not open?

09-22-2014, 09:36 AM
It's a worthy topic for a porn forum.

In Hollywood, I think in private the acting and movie making community knows who's doing what with whom, but the media unfortunately still treats most TS like crossdressers.

TS are not allowed by the general public to own their identity.

It took literally decades for mainstream actors to announce they were gay(many still do not) and not have it destroy their careers.

Making movies is still about the art of illusion and for some movie goers it's hard to see a male actor in the leading man role if he's not seen as heterosexual offscreen.

Ironically I think most male moviegoers would not have a problem with a male actor fucking a TS.
IMO they'd still let that actor keep his 'man card' on a probationary status.lol

You think Daniel Radcliffe(Harry Potter) is the only well known actor with a 'close' transgender female friend??lol


09-22-2014, 03:43 PM
It's funny that you IGNORED the last sentence because it ANSWERS your question.

You wear a helmet when you go outside, don't you?

09-22-2014, 04:34 PM

Who's idea was this pose?!

Looks like someone's about to get bit on the dick.

09-22-2014, 09:07 PM
That last sentence doesn't negate the fact that it's none of our business. You broke your own point. Own it.

Nobody of any gender or sexual persuasion needs to come out about who or what they like for any reason. Period. This thread is null.

LEARN HOW TO READ. I NEVER said people need to come out. I said that is SAD that people feel like they are unable to come out because of how society will mistreat them.

09-22-2014, 09:17 PM
LEARN HOW TO READ. I NEVER said people need to come out. I said that is SAD that people feel like they are unable to come out because of how society will mistreat them.

Yes, but your post could also imply that you think they should...if you're not implying that, you should say it more clearly.

Jamie French
09-22-2014, 10:14 PM
Either way, you're making assumptions left and right...

a) There's a ton of celebrities that are into trans.
B) That they haven't come out.
c) That they aren't coming out because it has something to do with society.
d) that anyone gives a shit.

Nobody likes you. Quit posting things.

LEARN HOW TO READ. I NEVER said people need to come out. I said that is SAD that people feel like they are unable to come out because of how society will mistreat them.

09-22-2014, 11:26 PM
A tad harsh, maybe- plus, if his helmet has a visor it may start fogging up. That's not safe for anyone.

Thumbs up, though, Jamie.

09-22-2014, 11:49 PM
Either way, you're making assumptions left and right...

a) There's a ton of celebrities that are into trans.
B) That they haven't come out.
c) That they aren't coming out because it has something to do with society.
d) that anyone gives a shit.

Nobody likes you. Quit posting things.

You're the most ignorant and uneducated bitch at this forum. Anyone with common sense knows there MUST be some celebrities into trans. Where did I say "a ton"? Bitch go back to school and LEARN HOW TO READ DUMBASS.

Everyone here knows but you a trans of all people that trans-attracted people are looked down upon and are bashed because of their attraction for trans people. If a celebrity came out then it would be the talk of the town. Don't be dumb bitch, go back to school.

I normally don't talk down to people, but this mother fucker deserves it.

Do you honestly think people like god's mistake aka YOU? The last time I checked people don't want you here for telling your fellow trans sisters to kill themselves.

09-23-2014, 12:08 AM
Imho is not different then being attracted to a GG and not even worth mentioning.

09-23-2014, 12:13 AM

You've been posting stupid shit here long enough to get used to people disagreeing, and this is how you approach people?

Have you ever reversed yourself in the face of fact and admitted you're wrong? If so, I've never seen it.

There's no shame in being wrong. I'm wrong often.

If people- even me- are still willing to interact with you it's because they see some value there. Maybe it's shits and giggles, or maybe they want to help you.
This is a community, after all.

But then you get irrational, irate, etc.

Like I said, I'm wrong often- but you are willfully ignorant. That's unacceptable, especially IRL.

You're a danger to yourself, kid. Please don't act like this in the real world.

And seek professional help.

Jamie French
09-23-2014, 01:16 AM
TLDR - You should totally kill yourself though. If a bullying campaign can get started to make that happen I want full credit.

You're the most ignorant and uneducated bitch at this forum. Anyone with common sense knows there MUST be some celebrities into trans. Where did I say "a ton"? Bitch go back to school and LEARN HOW TO READ DUMBASS.

Everyone here knows but you a trans of all people that trans-attracted people are looked down upon and are bashed because of their attraction for trans people. If a celebrity came out then it would be the talk of the town. Don't be dumb bitch, go back to school.

I normally don't talk down to people, but this mother fucker deserves it.

Do you honestly think people like god's mistake aka YOU? The last time I checked people don't want you here for telling your fellow trans sisters to kill themselves.

09-23-2014, 01:33 AM
It could work nicely in reverse with Laverne Cox...she looks great on the red carpet, and she seems to handle media events with charm and grace.
It could work...but she may prefer to keep a low key love life.

I brought it up because I could easily see it.

09-23-2014, 01:43 AM
i wonder what will happen first...will cakeboi get banned or will a A-list celeb admit their love for a transgender person?

09-23-2014, 02:21 AM
Bitch go back to school and LEARN HOW TO READ DUMBASS.

Are you implying that she's a DUMBASS, or that DUMBASS is a language she should learn to read?
Dumbass...Just sayin'! :shrug

09-23-2014, 02:49 AM
There is a difference between believing something is none of someone else's business and actively concealing it. If you believe something is none of someone else' business, it might not occur to you to share the information and there is no rule you have to. But if you make an attempt to conceal it or hide the fact after it is revealed, then it is likely you are worried about someone else' judgment or opinion.

Edit: I probably didn't make it clear enough I am agreeing with Franklin for once. I don't think the fact that it is none of anyone's business detracts from the fact that celebrities, such as Eddie Murphy, go to great lengths to hide their attraction.