View Full Version : Hormones

08-12-2014, 02:22 AM
for 'normal' non ts persons.

Anyone ever taken any female hormones just to see what happened, for a short time? I had the opportunity to take some recently, I still have them. Just wondered...

for the record, I've always been on the more feminine side, little body hair, lower sex drive, etc etc. Ive often considered myself more of a female brain than a male brain. Doctors agree....

08-12-2014, 02:30 AM
you won't have any noticeable effects unless you take them for a long while.

Miss Marie
08-12-2014, 02:45 AM
Uh, it's dangerous to take them without a doctor's supervision. But like eva above me said, yes, you need to take them for a long time consisently to see any effects and what little you do experience will wear off quickly after you've stopped.

08-12-2014, 03:50 AM
in about 2 months you may start to see some changes but after about a week you will sense something going on. when your breasts tingle the first time you know stuff is happening.

08-12-2014, 04:07 PM
in about 2 months you may start to see some changes but after about a week you will sense something going on. when your breasts tingle the first time you know stuff is happening.

It must be wonderful for a transsexual girl to experince that feeling and to see that she's slowly starting to develop a pretty pair of breasts. While this early development stage is of course a very special period in any woman's life, I imagine it to be even more exciting for a transsexual girl or woman.

Could we possibly hear a little about your experiences in this direction, girls, or would that be asking too much.

08-12-2014, 04:40 PM
i tried the herbals and had no results, when i got on prescription hormones i could tell in a week things were happening, the one day standing in line at books a million my breasts started to tingle and all i could think of was to rub them but i resisted and just enjoyed it. it was a rush.:banana:

08-12-2014, 05:00 PM
I didnt notice or feel any type of (Real changes to my body) until 6 months and i had orchiectomy)