View Full Version : Longest TS relationship you know?

07-03-2006, 06:17 AM
I've been reading some threads today. It's got me thinking about how hard it must be for you girls. I'm wondering if anyone can talk about a couple that's been together for some time, and if so, what they seem to do right.

07-03-2006, 01:37 PM
My latest relation last four a little more than 4 mounth.
Wee even had a registerd partnership (almost the same as mariage. I dont know what wee did right but I know what went wrong. Just image you this: she was from Thailand and came to denmark in the end of Oktober.
The winter was the coldest in Skandinavia four over 100 years. The guy who take her to this cold place (mee)
left her alone in this country four a long period beacause he have to work. Wee went to the canary island four some weeks.. But when wee come back in januari it was much colder. It was a werry hard winter. And then short after I have to sail away again.
Al ended whit a separation. She hated mee four I was away from home four to long and she was cold and frosen altime.
This was not wath she like. Not the climat, not my work, not the strange language, Not to drive on the right side of the road....Nothing was god.
So I get also werry tired of this
The guy who intrude mee four her. A earlier comander on a ship I worked on earlier, live in thailand and run a company there now he have been together whit same tranny woman four over 3 years.
Thats the longest I know. And they loocks happy and live there life as a ordinary couple.
Right now I working on to get a new relation... let see if it gonna bee something. Just meet her and see her next week again.
She is use to the scandinavian winters

07-03-2006, 02:57 PM
I have been with my partner for over 7 years now.
We met just after I had started on hormones and
have been together ever since.

07-03-2006, 05:00 PM
i have been w/my partner over 8 yrs now but seeing we are both trans. i dont know if you want to count it :lol:

07-03-2006, 05:34 PM
Congratulations, Caleigh! That's wonderful. I know a couple that has been together for over 15 years. FWIW, I've been married for 25 (but she's GG, so it doesn't count...but then, love is what really counts, right?).

07-03-2006, 08:08 PM
i have been w/my partner over 8 yrs now but seeing we are both trans. i dont know if you want to count it :lol:

Of course it counts! Good for you.

07-03-2006, 08:13 PM
though it's good news to hear that relationship in our community can last... for it to even be a post is kinda sad..it really confirm how scares they are..their struggles against all odds

07-03-2006, 08:22 PM
It is kinda sad that "can TS relationships work" is still even a question. But girls in the porn biz are actually doing a great job in informing the general public of the fact that girls are girls.

It's kinda odd, but porn has done a lot of good on many levels. It starts as a naughty secret, and then slowly changes the world. People learn to give up their issues through sex. It's a powerful thing.

And I hope things work out with the BF Yasmin. If he's worth it, you gotta work as hard as he does to figure out a happy medium, though.

07-03-2006, 09:16 PM
I have been with my partner for over 7 years now.
We met just after I had started on hormones and
have been together ever since.

That's great!

07-03-2006, 09:18 PM

07-03-2006, 09:20 PM
My latest relation last four a little more than 4 mounth.
Wee even had a registerd partnership (almost the same as mariage. I dont know what wee did right but I know what went wrong. Just image you this: she was from Thailand and came to denmark in the end of Oktober.
The winter was the coldest in Skandinavia four over 100 years. The guy who take her to this cold place (mee)
left her alone in this country four a long period beacause he have to work. Wee went to the canary island four some weeks.. But when wee come back in januari it was much colder. It was a werry hard winter. And then short after I have to sail away again.
Al ended whit a separation. She hated mee four I was away from home four to long and she was cold and frosen altime.
This was not wath she like. Not the climat, not my work, not the strange language, Not to drive on the right side of the road....Nothing was god.
So I get also werry tired of this
The guy who intrude mee four her. A earlier comander on a ship I worked on earlier, live in thailand and run a company there now he have been together whit same tranny woman four over 3 years.
Thats the longest I know. And they loocks happy and live there life as a ordinary couple.
Right now I working on to get a new relation... let see if it gonna bee something. Just meet her and see her next week again.
She is use to the scandinavian winters

That's a sad story but you're dong it wrong, man. You don't take the girl out of the warm sunny place-- you go and live with her there! Your captain is right.

Better luck though.

07-03-2006, 09:25 PM
Yasmin, it will probably take some time for you
both to figure out where you both are, what you
EACH want from the relationship and how/where
you can both make wonderful lives for yourselves.

07-03-2006, 09:34 PM

Here's the secret to nice guys, and I'm not being a dick I'm being honest.

Nice guys don't wan't any of that stuff that girls read in Vouge or Cosmo or whatever, that's for players trying to get laid. When a guy is in love with a girl, he really doesn't give a shit how you look or what you do, we just love the girl.

Not to say girls should be discounted on the efforts they put into appearance. It is appreciated. But looking hot is more a factor in getting laid.

Love is communication, and that's something that takes some time to really get a handle on. I think it's worth the effort, and it takes time.

But you never know how these things will work out. You do the work.

07-03-2006, 09:37 PM
How the hell did I double post? I'm not even drinking right now?


07-03-2006, 09:58 PM
Here's the secret to nice guys, and I'm not being a dick I'm being honest.

Honda, the day you become a spokesman for nice guys - or any guys in general, I'm getting implants, padding my ass, sleeping late, investing in Louis Vuitton and increasing my transitude.
A couple of months ago you were claiming you were transsexual - so how come you're now an authority on being a guy?

07-03-2006, 10:15 PM
Here's the secret to nice guys, and I'm not being a dick I'm being honest.

Honda, the day you become a spokesman for nice guys - or any guys in general, I'm getting implants, padding my ass, sleeping late, investing in Louis Vuitton and increasing my transitude.
A couple of months ago you were claiming you were transsexual - so how come you're now an authority on being a guy?

I really dont get this fight. I'm not going to get any further into it, but why the hell do you post things like this? I've never had a problem with you, I stand by everything I've ever posted. I've never fucked with you.

Although you do raise a good point on my "authority" on being a guy. I'm not, as I've said, I'm cross gender and have no intention of going TS. I have a somewhat unique perspective on living as a guy though. There is the possability that you don't fully understand this whole thing and just take pictures of naked girls.

I guess it pays the bills.

07-03-2006, 10:38 PM
Here's the secret to nice guys, and I'm not being a dick I'm being honest.

Honda, the day you become a spokesman for nice guys - or any guys in general, I'm getting implants, padding my ass, sleeping late, investing in Louis Vuitton and increasing my transitude.
A couple of months ago you were claiming you were transsexual - so how come you're now an authority on being a guy?

I really dont get this fight. I'm not going to get any further into it, but why the hell do you post things like this? I've never had a problem with you, I stand by everything I've ever posted. I've never fucked with you.

Although you do raise a good point on my "authority" on being a guy. I'm not, as I've said, I'm cross gender and have no intention of going TS. I have a somewhat unique perspective on living as a guy though. There is the possability that you don't fully understand this whole thing and just take pictures of naked girls.

I'm not starting a fight but you seem to think that you're speaking for all "nice guys" - you're the only one who constantly thinks people are fighting, I thought this was a forum for discussion and discourse. You've even stated I raised a good point on you being a guy, so where is your problem - you're agreeing my point was valid and furthermore your "I have a somewhat unique perspective on living as a guy though" would also make you're comments on what every nice guy, is about, invalid.

Don't post your idiotic little comments and perspective expecting it to pertain to everyone, if you can't handle a little feedback or discussion about what you've posted. It makes you sound as dictatorial in your agendas as some of those posters whom you claim to hate so much.

07-03-2006, 10:51 PM
Here's the secret to nice guys, and I'm not being a dick I'm being honest.

Honda, the day you become a spokesman for nice guys - or any guys in general, I'm getting implants, padding my ass, sleeping late, investing in Louis Vuitton and increasing my transitude.
A couple of months ago you were claiming you were transsexual - so how come you're now an authority on being a guy?

I really dont get this fight. I'm not going to get any further into it, but why the hell do you post things like this? I've never had a problem with you, I stand by everything I've ever posted. I've never fucked with you.

Although you do raise a good point on my "authority" on being a guy. I'm not, as I've said, I'm cross gender and have no intention of going TS. I have a somewhat unique perspective on living as a guy though. There is the possability that you don't fully understand this whole thing and just take pictures of naked girls.

I'm not starting a fight but you seem to think that you're speaking for all "nice guys" - you're the only one who constantly thinks people are fighting, I thought this was a forum for discussion and discourse. You've even stated I raised a good point on you being a guy, so where is your problem - you're agreeing my point was valid and furthermore your "I have a somewhat unique perspective on living as a guy though" would also make you're comments on what every nice guy, is about, invalid.

Don't post your idiotic little comments and perspective expecting it to pertain to everyone, if you can't handle a little feedback or discussion about what you've posted. It makes you sound as dictatorial in your agendas as some of those posters whom you claim to hate so much.

Agreed. I don't think you should have called my posts "idiotic", but I guess it's out there now. Dick.

I'll still buy ya beer if you ever find youself in Minneapolis.


07-04-2006, 01:34 AM
Some real long relations..god of you

07-04-2006, 01:42 AM
MacShreach wrote:
That's a sad story but you're dong it wrong, man. You don't take the girl out of the warm sunny place-- you go and live with her there! Your captain is right.

Better luck though.

Yes maybee it has work better four her but not four mee.
I love the four seasons wee have here and the more soft life.
I left France four denmark years ago. a choise Im glad over.[/b]

07-04-2006, 02:38 AM
MacShreach wrote:
That's a sad story but you're dong it wrong, man. You don't take the girl out of the warm sunny place-- you go and live with her there! Your captain is right.

Better luck though.

Yes maybee it has work better four her but not four mee.
I love the four seasons wee have here and the more soft life.
I left France four denmark years ago. a choise Im glad over.[/b]

T'es Francais alors?

07-04-2006, 09:47 AM
Oui MacShreach. Je suis Francais. Et Danois.

07-04-2006, 01:56 PM
Oui MacShreach. Je suis Francais. Et Danois.

Ah, OK. Je passe pas mal de temps en France, et en effet j'ai vecu la pendant cinque ans, en Bourgogne. Mon fils est nee la. Je crois que je retournera mais pour l'instant, a cause de mes enfants et l'ecole et le travail et tout ca je dois rester ici en Ecosse-- assez agreable en ete (quand il ne pluie pas) mais surement pas en hiver!

Tu preferes le Danemark? Pourquoi?

07-04-2006, 01:58 PM
Oh--tutoyer, c'est OK?

07-05-2006, 03:10 AM
Cinque ans en Bourgogne? Je suis nee en Normandie.
pas loin de Mont-Saint-Michel.
Pouquoi j prefere Danemark? Je ne sais pas, mais cest
quelque chose ici que je trouver bon.
Tu est bienvenu ici et voir copenhagen et peut etre tu
comprendre pourquoi Je prefere Danmark.

Peut etre ce n est pas si populaire de parle/ècrire Francaise ici?

Nous verrons bien

07-05-2006, 06:01 AM
I have been with my partner for over 7 years now.
We met just after I had started on hormones and
have been together ever since.

Mine is going on 8 years. Thru the "working girl" stage to the Dancer stage and now the lady with the power job at IBM.
Best 8 of my life.

07-05-2006, 07:27 AM
My longest relationship lasted roughly two and a half years, with one of those years being long distance.
Definitely the worst, most stressful breakup of my life that dragged on for about three months. At least we still talk now...
There were always trust issues, plus being self-conscious. Never wanted to hang out with my friends, which made things tough for my social life. I cared for her a lot, but I just didn't think it was going to last long term.
Now I'm just a happy bachelor. :)

07-05-2006, 11:06 AM
Cinque ans en Bourgogne? Je suis nee en Normandie.
pas loin de Mont-Saint-Michel.
Pouquoi j prefere Danemark? Je ne sais pas, mais cest
quelque chose ici que je trouver bon.
Tu est bienvenu ici et voir copenhagen et peut etre tu
comprendre pourquoi Je prefere Danmark.

Peut etre ce n est pas si populaire de parle/ècrire Francaise ici?

Nous verrons bien

D'accord. Je suis allee a Dieppe souvent et j'ai fait des petits tours de la region......Au depart, pas de tout a la mode, pas cher, tres agreable--maintenant tres tres chic, et bien cher. Plus des menus de vingt-sept francs!

J'aimerais bien voir Copenhagen un jour, mais pas cette annee. Je te diriais et nous pourrons peut-etre boire des coups et chercher des jolies filles avec cette petite quelque chose.... 8)

Pour le Francais je crois que le plupart des types ici ne comprendra pas un mot. :wink:

07-05-2006, 01:48 PM
Je vais en France la semaine procaine et rester la quelque jours pour la fete....14 juillet.
Je suis un peu presse parce j`ai aussi un rencontrer avec un person meme semain.

Was she a t-girl vasoxfan? But I think that you have to keep a part of your old socal life.
Hmmm..say I who have missed the point in evry relation so far.

Finaly MacShreach The old FF is gone they use euro now. Its only Britch pound Danich , swedich and norwegian crowns left... maybee swich france also

07-05-2006, 01:54 PM
swich france ???
Schweiz Franc

07-05-2006, 02:12 PM
Je vais en France la semaine procaine et rester la quelque jours pour la fete....14 juillet.
Je suis un peu presse parce j`ai aussi un rencontrer avec un person meme semain.

Finaly MacShreach The old FF is gone they use euro now. Its only Britch pound Danich , swedich and norwegian crowns left... maybee swich france also

C'est une bonne fete, le quattors juillet. C'est un bon moment d'etre en France. T'as de la chance!

Je sais que le franc n'existe plus car j'etais la en France au moment de l'arrivee de l'euro-- mais je me rappele toujours de ces menus de vingt-sept a Dieppe! Moules mariniere avec une bonne bouteille de blanc...mais quand meme ca fait trente ans depuis mon premier sejour en France.

07-07-2006, 02:46 AM
come to think about a relatin I have four al my life...
The one betwen mee and my sister.
She called mee today. i going to France over the nationa day the 14 juli.. and I going to live in har home. The same house I grown up in. The amazing is that she have done evrything four mee the persond I should meet and which place wee gonna celebrate the day at.. yes evryting. I get so in hell tired... nothing is left to mee as usual. I know she is doing it to bee kind and she tinks i like it... but im not. Maybee she is the reason why im not are so found of womans.
The big party is not on the 14 eme.. no its start in the afternoon 13 eme and continue al night... usaly the people sleep the 14 eme..
Do yo now that france have chanse to gold..in vm
championat de monde world masters of fot ball???
Pouquoi j prefere Danemark MacShreach
Cest surtout le simplicite entre les gens que moi vraimont frappe tu peu prend un bier at parle avec quellquand comme si comme ca avec les tous
..La vie est beacoup simple ici que en france

J´m prendre quellque bon danois bier ce soir....
j crois je bu trop
C est la vie vene donc et participer un juor mon ami

07-07-2006, 02:55 AM
27 FF oublier ton reve MacShreach c est la meme que
3 euro...pas trop chere....???

07-07-2006, 10:01 AM
27 FF oublier ton reve MacShreach c est la meme que
3 euro...pas trop chere....???

Je sais, je sais.

07-07-2006, 10:11 AM
Hmm Im close to edit last days post..
Offcors didnt evrybody sleep 14th
But someone.. I guess i gonna do it
And my sister is no Ts :D

Martin C.
07-17-2010, 06:59 PM
I'm been with my Tgirl for 01 year and 04 months. I met her in a gay nightclub here that has lots of TGirls ... I used to TGirls for a long time but I never had a serius relationship and now we're living together. This decision I made was disaproved by my parents and friends ... and now I don't have those friends and I don't see my parents as before.
That's ok, but what I don't like yet is when we're someplace and people look at us as if we were aliens. It's easy to like TGirls, it's easy to have sex but I don't think everybody would have a serius commitement.