View Full Version : At it again

03-30-2014, 03:02 PM

They are at it again. The Republicans latest move to restrict voting by poorer people and minorities. It's a never ending battle.....

03-30-2014, 08:13 PM
Like I said in another post, it's all about gaming the system. Obama flanked Romney like Lee flanked Hooker. Obama had the swing states all sewn up.

It's good that in Texas or Idaho you have a Republican Governor or Republican dog catcher. They represent the people they represent.

You could fix the swing state game by changing the electoral system, and just have the presidential winner elected by popular vote. You could change the tax system to a flat tax. But whatever you do, whatever system you come up with, the gamers are going to start gaming , nothing get the blood flowing like winning. Natural selection, evolution, Thomas Jefferson said you need a revolution every once in a while.

03-30-2014, 08:13 PM
Yep...if ya can't beat em....cheat em....that's their motto
Fortunately, for the citizens of Ohio, they've got Nina Turner (pictured there in the red coat) against these ballot thieves. She is outstandingly exceptional when it come to fighting for people's rights. We need more like her in all those red states.