View Full Version : Shout out to hung Vicki ! You are so hot! You got me hooked

05-14-2004, 10:13 PM
Hi, I am a stranger here, I am from Vancouver, BC Canada, eh! :)
I hope I am not breaking a thread you established here. But I am kind of lost on where to begin. So let me blabber a little about what got me interested into this hung girls thing.

I am the so called "straight guy".

Hey! who said I was not! :)

any ways... but recently, a little over two moths now . I downloaded this porn movie of Kaaza staring Jenna Jamison. So I thought.
It turns out its some hot chick with a strap on fucking a guy up the ass. WAIT! that's not a strap on........ ! yeah... any way you got the point.

But the strange thing is I kinda liked it. I mean, LIKEDED it like ..... Dame gurl!! ........ like it. :)
So my curiosity kicked in and one thing led to another .. I found out latter that girl's name was Vicki Richter.

So now I can officially say that I am bisexual. Or I am I ?

My gut is telling me that the only way I can find out is if I can step out of fantasy world and actually take the next step. Problem is, I don't know any place here where I can meet with Transsexual girls here Vancouver. I was wondering how can I go about doing this thing. Anyone know any TS girls from here. If so how are they like ? I appreciate any useful answer you might have. Thanks!

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05-18-2004, 03:06 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of shemales.
Check out eros.com for the nearest tranny near you.
Remember to play safe :P

Vicki Richter
05-18-2004, 06:01 PM
I like this thread a lot. Hey babe! Sorry I got you hooked. haha. It's really more of a curse than a blessing. Seeing me may have given you many moons of self touching. Please let me know when you lose your virginity. I like those stories. ;)


05-18-2004, 06:44 PM
Hey vicky, how long will you be in NY?

05-19-2004, 08:52 PM
Vicki is in NY?????? Are you by any chance coming to Boston beautiful????