View Full Version : Thank The Theives.

Jamie French
02-17-2014, 01:46 PM
Seeing my videos show up on tube sites far too often. I'm switching back to streaming only from my members area. Thank the thieves.

02-17-2014, 01:56 PM
Understand the frustration but your honest members get screwed here. Not sure how but your content will still get stolen.

02-17-2014, 05:17 PM
I before E except after C or when sounding like A as in neighbor or weigh.

02-17-2014, 05:32 PM
Welcome to the internets.

02-17-2014, 06:06 PM
Seeing my videos show up on tube sites far too often. I'm switching back to streaming only from my members area. Thank the thieves.

thank you for the warning.

I intended to BUY and PAY for being a member , if it's only streaming , thank you but I'll skip my intention.

02-17-2014, 06:16 PM
The music and film industries have powerful lobbies with limitless resources and they too are losing the battle of piracy. The porn industry is essentially small businesses that have much less resiliency to the onslaught.
Until consumers realize that downloading tube sites and buying a bootlegged copy of GRAVITY is a criminal act... same as going into a liquor store, sticking a bottle of vodka under your coat, and walking out without paying, nothing will improve.
Presumably most of us don't steal liquor, but a crime is a crime.

02-17-2014, 06:22 PM
Initially my reaction was the same as Yosi's but I understand why you would want to deter theft and that's your prerogative of course. You have to consider the net trade-off between the number of people who would join your site if they couldn't steal your content and the people who may not want to join if they can only get streaming video.

My sense is that if you make it harder to steal you lose those who get annoyed by streaming video and the thieves don't join either. That's not to say that those who are enabling theft aren't hurting the market, as they are, but the effects are probably broader and more diffuse. This would be akin to someone selling a cd that requires a hammer and chisel to open...good anti-theft device, but not so user-friendly.

02-17-2014, 06:41 PM
Good for you Jamie. People try and think like the picture I posted.

But instead it should say "Imagine you own a car dealership and your cars get stolen, but they are still there the next morning BUT NO ONE WILL BUY ANY"

02-17-2014, 08:00 PM
Streaming only won't work, I know Trans500 are streaming only, yet Sarina's scene was on torrent sites the same day.

People will take content regardless, unless there is heavily restrictive DRM, but that will make less people use it.

02-17-2014, 09:10 PM
every single industry has shrink to a degree. on your site, you can create a user experience that can't be had by just a video on a tube site. the way i see it is, if they don't steal and upload your video, others (amateur's) will make free porn so those stealing aren't going to buy your stuff no matter what. i find it rare that someone who enjoys a particular brand of anything prefers to pirate it over buying the actual genuine experience. note i said experience because it is an overall presence of feeling when you enjoy something.

02-17-2014, 09:44 PM
Understand the frustration but your honest members get screwed here. Not sure how but your content will still get stolen.

when you stream video, the video is temporarily downloaded to your temp files.

Jamie French
02-17-2014, 11:30 PM
My business was stream only for years and I did just fine with a lot less tubsite uploads.

You join a country club you don't get to take the golf course with you when you're finished with you're game. Same as my site, you enter, you enjoy the wares, you leave. End of story. If I loose sales? Well, you forget you who you are talking to and how little I care about making all the money. I make it on my terms or not at all. It's my way or the highway.

Signed, The Fuckin' Boss.

02-18-2014, 12:36 AM
streaming content will not make your videos less likely to be stolen as the people pirating are more than capable of taking your content in ogv or fly format and uploading it, ala what is done with trans500. the average paying subscriber is NOT uploading your stuff on tube sites.

you can do what you want with your content, but please don't think you can stop or slow piracy because you make it "harder" for paying members to dl and store your content.

02-18-2014, 12:40 AM
My business was stream only for years and I did just fine with a lot less tubsite uploads.

you were a lot less popular then. you can't think that your popularity now is the same as 2 years ago.

with your rise in popularity, coupled with Eva's tremendous draw and popularity, your content has reached a larger audience, hence why pirates now consider it "profitable" to steal your content.

02-18-2014, 02:16 AM
I'll talk to you later (in between dances) about it and the experience of companies who have tried this. In a nutshell, you know how much I hate piracy - but there are very good reasons for us not being streaming only.

02-18-2014, 02:26 AM
Good ole Steven.

Yeah, ask any artist and they'll tell you they made a whole lot of other theeves rich before they got rich.

Do ANY of the girls here have sites in Korean or Chinese?

02-18-2014, 03:12 AM
I'll thank them with a boot up their arse.

02-18-2014, 01:23 PM
Trying to aggressively fight pirates at the cost of customers experience is a losing battle :P They have been trying this with games for a while, and it just turns off your paying customers more than anything.

Also, you have to consider that those on the tube sites are looking for free content...they aren't the ones looking to pay subscriptions.

Think of this as an opportunity, make the pirates work for you.

Simply watermark videos or even advertise within videos to direct traffic back to your website. So even if it shows up on tube sites with a bunch of views, you would still be channeling them back towards your subscriptions pages (And getting more customers).

You can also create smaller promotional videos (if you don't already) and upload the shorter versions of scenes yourself (with more prominent self advertising).

Additionally, increasing the experience for subscribers will give a lot more incentive to subscribe than just the videos. Access to the live streams, library of videos, images, stuff like that which is harder to find a full collection of on a tube site (which seems to be pick and choose).

Basically, subscribing gives the "full experience".... and the tube videos are just a tiny piece of what you are offering.

If you produce content quickly enough, pirates can't really match it.

Other ideas - Shoutouts to supporters (probably not their real name :P But handles. Let them know you see them.

Get subscribers involved more? Voting on what you do for next scenes?

Special gifts? I'm not too sure how successful that would be, but merchandising is pretty easy to do. People like to receive little souvenirs.

It would probably more successful if not overtly porn oriented. A coffee mug "You're the best" or something from a porn star seems like something even a married guy would appreciate (since he knows the meaning, but those visiting the house wouldn't).

Basically, a lot of things you could do besides trying to wall up.

I'm in a different industry...but I actually plan on uploading versions of my product to pirate sites myself :) Simply with opportunities to pay built in, or with reminders that it is a small team and the support is crucial.

Generally people aren't out to rip you off. Those on tube sites mostly aren't even thinking directly of the economics. If you make people aware, they are much more likely to pay.