View Full Version : Best drug for lowering sexual inhibitions

02-17-2014, 01:06 AM
I've got a GG girlfriend who was raised in a sexually inhibited culture. Now, as a mid-20's woman, she rarely orgasms and says it is a mental issue due to her sexual inhibitions. She, nor I, have experience with recreational drug use, but she has asked me about drugs that might possibly help her lower her inhibitions in the bedroom so she can better enjoy herself and ultimately orgasm easier.

Is there a recreational drug that might help?

02-17-2014, 02:12 AM
Some good tequila

south ov da border
02-17-2014, 02:37 AM
try bud...

here's a technique that you will thank me for if you smoke it with her. Tell her before she pulls to take a deep breath in her nose and hold it and squeeze her belly tight. Then breath out the mouth slow.

Tell her to pull deep and slow and then do the squeeze and out the mouth slow again. That will pretty much unlock the tension in that area and she'll be good to go...

02-17-2014, 02:49 AM
I've got a GG girlfriend who was raised in a sexually inhibited culture. Now, as a mid-20's woman, she rarely orgasms and says it is a mental issue due to her sexual inhibitions. She, nor I, have experience with recreational drug use, but she has asked me about drugs that might possibly help her lower her inhibitions in the bedroom so she can better enjoy herself and ultimately orgasm easier.

Is there a recreational drug that might help?


or you can use the psychological approach and have her try some heroin, then tell her she'll feel the same way just 1000 times less intense if she has sex and orgasms

the disadvantage of this is that she could end up being addicted to the heroin. but what's life without risk?

02-17-2014, 03:36 AM
Meth is the best for that, but I've heard it's really bad for you.

Pot should do it, though. Unless she gets the fear.

02-17-2014, 03:37 AM
Based on above - heroin/ecstasy - do it and dump her!
I'm shocked that Dino has no comment!

02-17-2014, 03:39 AM
BTW - In my day, a joint and a bottle of Tango solved everything!

02-17-2014, 03:47 AM
OK bro grab your beer and sit your ass down...I'm going to pontificate
1) Women are not like homes, cars, bikes or boats! You can't "fix them up" to suit your needs, wants, hopes or dreams.
2) Women are like homes, car, bikes and boats! they cost you a shit load of money and will piss you off and make you scream.
So don't be a dumb ass, if a woman shows up in your life and she is as dull as dirt in the sack or is driving your nuts because she has no sex drive....walk the fuck away! No really take it from a guy that knows...WALK THE FUCK AWAY!

That said, even if you do bump into a woman who does have an active sex drive and is kinky...don't expect that shit to keep going. On any given day for any given reason she can flip her fucking lid and well all that fun in the sack will go out the window and you will be left holding your cock in the shower wondering WTF just happened.

Your only real option?
Well really you have none!
But you do have a really good bluff. If a woman who was putting out all of a sudden stops...well you smile..point to the door and tell her to GTFOH! And you have to mean it!
that MAY and i do mean MAY just slap her inner dumb fuck and she may stop being a flaming bitch!

Your only other option Always have her know that there is other pussy out there that wants you. And that unless she is blowing your fucking mind every night she will quickly be replaced?


02-17-2014, 03:54 AM
^ sigh! So right!
That's why my motto is "GO PRO!"
At the end of the day it's MUCH CHEAPER!

02-17-2014, 04:04 AM
Buddy take it from me....I did that shit.
When i first met my x wife we had a good sex life when we were dating....sure it was all straight sex, no anal. But still it was good.
Then we got married and I WAS FUUUUUCCCCKKKKEEEDDD! Or i should say not getting fucked!
I did everything known to man to get her to perk back up! AND I FUCKING MEAN EVERYTHING! Ever seen a fucking Stepford Husband?
Yeah that was fucking me!
Cook, clean...you fucking name it....be super good to her friends family...encourage her to get her education...fuck even paid for it.
in the end i almost killed myself...no joke! I started partaking in extreme sports and started wondering if i was better off fucking dead!
my cholesterol was through the roof and my teeth were all fucked up from gritting them.
In the end the bitch divorced me and after the divorce i found out the stupid fuck was cheating on me with some needle dicked asian...sorry asians i'm from the middle east and i'm sure my 8in cock is bigger than your 4in cock....who wasn't educated nor was a legal resident of the US...

And well i was left holding my fucking cock and a condo that was $100k underwater because a year before the cunt wanted home......

4 years later and i'm ok....the key word here is ok......

and you know the sad part....the really sad part.....
due to the damage my x wife did to me and my sex drive and my ability to trust....

I blew to great relationships with two gorgeous women who post here all the time, both are models.

So watch the fuck out....if you are lucky you will get out OK if you are not...you will be fucked for a very long time!

02-17-2014, 04:08 AM
Rhohypnol always works for! :shrug

02-17-2014, 04:11 AM

Dino Velvet
02-17-2014, 04:18 AM
Heroin with Ambien chaser.

02-17-2014, 04:21 AM
Walk brother...walk the fuck away.
If you are "stuck" find a girl on the side...be it free or for pay...
Either way you are fucked.
Women are a one trick pony. All she's got is pussy. If she isn't putting out the kinky shit....well it means she doesn't want to.

02-17-2014, 06:03 AM
SXFX, it's nothing like that. Her sex drive is great...she just can't orgasm often or get too freaky...she's inhibited.

02-17-2014, 06:20 AM
Pot. Ecstasy, sure, and LSD, if she's used them before.

I think coke and alcohol are your best bet, though.

Or therapy, if she's truly inhibited.

But the important thing is that she wants to do it.

If she doesn't want to get freaky, don't make her get freaky.

02-17-2014, 06:21 AM
yeah...i had the same thoughts....yup was there....
she was hard to get orgasm after we got married + say 1 year or so.
Bought sex toys? Check!
Bought erotica? Check!
Hell I even bought her any porno she ever wanted....

I'm going to let you on a little secret.
Unless you are living in the fucking sticks of west bumble fuck PA pussy grows on trees.
Trade her in for a girl who brings her own hand cuffs!

02-17-2014, 06:25 AM
I wish you all the luck in the world. This reminds me of a girl I was with for a full year twenty years ago. I finally had to move on. We were in our mid twenties, my sex drive was very healthy and she only wanted to have sex twice a month! I was in love, she was a great chick, but the lack of sex during my youth drove me nuts. When we finally broke up, I felt so free and good. That was the one and only time I ever lived with a GF. I've never moved in with a women since, and probably never will. I hope you two work it out, but over time, you'll probably look elsewhere. Again, good luck to the both of you.

04-01-2021, 06:54 PM
YES !!
Im Straighish, which I learned as I began Smoking Meth. Immediately all I want to do is watch porn , stroke myself and try having sex with Transwomen and Sissies!

04-01-2021, 07:26 PM
Some good tequila
