View Full Version : Should Bella have been banned for the tranny vs nigger thread?

02-06-2014, 02:30 AM
I found out from Facebook today and someones post on another thread that Bella was banned for a month.

Plain and simple. What's your opinion?

02-06-2014, 02:38 AM
Bella wasn't banned...she was exorcised...

02-06-2014, 02:46 AM
Self deportation. Mitt Romney's dream.

02-06-2014, 08:22 AM
i didn't read that thread because i thought no good can come from it.

the reality is that bella is banned and when she returns, it will be as if she never left. you don't really think a ban from this board will change her attitude. some people will enjoy her POV and others will disagree...that's a simple fact of how forums like this one work.

02-06-2014, 09:55 AM
Once again, I can't see the point of a thread like this. Bella has been banned. Leave it at that.

02-06-2014, 10:13 AM
This board used to be a much nastier and hostile place, but at times I think it's swung too far in the other direction with the almost hair trigger impulse by mods to ban posters.

Was Bella given a specific warning prior to the ban??
Also it's tricky when the owners of this board who also happen to be the biggest producers of tranny porn on the planet are active participants.

For good and bad reasons, Sean and Co. are going to be the target of some posters because of disagreements some may have with their business model.

If Sean and Co. are going to be participants on HA, IMO they should be above it all when it comes to perceived personal slights from HA members.

Bella has issues with the (tranny) porn industry, not anything in particular with Sean or Steve. However too often they take tranny porn criticisms PERSONALLY.

Bans should be reserved IMO for members openly hostile, antagonistic or inflammatory against other posters or the trans-community in general.

Even then a stern public and private warning should precede a ban.

It's hard to find equilibrium on this board. How it was before wasn't sustainable and ran too many girls and posters off.
How it is now is more civil, but at times it feels like HA is being run by a military junta.

Still seeking the middle.

02-06-2014, 10:26 AM
This board used to be a much nastier and hostile place

lol true story. This place used to be like the 'Ol Wild West.

02-06-2014, 11:03 AM
This board used to be a much nastier and hostile place, but at times I think it's swung too far in the other direction with the almost hair trigger impulse by mods to ban posters.

VERY few posters get banned and most for a limited time only between a few days and a few months. Only one person has the kill switch and I stand behind everyone that has been banned. She wasn't banned for the "Tranny/Nigger Thread" she was banned for a cumulative and progressively nastier attacks on more than a few people that day.

Was Bella given a specific warning prior to the ban??
Plenty of warnings before she went postal on a number of people incl. myself.

Also it's tricky when the owners of this board who also happen to be the biggest producers of tranny porn on the planet are active participants.
Not so, when it's clear and apparent whom owns the board and who moderates. If we were trying to be underhand about it, then it would be different.

For good and bad reasons, Sean and Co. are going to be the target of some posters because of disagreements some may have with their business model.
Which is fine. This is partially a feedback/sounding board for our company and you have never seen me delete or moderate someone just for having a disagreement. What you have seen is me engage them and trying to answer why we do something like we do. This has enabled us (me) to have a better platform to answer what we do, then any other self-promotional, customer service device.
However, when one is constantly attacked despite answering those questions, when one or one's company is verbally abused and attacked without grounding or accused of things which are clearly, incorrect, then I don't have the patience or the time for those people and I'm not going to give them the same platform.

If Sean and Co. are going to be participants on HA, IMO they should be above it all when it comes to perceived personal slights from HA members.

Why? If you want my honesty and integrity - and if my personality has worked for 17 yrs in this industry, then you get it all. It's not "perceived personal slights" let's get the language correct. It's specific attacks or name calling.

Bella has issues with the (tranny) porn industry, not anything in particular with Sean or Steve. However too often they take tranny porn criticisms PERSONALLY.
Bella is irrelevant to the porn industry. Her issue stems from the fact she wanted a second shoot when we didn't (and neither did any other company) and she perceived that in-correctly as some sort of industry wide blanket ban - and she placed that at my feet, as the other operators don't have this sort of platform to respond. She wasn't offered a re-shoot based on a number of factors - nobody liked her/enjoyed working with her, and her ratings were too low (whether that was based on physical or performance is irrelevant). Her ongoing attacks on both Grooby and myself are disproportionate and based on some misguided believe that she's an advocate/spokesperson for TS's working in adult. She's not - and no model I know has ever asked her to be.

Bans should be reserved IMO for members openly hostile, antagonistic or inflammatory against other posters or the trans-community in general.
A few other reasons (spamming, underage, etc.) but otherwise agreed, and these are the reasons she took a one month ban.

Even then a stern public and private warning should precede a ban.
Necessary for those who may be new on the board or don't know the rules. Other people in that post were given warnings, specifically one who attacked Bella.

It's hard to find equilibrium on this board. How it was before wasn't sustainable and ran too many girls and posters off.
How it is now is more civil, but at times it feels like HA is being run by a military junta.

Still seeking the middle.

Luckily for you, that's not something you have to do or have responsibility for. I do. This board has more members and participants than it did in it's last years with the previous owners. We've more girls coming (and going) and I believe it's a safer place to play.
While I don't make excuses for my own online personality, I do realize it can be seen as abrasive or rude, and may even be perceived as petty. It is however, consistent and you know what you're going to get - and I believe that it has been an asset to my company and this board. I stand up for what I believe in, I want this board and my company to continue to be progressive, I want to promote both realism but with respect and manners and I believe any tgirl - wherever they fall in the spectrum should be welcome here.

Finally, this is one of the few boards that I know, which offers so much openness. On other boards, owners are absent and mods run the place to their own whims - or they're just allowed to run amok.
If you ask as question here, you will get an answer, you may not like it - but it won't be simply deleted.
This is the only board I know of, where you get accessibility to the management of a company of our type and are able to express what you want - and for that reasons, this board does help shape the things to come.

1 ... 2 ... 3 ... counting how long it takes Jo-Boo to relay this to Bella's Facebook. She does NOT have the right to reply on this thread until/if she returns, so any re-posting of her drivel, will be deleted.

Bella deserved a more than a month ban. She's welcome back after than month - but if she continues constant attacks, she's going to go again, more permanently.

02-06-2014, 11:30 AM
If Sean and Co. are going to be participants on HA, IMO they should be above it all when it comes to perceived personal slights from HA members.

Bella accused Steven outright of using the word tranny to perpetuate transgenders being homeless, suicidal, poor and depressed so he could profiteer from their misery.

I think that's a bit more than a "perceived slight", I'd say that's an outright accusation.

Bella is totally incapable of understanding that opinions and facts are two different things.

02-06-2014, 12:23 PM
Why was she banned?

02-06-2014, 12:26 PM
Why was she banned?

Many reasons. She got a one month ban. You can read back to my previous post. Many of her posts were removed. I'm not going to re-hash it as she was banned, it was my sole choice and those are the facts.

02-06-2014, 05:31 PM
I was kind of hoping this thread would just die, but since it is not.

I want to state, for the record, since the other thread was deleted which contained a similar statement:

I did NOT ask, petition, or call for Bella's ban from this board. I was not consulted about it in any way.

She has stated publicly in numerous places that I "caused" her to be banned at ( at the time of this writing, it is the first sentence in her blog, FB, and other posts). This is simply and unequivocally a boldface lie, and people should know it.

I "caused" her to banned in the same way a gazelle causes itself to be eaten when dining next to a hungry Nile crocodile (and no, I'm not saying I was the "dominant crocodile" here... it is just the first example that came to mind). I did not force the words that came from her mouth that resulted in a ban and nor did I seek the "protection" of moderators on this board at any time, as she has stated.

In direct opposition to what she has stated, I, in fact, publicly stated here before she was banned, that I was opposed to any censoring and / or banning based upon anything she had said. There is a strategic reason for that, I'll admit, but the fact remains that I did not cause this and to say so without also disclosing that I said she shouldn't be banned is categorically and intellectually dishonest.

That's all I have to say on this matter.

02-06-2014, 05:36 PM
That's all I have to say on this matter.

Ok - then stick to this please.

02-06-2014, 07:04 PM
This board used to be a much nastier and hostile place, but at times I think it's swung too far in the other direction with the almost hair trigger impulse by mods to ban posters.

Disagree. I much prefer these boards when they have less stupid drama instead of more.

There's a contingent of high-drama posters from latter days who no longer appear, and I am truly delighted by it. On the occasion when one of them comes back around and furiously posts 50 times in a day or two, then my heart sinks.

02-06-2014, 07:35 PM
This was just sent to me - and in the issue of fairness, I agree, a right to reply is appropriate - what I don't want is to turn this into another Bella ongoing needling and picking at every word I said, so I won't bother responding to most of this tripe, as the average member can read it for what it is - and the others, well, there is little I can say that would change your mind, if you take this as gospel or even half-truths.

Just to get the fact right, it's a one month ban!

I don’t have time for the political gamesmanship employed by bully, exploiter, owner-of-Grooby Steven . Since I’m not allowed to defend myself on HA, I’m going to answer his reasoning for my ban here point-for-point, and when you read it, you will realize that I was banned for nothing more than a difference of opinion and the fact that he and I personally dislike each other.

“VERY few posters get banned and most for a limited time only between a few days and a few months. Only one person has the kill switch and I stand behind everyone that has been banned. She wasn’t banned for the “Tranny/Nigger Thread” she was banned for a cumulative and progressively nastier attacks on more than a few people that day.”
‘Very few posters’ – so only those who disagree with you, even when they’ve been trying for months to do so respectfully until you bullied them. Guess what? Criticism is part of running a company and doing your own PR. I suggest you get over it. Furthermore. you have not, over the course of your entire post from which I’m quoting, provided one specific reason why I should be banned. Even more importantly, my so-called attacks on a few people were in self-defense of the same few people (I counted FIVE, including you) ganging up on me with even nastier attacks. One got a warning, two went scot-free, and one, the CD Krissy, spent the entire day babbling on the board about how she bemoans that she’s the only one who knows who to have a debate versus an argument.
Really?! All she cares about is saving face, not reaching consensus or even agreement to disagree. What would she know about it? I mean, our disagreement went on for DAYS! I’m sorry, but I’m not going to debate with someone’s whose only tactic is wearing down their opponent with verbose, pseudo-intellectual nonsense by satisfying their whims as they ignore my inquiries. And even then, Krissy had the grace to admit that I should not have been banned. You should be ashamed of yourself.
“If you want my honesty and integrity – and if my personality has worked for 17 yrs in this industry, then you get it all. It’s not “perceived personal slights” let’s get the language correct. It’s specific attacks or name calling.”
Actually, you have attacked, offended, bullied, manipulated, and blackmailed more people than I can count. The only reason that they don’t speak up anymore is because you have scared them out of it. Many have left the TS forums, and more still have given up on TS porn altogether, both fans and models. I encourage them to come forward, but I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t. And name calling? You’re the King. *bowdown*

“While I don’t make excuses for my own online personality, I do realize it can be seen as abrasive or rude, and may even be perceived as petty. It is however, consistent and you know what you’re going to get – and I believe that it has been an asset to my company and this board. I stand up for what I believe in, I want this board and my company to continue to be progressive, I want to promote both realism but with respect and manners and I believe any tgirl – wherever they fall in the spectrum should be welcome here.”

… other people in that post were given warnings, specifically one who attacked Bella.”
Funny. You actually admit that that you are ostensibly an asshole. Other than that, I abide by those same principles, but you own the board, I don’t, and we disagree… so all other things being equal, the threat to your authority must be banned. I have not attacked you personally any more than you did me, and none of the FOUR other people who attacked me right along side you suffered anything more than a half-assed warning. One even attacked my womanhood and my motherhood directly and repeatedly, telling me I had no right to either. That doesn’t bother me, but it is a gross double-standard. You’re right about one thing: it certainly is petty to punish the victim of what was essentially an e-jumping.
“Finally, this is one of the few boards that I know, which offers so much openness. On other boards, owners are absent and mods run the place to their own whims – or they’re just allowed to run amok.
… This is the only board I know of, where you get accessibility to the management of a company of our type and are able to express what you want – and for that reasons, this board does help shape the things to come.”
But you would never run the place to your own whims?! You have no ego, no dog in this fight? Is that it? Even though it’s central to your branding? Oh, and clearly, I was granted the right to speak my mind, right? I’m not going to make a First Amendment argument because I’m fully aware that it doesn’t apply to a private website, but you stated that users are ‘able to express what (they) want,’ and since you have yet to specify an example of my personally attacking anyone that didn’t attack me first (my valid criticisms of your company notwithstanding), or one in which I did so in a more unacceptable manner than they me, you have broken your promise to the users of the board, and they deserve to be warned.
“1 … 2 … 3 … counting how long it takes Jo-Boo to relay this to Bella’s Facebook. She does NOT have the right to reply on this thread until/if she returns, so any re-posting of her drivel, will be deleted.”
So then, you admit that I’m not allowed to defend myself. Got it. Who was it that said you were petty? Oh, right. You did.
And finally, the age old argument against me that you repeat ad nauseum and swear is not a personal attack…
“Bella is irrelevant to the porn industry. Her issue stems from the fact she wanted a second shoot when we didn’t (and neither did any other company) and she perceived that in-correctly as some sort of industry wide blanket ban – and she placed that at my feet, as the other operators don’t have this sort of platform to respond. She wasn’t offered a re-shoot based on a number of factors – nobody liked her/enjoyed working with her, and her ratings were too low (whether that was based on physical or performance is irrelevant). Her ongoing attacks on both Grooby and myself are disproportionate and based on some misguided believe that she’s an advocate/spokesperson for TS’s working in adult. She’s not – and no model I know has ever asked her to be.”
Irrelevant? I’ve been a bug in your ear for so long that you’ve had to resort to minimizing me and banning me when I wouldn’t stop defending myself. Oh, the humanity! How DARE I? I wouldn’t even care about this so much, but I’ve put in nearly 10,000 posts on HA, long predating your takeover, and to remove such a member of the community is… what was that word again… petty.
Further, I don’t want another shoot with you because I don’t trust you to make me look my best. I did, however, offer to GIVE you a photoset to reestablish my name on your site, only due to it sheer size, and you refused to accept it. Why? Because, as I’ve said, you’d rather minimize me than profit from my brand – a brand that I built myself and that has THREE TIMES been nominated for ‘Tranny Awards.’ Plenty of people enjoyed working with me, my video with Britney Markham for Strokers was on the top seller list for a number of months, and even my worst ratings surpass four out of five stars on many sites, despite my own personal distaste for some of the content I’ve shot for others.
That said, how are my attacks on your company disproportionate? You’ve been underrating me since day one. May I remind you that I single-handedly have designed, produced, directed, and operated my own site despite the numerous closed doors I’ve encountered from companies with whom I can’t even get an email response? You really think that, sight unseen, they would all systematically ignore me unless a third party intervened? ALL of them? Really?!
And as to my being an advocate, I most certainly am… or else you would have no reason to ban me, would you? The fact is that you live in two mansions in two different countries while models struggle to survive. You play games with their shoots. You demand only the most ‘hungry’ (read: desperate) models in order to maintain your control.
You command an exorbitant amount influence in the industry which, frankly, straight-up offends a LOT of people considering your ‘Godfather-like’ attitude. And of course, you’re never interested in one model for more than a minute, even if she becomes a fan favorite. Your company continues to show its true colors as the Wal-Mart of TS porn – quantity over quality. And let’s not even have the argument over marketing terminology again. If you can’t market TS porn without the words ‘shemale’ and ‘tranny,’ then you are a poor marketer indeed.
But even more importantly, since you’re so powerful, why wouldn’t you just ignore me if you didn’t believe that I was legitimate advocate? Frankly, if you’re going to run a company as large as Grooby and claim to be above all of this, why do you supposedly ‘come down’ to my level? After all, I’m irrelevant, right, so why get down in the trenches with me at all? Are you intentionally taunting me into what you consider ban-worthy situations? And when you ban me after I out-debate you in the name of equality, why do you continue to utilize your power advantage to diminish me even more without even allowing me the benefit of a defense on HA?
It’s because you’re so damn righteous, right? Nope. It’s because you’re so damn (undeservedly) powerful.
Bully for you.

02-06-2014, 08:18 PM
Disagree. I much prefer these boards when they have less stupid drama instead of more.

There's a contingent of high-drama posters from latter days who no longer appear, and I am truly delighted by it. On the occasion when one of them comes back around and furiously posts 50 times in a day or two, then my heart sinks.


This place used to be a trolls paradise.

02-06-2014, 08:20 PM
This was just sent to me - and in the issue of fairness, I agree, a right to reply is appropriate - what I don't want is to turn this into another Bella ongoing needling and picking at every word I said, so I won't bother responding to most of this tripe, as the average member can read it for what it is - and the others, well, there is little I can say that would change your mind, if you take this as gospel or even half-truths.

Just to get the fact right, it's a one month ban!

A Response to Steven Gallon’s Response to My HA Ban

By BellaBellucci (http://bella-xxx.info/author/bellabellucci/) · Leave a Comment (http://bella-xxx.info/2014/02/06/a-response-to-steven-gallons-response-to-my-ha-ban/#comments)

I don’t have time for the political gamesmanship employed by bully, exploiter, owner-of-Grooby Steven Gallon. Since I’m not allowed to defend myself on HA, I’m going to answer his reasoning for my ban here point-for-point, and when you read it, you will realize that I was banned for nothing more than a difference of opinion and the fact that he and I personally dislike each other.

“VERY few posters get banned and most for a limited time only between a few days and a few months. Only one person has the kill switch and I stand behind everyone that has been banned. She wasn’t banned for the “Tranny/Nigger Thread” she was banned for a cumulative and progressively nastier attacks on more than a few people that day.”
‘Very few posters’ – so only those who disagree with you, even when they’ve been trying for months to do so respectfully until you bullied them. Guess what? Criticism is part of running a company and doing your own PR. I suggest you get over it. Furthermore. you have not, over the course of your entire post from which I’m quoting, provided one specific reason why I should be banned. Even more importantly, my so-called attacks on a few people were in self-defense of the same few people (I counted FIVE, including you) ganging up on me with even nastier attacks. One got a warning, two went scot-free, and one, the CD Krissy, spent the entire day babbling on the board about how she bemoans that she’s the only one who knows who to have a debate versus an argument.
Really?! All she cares about is saving face, not reaching consensus or even agreement to disagree. What would she know about it? I mean, our disagreement went on for DAYS! I’m sorry, but I’m not going to debate with someone’s whose only tactic is wearing down their opponent with verbose, pseudo-intellectual nonsense by satisfying their whims as they ignore my inquiries. And even then, Krissy had the grace to admit that I should not have been banned. You should be ashamed of yourself.

“If you want my honesty and integrity – and if my personality has worked for 17 yrs in this industry, then you get it all. It’s not “perceived personal slights” let’s get the language correct. It’s specific attacks or name calling.”
Actually, you have attacked, offended, bullied, manipulated, and blackmailed more people than I can count. The only reason that they don’t speak up anymore is because you have scared them out of it. Many have left the TS forums, and more still have given up on TS porn altogether, both fans and models. I encourage them to come forward, but I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t. And name calling? You’re the King. *bowdown*

“While I don’t make excuses for my own online personality, I do realize it can be seen as abrasive or rude, and may even be perceived as petty. It is however, consistent and you know what you’re going to get – and I believe that it has been an asset to my company and this board. I stand up for what I believe in, I want this board and my company to continue to be progressive, I want to promote both realism but with respect and manners and I believe any tgirl – wherever they fall in the spectrum should be welcome here.”

… other people in that post were given warnings, specifically one who attacked Bella.”
Funny. You actually admit that that you are ostensibly an asshole. Other than that, I abide by those same principles, but you own the board, I don’t, and we disagree… so all other things being equal, the threat to your authority must be banned. I have not attacked you personally any more than you did me, and none of the FOUR other people who attacked me right along side you suffered anything more than a half-assed warning. One even attacked my womanhood and my motherhood directly and repeatedly, telling me I had no right to either. That doesn’t bother me, but it is a gross double-standard. You’re right about one thing: it certainly is petty to punish the victim of what was essentially an e-jumping.

“Finally, this is one of the few boards that I know, which offers so much openness. On other boards, owners are absent and mods run the place to their own whims – or they’re just allowed to run amok.
… This is the only board I know of, where you get accessibility to the management of a company of our type and are able to express what you want – and for that reasons, this board does help shape the things to come.”
But you would never run the place to your own whims?! You have no ego, no dog in this fight? Is that it? Even though it’s central to your branding? Oh, and clearly, I was granted the right to speak my mind, right? I’m not going to make a First Amendment argument because I’m fully aware that it doesn’t apply to a private website, but you stated that users are ‘able to express what (they) want,’ and since you have yet to specify an example of my personally attacking anyone that didn’t attack me first (my valid criticisms of your company notwithstanding), or one in which I did so in a more unacceptable manner than they me, you have broken your promise to the users of the board, and they deserve to be warned.

“1 … 2 … 3 … counting how long it takes Jo-Boo to relay this to Bella’s Facebook. She does NOT have the right to reply on this thread until/if she returns, so any re-posting of her drivel, will be deleted.”
So then, you admit that I’m not allowed to defend myself. Got it. Who was it that said you were petty? Oh, right. You did.
And finally, the age old argument against me that you repeat ad nauseum and swear is not a personal attack…

“Bella is irrelevant to the porn industry. Her issue stems from the fact she wanted a second shoot when we didn’t (and neither did any other company) and she perceived that in-correctly as some sort of industry wide blanket ban – and she placed that at my feet, as the other operators don’t have this sort of platform to respond. She wasn’t offered a re-shoot based on a number of factors – nobody liked her/enjoyed working with her, and her ratings were too low (whether that was based on physical or performance is irrelevant). Her ongoing attacks on both Grooby and myself are disproportionate and based on some misguided believe that she’s an advocate/spokesperson for TS’s working in adult. She’s not – and no model I know has ever asked her to be.”
Irrelevant? I’ve been a bug in your ear for so long that you’ve had to resort to minimizing me and banning me when I wouldn’t stop defending myself. Oh, the humanity! How DARE I? I wouldn’t even care about this so much, but I’ve put in nearly 10,000 posts on HA, long predating your takeover, and to remove such a member of the community is… what was that word again… petty.
Further, I don’t want another shoot with you because I don’t trust you to make me look my best. I did, however, offer to GIVE you a photoset to reestablish my name on your site, only due to it sheer size, and you refused to accept it. Why? Because, as I’ve said, you’d rather minimize me than profit from my brand – a brand that I built myself and that has THREE TIMES been nominated for ‘Tranny Awards.’ Plenty of people enjoyed working with me, my video with Britney Markham for Strokers was on the top seller list for a number of months, and even my worst ratings surpass four out of five stars on many sites, despite my own personal distaste for some of the content I’ve shot for others.
That said, how are my attacks on your company disproportionate? You’ve been underrating me since day one. May I remind you that I single-handedly have designed, produced, directed, and operated my own site despite the numerous closed doors I’ve encountered from companies with whom I can’t even get an email response? You really think that, sight unseen, they would all systematically ignore me unless a third party intervened? ALL of them? Really?!
And as to my being an advocate, I most certainly am… or else you would have no reason to ban me, would you? The fact is that you live in two mansions in two different countries while models struggle to survive. You play games with their shoots. You demand only the most ‘hungry’ (read: desperate) models in order to maintain your control.
You command an exorbitant amount influence in the industry which, frankly, straight-up offends a LOT of people considering your ‘Godfather-like’ attitude. And of course, you’re never interested in one model for more than a minute, even if she becomes a fan favorite. Your company continues to show its true colors as the Wal-Mart of TS porn – quantity over quality. And let’s not even have the argument over marketing terminology again. If you can’t market TS porn without the words ‘shemale’ and ‘tranny,’ then you are a poor marketer indeed.
But even more importantly, since you’re so powerful, why wouldn’t you just ignore me if you didn’t believe that I was legitimate advocate? Frankly, if you’re going to run a company as large as Grooby and claim to be above all of this, why do you supposedly ‘come down’ to my level? After all, I’m irrelevant, right, so why get down in the trenches with me at all? Are you intentionally taunting me into what you consider ban-worthy situations? And when you ban me after I out-debate you in the name of equality, why do you continue to utilize your power advantage to diminish me even more without even allowing me the benefit of a defense on HA?
It’s because you’re so damn righteous, right? Nope. It’s because you’re so damn (undeservedly) powerful.
Bully for you.
Woah she's still pretty salty.

02-06-2014, 08:34 PM
From what I saw of her posts in the thread and since they seemed to violate the rules of the board, yes.

I have always believed that a good message board should be like a town in the Old West. But with the caveat of having a strong sheriff and/or marshal to keep things from getting too out of hand. Basically a town that is in a territory that is applying for statehood.

I have been on some message boards where because of the topic, there is this concern about infringing on people's right to free speech. So pretty much anything goes and sometimes things can get out of hand pretty quickly. On the other hand, I have heard about forums where mods have itchy trigger fingers and will ban members for the slightest infraction.

Although I have only been a member for less than a year, I think Hung Angels is one of those message boards that gets it right when it comes to resolving issues.

02-06-2014, 08:51 PM
was it a "salvage" banning?

Wendy Summers
02-06-2014, 08:54 PM
this was just sent to me - and in the issue of fairness, i agree, a right to reply is appropriate -.

tl; dr

02-06-2014, 10:05 PM
Nah...She's fuck nutz crazy but, i like to see her run! :shrug

02-08-2014, 08:39 PM
tl; dr

With all sincerity, this is exactly why I think you're my favourite poster on here.

02-09-2014, 04:03 AM
For those of you not around back then, I have to whole heartedly agree that this place use to be quite.....circus like, I may not post a lot, but I read a ton. Vicky Richter is one that sticks out like a sore thumb back in those days (nothing against her personally, but was like Maury on this forums some days!)

This board is well run and in good hands these days. You're free to post what you wish within limits and its free of cost. You want anything more than that go take web developing classes or pay someone to make you a forum.

02-11-2014, 02:38 PM
Why she butt hurt about being banned from a website? It's not even a lifelong ban, but just a month. I mean I like Bella and like reading her posts but she be back in a month posting about the inequalities in tranny (are we still allowed to use that word or not, haven't been online in 5 days so don't know...anyway) porn and how Steven is the devil in no time.

02-11-2014, 11:32 PM
F__k No!!!!!!! All part of a Forum>>

02-12-2014, 01:50 AM
Honestly I don't get short term bans and while I find Bella to be a truly cynical person who wishes to have it all ways, she was good copy even when she was off her rocker playing a transexual version of Ann Coulter when it came to men and their interest in TS cock. But if she was going to be banned, just do it. Otherwise consider who sponsors the site, this was nothing more than a warning shot over the bow regarding her site and her ability to generate income from that hosted site. That probably could have been done off line while we got to be entertained by the girl that advertised to escort tranny chasers and came here to denounce them. That's my take.