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01-19-2014, 09:47 PM
Campaign warns that discrimination against transsexuals and transvestites can lead to closure of businesses
27/01/2013 - 19h56
Marli Moreira
Brazil Agency reporter


São Paulo - Transvestites and transsexuals can sue companies or individuals that have left in embarrassing or humiliating situation, in acts that constitute prejudice or discrimination. Who discrimination violates the right to equality provided for in the Brazilian Constitution.

And if the attitude occur by a company in the State of São Paulo, the company is subject to an administrative proceeding, to pay a fine and may even have closed the activities under State Law 10,948, according clarified today (27), Vanessa Vieira , coordinator of the Center for Combating Discrimination Ombudsman of the State of São Paulo.

Along with other professionals, she was part of group of services to the population in a mobile unit of the Public Defender of the State of São Paulo, in the Republic Square, the center of the state capital.

"We want to raise awareness of the mechanisms to combat homophobia and transphobia," she said. The defending recalled situations in which these citizens are called by the names listed in the birth registry, which can bring them embarrassment if, for example, to be called with male names when appearance is female or vice versa.

Republic Square was chosen for the awareness campaign by having wide circulation of people, especially on Sunday when the traditional craft fair takes place. The move is part of the preparatory day dedicated to the visibility of transvestites and transsexuals (29) activities.

For this, condoms and leaflets were distributed calling the public's attention on the main cause of moral physical violence, or symbolic against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals.

"Our expectation is to increasingly assert our Article 5 of the Constitution, which says that all are equal before the law, and then seek this equality in the fight against prejudice and discrimination and enhance the individuality of every citizen," argued President of the Association of GLBT Pride Parade in Sao Paulo, Fernando Lent.

He believes that, although there is still a lot of prejudice against gays, there are advances in the fight against this homophobic sentiment. For Lent, just as women were gradually gaining the right to vote in elections, no more need to be supported by her husband and having conquered the defense against domestic violence through the Maria da Penha Law, these social groups will also achieve greater respect.

In the Department of Justice and Defense of Citizenship of the State of São Paulo were initiated 44 cases of discrimination over the past year, less than 2011 (63) number and a little above 2010 (33). Currently, 120 are ongoing processes.

Presenting themselves as transsexual, Athenas Joy gave support to the campaign for distributing condoms. "We need that society respects us more, open the doors of work, because we live in a more modern society. I believe the world is with another head and expect us to accept more "justified.
