View Full Version : Uncle Sam's Misguided Children - USMC

Brittany St Jordan
10-31-2013, 02:09 AM
You can read the entirety of this story on my blog (http://brittanystjordan.tumblr.com/MyStory)

Throughout my beginnings in the marines my “I wanna be mommy” complex was overshadowed by a strict schedule of training, training and more fucking training. Thinking of shoes, dresses or anything prissy was nowhere near my current thought process. The little bit of spare time I had was spent either getting drunk, using my roommate's laptop to chat online or a combination of both. This would be the catalyst for learning to trust my instincts.

I have no idea what chatroom it was but Brianna and I just happened to be there at the same time. Brianna was my new online interest as she and I could talk for hours without getting bored of the conversation. After a few months and some intense emotional bonding Brianna broke it to me that her name was actually Michelle and Brianna was just a name she used, sort of like a stage name for online chatting.

It came down to being time for the marine corps ball, which is in November, and she was all set to come out as my date. A friend and I had already went in on a suite at the hotel where the ball was being held and less than a week before the ball Michelle bailed on me. I did what any marine would do in such a moment of frustration, I punched something really fucking hard.

What I punched was a metal secretary. Not a cyborgenic note taking assistant but a tall metal collapsible desk with shelves and doors. I punched the top half as I knew it was mostly empty. However, being that I was trained with deadly accuracy I hit the one spot where the half inch thick edge of the shelf sat. The pain was instantaneous but the endorphin rush was stronger. It hurt and it was swollen a little bit but since I had been nursing a beer during my phone call with Michelle there was no way I was going to the base hospital and get charged with an alcohol related incident.

Earlier that day we were given plastic keychains with condoms in them. It was our medical folks way of telling us to have a safe weekend. Since there were several of them now in my possession I used the plastic cases as a splint and wrapped my hand with duct tape to hold them in place. I slept all through the night to wake up to what looked like a tennis ball inserted into my hand. Plus those endorphins were no longer kicking in so it fucking hurt. It was time to go the ER and get it taken care of.

The x-ray technician may have just been doing his job but when he sprawled out my hand to take an x-ray the pain that shot through my body made me want to punch him with my good hand. The pain was too intense though and all I could was scream. His professional diagnosis was that my hand was indeed fractured. I love the superpower of observation medical practitioners have. I knew it was broken before I walked in the door. I went to the ER to get it put back together again.

I had suffered what is known as a boxer's fracture. I broke the bone that goes from my wrist to my pinky finger. It is why that particular knuckle sits back when when compared to my other hand. I also never told the hospital what happened. I used the story of slipping on the wet bathroom floor and falling into the tiled wall on the edge of the shower. Totally plausible and that was my story.

Crappy news, I had a broken hand with a cast for the marine corps ball. Great news, no field training exercises for me for the next three months. Also during those next three months there was no talking with Michelle. I was beyond pissed off at her and was in no mood for her bullshit while I was spending my days playing video games instead of having to go to work. It was like a vacation with the exception of going to formation a few times a day. Still had to be somewhat part of the team.

After several months of no communicating with Michelle we got back in touch again. For some reason that little break was just what we needed for both of us to sort some stuff out. We were back to talking on the phone until all hours of the night as well as chatting online when time allowed us to. Our conversations usually lead to topics others would have to dial xxx hotlines to have. The detailed conversations of our talks is where I learned how to talk dirty on camera. There were no cameras involved back then but it was the same premise of using language and intonation to get each other off.

Michelle and I would continue our talks daily and nightly. Whenever I wasn't working I was on the phone with her. Then it got close to the time where the battalion was getting ready for deployment again. This meant that I would be heading out to see Michelle for a little while before heading off to Okinawa for six months. I thought I would be sweet and charming so I bought us some sex toys and her some lingerie. The moment that package was opened up every single drop of my “I wanna be mommy” complex came flooding to the surface. Fuck!

My roommate was out for the night and so I thought I would see how well my girlfriend's new lingerie looked and felt on me. Just as I got the last bow tied the key hit the door. It was my roommate arriving back earlier than I had expected. I went from the center of the room to under my blanket in a move that would impress any professional magician because to this day I have no idea how I pulled it off. Before the door was even cracked open I was wrapped up in my blanket and acted as if I was asleep. This would be the first and the last time I ever did any crossdressing in the barracks.

On another side note, we were getting inspected for drugs and paraphernalia because a whole lot of people had pissed hot on the recent pee pee screening. I was the only marine who had lingerie and sex toys on their bed. When asked what the fuck I had it for I told them it was for my girlfriend when I was going on leave. I smiled, they grumbled and I got away with it. It was my vast collection of porn that kept them from questioning any further.

I was the porn rental room of the barracks. Videos, magazines and now my own private collection of toys and lingerie. I have been in the retail smut business for a long time. I even won a Janine fan club membership for a writing contest and had a letter published in Penthouse as well. Porn was my thing before the marine corps, during the marine corps and as we all know, my career after the marine corps.

I was off to spend my block of leave with Michelle. It wasn't long after we got to her place that we were doing all of the things we had talked about on the phone every night. She was in the midst of giving me head when I let her know I was about to cum. As she lifter her mouth and looked down at her hands wrapped around my cock I blasted her straight in the eye. Michelle was screaming and I was laughing as she was trying to somehow get the cum out of her eye. She made a dash to the bathroom to wash it out but being as her vision was slightly off she ran face first into the doorway. I nearly pissed myself I was laughing so hard. This is probably why she hated giving head ever again.

After then end of my leave we said our goodbyes as we prepared for my deployment to Okinawa. Six months is a long time to be on opposite sides of the world. Anything could happen and it usually did. Deployment is like Vegas, what happens there stays there. Morality and loyalty get left on the tarmac as the plane leaves US soil and heads to the land of the rising sun. This is a two way street for both marines and their significant others.

A couple of weeks before I was set to leave, Michelle called me to deliver the news that she was pregnant. My first response was, is it too late for an abortion? I was quickly informed that abortion was not going to be an option. I was freaking out. There was no way I was ready for this. Young, dumb and in love was one thing but having kid, fuck...my...life.

About a week after I get to Okinawa I talked to Michelle and she let me know the good news and the bad news. Bad news, she was seven, not a couple, months pregnant. Good news, not mine. It turned out that during our little hiatus she had a little fling with some jackass and it was his kid. Also, I have had sex with a pregnant chick. So we talked over our options and decided that adoption would be the way to go. Everything went as planned until the day she was supposed to give the child up for adoption. She was right there and backed out.

I remember that phone call as Michelle was in hysterics saying she couldn't let it happen. No abortion, no adoption, well I guess would just figure this shit out as we went along. What we figured out was that even though this happened we were still in love so to express that to one another we would get married when I returned from Okinawa. Instead of cutting our losses we decided to start a family.

I planned our entire wedding from a cybercafe in Korea. It was all set up at a chapel in Vegas and all we had to do was show up. There was just this small itsy bitsy thing about myself that I had yet to ever share with anyone since the day in preschool when I was called stupid. This was the woman I was about to share my life with so it was only fair that I let her know I was a crossdresser. It had been years since I even possessed girl clothes let alone even wore them but there was that hurdle that I would have to overcome if we were going to be together.

It was now about two months from our wedding so I felt it was time to fly out of the crossdressing closet for the first time in my adult life. All the of the anxiety of telling someone my deepest secret was for nothing as her answer to “I am a crossdresser” was “okay.” Being that I was also in good with her mom we told her as well. Both of them were supportive of it and the plans for wedding kept on keeping on.

When it came time for our wedding day we drove from Twentynine Palms to Vegas while it was snowing on us in the desert. We got to the hotel and Michelle went off to get her hair done while I readied my dress blues for the ceremony. My best man was running late and one of my other friends was there to walk Michelle down the aisle. It was at this point that my instincts said to run. Not like a omg omg omg kind of run. More like a haul ass and hit the road before anyone knows you are gone kind of run. Instead, I stood there smiling as we exchanged vows and legally became husband and wife. And all I could think of was how would that wedding dress look on me?

It didn't take long at all for the “I wanna be mommy” complex to come flooding into my life. We were living out in town off of base and had a closed in patio. It was soon a regular thing for me to be in some sort of dress, skirt or some sort of outfit along with one of the few pairs of heels I had at the time. It was also soon after that when Michelle flipped out and was complaining that she married a man not a girl. I promptly replied that I told her what she was getting into and she said she was ok with it.

Honestly, neither of us knew what we were getting into. I was less than six months until my enlistment was over and was looking way beyond the marines and my new life as a crossdressing lesbian husband. It really was all I ever talked about, did or scoured the internet for. All things girly was my only focus. Hair, shoes, clothes and anything that sparkled or looked like a hooker would wear it was all I was thinking about.

The time came where it was time to leave the sandbox in California and go be a civilian. To start this trek we would be driving back to Louisiana, where Michelle was from. Her Mom would be coming with us to take care of the baby and help drive. This would require picking her Mom up at the airport in Vegas so once again we drove to Sin City and got ourselves a hotel room. Michelle had the idea that nobody in Vegas would know me so I could finally go out in public dressed as girl for the very first time. I Loved This Woman.

The dress that I chose was a purple and black gradient striped asymmetrical little number with thin shoulder straps and fringes of stings along the bottom edge. I matched that with a taupe pair of pantyhose, some stunning purple heels and the most platinum blonde wig ever created. I looked like a child playing dress up for the very first time and for all intensive purposes I was. I even had stockings stuffed with bird seed for my boobs so I wasn't totally flat chested. Four years of active duty marine life did little for my womanly figure but I felt like a goddess. There are photos out there that prove otherwise.

My mother-in-law had no idea I was going to be picking her up dressed to the nines and ready for a back alley cocktail party. My lovely wife has an aversion to large crowds so she stayed in the car. There I was, by myself, out in public dressed as girl for the very first time in the midst of everyone at the Las Vegas airport to pick up my mother-in-law. It was beyond liberating and my mother-in-law's only comment was how cute I looked.

That one giant step out of the closet totally opened a lot of doors to my own inner closet and there was no way this queen was going to be going back in anytime soon. As we prepared ourselves to travel across the country I packed away my military clothes and got out the hair and make-up for our journey east. From the moment we left the hotel in Twentynine Palms until we were almost home, I was dressed as a chick the entire trip. One of the highlights of which was when we stopped in Texas for the night and I was hanging out with my new family by the pool. They all got in the water and I went to change. I came back in regular guy swim trunks without the hair and make-up and the realization mixed with confusion on the faces of the other guests was priceless.

Although I was playing dress up and taking tons of photos around the house I rarely ever went outside at all. I quickly dropped all of my body weight and was down to a slim 125 pounds. Everyone thought I was on the verge of death but I thought I looked super fabulous in my dresses with my fake bird seed boobs. We eventually told a couple of Michelle's friends about my little secret and we would go to a local gay bar on drag nights. This was all fine and dandy and quite fun, then 9/11 happened.

Being that I had just gotten off of active duty there was a good chance I would be recalled to the infantry. I knew my only option would be to reenlist on my own terms so that I could avoid being sent back to the infantry. After a little bit of back and forth administrative stuff I chose small computer system repair. I had a couple of months to wait until my school would pick up so it was back to the dresses and heels once again until Uncle Sam owned my ass for the second time.

It was while I was back at Twentynine Palms at school for computer geeks that my world would take a most unexpected turn. Michelle had met some marine who was back in Louisiana while I was in school. She stopped answering her phone as well as calling me. I was beyond pissed and when I did finally get a hold of her she let me know that if I didn't leave her and her new boy toy alone she was going to take my photo album of crossdressing photos to the recruiter's office and bust me. OH Fuck, I Hated This Bitch.

I called her mom as she was in the loop as to what was happening and I had her get all of my photos and burn them. She got them out of my apartment and promptly destroyed them all. With all of the evidence gone and no longer an issue I was still left with the fact that my wife was now with some dude and I was completely helpless. So I did something I hadn't done in a very long time. I got in my car, drove out in town to find the right spot, parked the car and went to church.

The sermon that day was about even when sheep go a little stray the sheppard is always there to guide them. Something about the words the minister used really hit home and I lost my fucking mind. Everyone else was there enjoying the message and I was in the back pew crying my eyes out. Through everything that was happening in my life the pain and healing I felt while I was there was something I hadn't felt in a very long time. I immediately went out to my car and called my mother-in-law, a devout southern baptist woman, and told her what had happened. This would be the stepping stone to my baptism several weeks later.

Now that I was fueled with the fire of faith it was time to get back to Louisiana. There was still the issue of my wife banging some other fucking jarhead. My plan was to pack my car and hit the road. My friends solidified their place in my life when nobody tried to talk me out of it and helped pack up my belongings. Leaving any duty station without permission is like breaking out of jail and highly frowned upon. So I did the honest thing and went to the duty officer that day and told him to call the commanding officer and let him know I was going UA (Unauthorized Absence) and heading home.

After he collected his thoughts from this Corporal telling his superiors he is going to break the rules and just giving them a friendly heads up it is going to happen, he kindly asked why. I told him about my wife banging some other jarhead and not answering my phone calls. He was immediately on board with my plan but to cover his own ass we called my 1stSgt who had me wait until the next day to go see him. It was the final week of class, I tested out and was on my way home the next day. I made it from Twentynine Palms to Baton Rouge in twenty-three hours. I was on a mission.

I sort of have this ability to make someone who is pissed off at me hate even more just by showing up and confronting them face to face. Michelle was less than thrilled to see me and even more pissed off that I now had her boy toy's name, duty station and phone numbers to his entire chain of command. It was my leverage to make her calm the fuck down or else I would turn him in for adultery with another marine's wife. It worked too. We sat down and I told her about my visit to the church and the moving experience that I had. Things seemed to even out from there.

I took all of them blame for what had happened as I was far too concerned with crossdressing than being a husband. So in an effort to prove my loyalty to the woman, I threw my entire wardrobe and everything associated with it into the dumpster. There wasn't even a pair of pantyhose left when I was through. I was now a loyal husband fueled by the power of Jesus and my evil cross-dressing ways were a thing of the past. This would also be how I ended up with the cross on my chest with the words faith and family written on it.

We were now a renewed family with power of Christ on our side as we headed to Virginia where I would begin my next series of of events of my personal evolution. Things were about as vanilla as saltines without salt for a little while. Then I realized real quick that living in base housing off of Quantico and having very little oversight over me at work meant I could start dabbling in the world of crossdressing once again. An Ebay purchase here, clearance rack dress there and I was right back in the swing of things. It wasn't long at all and just like a glittery junky in a dress I was getting my fix once again.

Michelle was also up to her own antics as well as she was chatting it up with guys online. She claimed they were just friends and as they were in a military chatroom. Who was I to question otherwise? Then things took an awkward, yet interesting, turn as some of these friends were being invited over to our apartment. The trick this was she had told them she worked at the dental clinic and I was her crossdressing cousin. So these guys would come over and hang out with my wife and I while I was dressed as a girl. Whether they knew the truth or not I have no idea but it was definitely an interesting way to spend the evening.

One night the topic of sucking dick came up and I proposed I could suck dick better than Michelle. To prove this theory I would find some unknown stranger from a local chatroom and invite them over. After finding my soon to be cock donor I went to get myself all freshened up and ready to go. My wife and her friends were in the living room and I was about to suck cock for the very first time. Without even taking in the concept of what was happening I was simply thrilled to know I would be proving my wife wrong and that I could in fact give better head than her.

My donor cock was attached to an average looking guy with blonde hair probably in his late 20's. We walked through the living room where my wife and her friends were all gathered as we made our way to the bedroom. Once we got to the bedroom he laid down on the bed that was usually shared with my wife and I. We slipped off his pants and underwear to reveal a very decent sized cock hiding underneath. This was the moment of truth as to whether I could suck cock better than my wife and I was going to do everything within my power to prove that I could.

He was laying on the bed with his cock pointing straight up at the ceiling. Evidently he was as excited about our arrangement as I was. I put one hand around the shaft as I prepared my lips and tongue for the sensation of the tip of his cock to make contact with them. Then it happened. My mouth quickly became full of the warmth from his cock. I was sliding my mouth up and down his shaft while teasing the tip of cock with my tongue each time they touched. I was going nice and slow as to not choke and gag all over the place. I wanted to savor and enjoy this moment of sweet oral bliss as I was now sucking a cock, and I liked it.

I put one hand gently around his balls and began moving my mouth slightly faster over the shaft of hard cock as the head was bouncing off of the back of my throat. It felt so good that I had no ability to resist moaning with my own pleasure as he continued to orally penetrate me. I could feel the throbbing of his cock as it was building up an explosion of cum deep within his balls. It would only take a few more thrusts into my willing throat to make his entire body convulse as a stream of hot cum shot out of the tip of his cock and all over my hands while I continued stroking him. I made him cum.

He applauded me as being very good for sucking cock for the very first time. I guess all of those years of porn had finally paid off. I helped him clean up as he sat there with his cock covered in cum where my wife would usually be sleeping. After we cleaned up we both talked about how enjoyable it was for for both of us. He washed up and walked out the door never to be heard from again. Just like my escorting clients do today.

Once I rejoined my wife and her friends they were quick to ask how was it, what did we do and a bunch of other questions that showed their curiosity definitely had the best of them. I simply proclaimed that I indeed got him off and we both had a wonderful time. Being that it was a glorious success and he came I declared that I could indeed suck better than my wife to which she graciously handed the title over to me to have. I was now the cocksucking queen of the household.

The night was an amazing evening of things I could have only ever dreamt of. The only thing that really bothered me was the fact that I was left sleeping alone. My wife was off in another room with one of her friends and I all I wanted was someone to cuddle with. That was the only thing that really bothered me. That and the fact that I still had to be macho marine asshole once the sun came up the following day.

I would continue my adventures in crossdressing and Michelle would continue chatting with guys online. Eventually it got to a point where neither of us wanted to be around one another so she moved back home with her mom. Once she decided to stay in Louisiana she came back for one more trip to pick up her things and go home. The day she left was Super Bowl Sunday and the Raiders were playing for the first time in a good many years. As the last box was loaded and the door was shut I was there all alone with only my belongings. So I did what any grieving crossdressing husband would do. I rearranged the living room so I could get all girlied out and play online while watching the Raiders get defeated. The saddest part of that day was that the Raiders lost the Super Bowl.

10-31-2013, 08:51 PM
Very interesting back story Brittany and you are a gifted writer.