View Full Version : Oral and HIV

09-05-2013, 05:03 PM
So been reading up on this lately, some boards are saying based on studies it's such a low risk that some even consider it "0". Some say saliva kills the HIV virus.

Have spoke with some who have been performing oral for years on hundreds of guys and shemales and have never caught a thing.

I don't know anyone who got it from oral - thoughts?? anyone with actual experience on this ?

09-05-2013, 05:30 PM
The difficulty in answering this question is that it's so hard to study...one thing that is definite is that HIV+'s on antiviral meds with undetectable loads in plasma can have detectable loads in semen.

If the person receiving has absolutely no lesions, the chances are extremely high they will not contract HIV although it cannot be said they are 100% certain not to.

In short, you will not find any professional source that will not advocate the use of condoms, dental dams, etc. as being the surest way to prevent transmission in all forms of sex.

09-05-2013, 06:04 PM
Very low risk, but still theoretically possible because of contact with pre-cum and possibly ejaculate. If you really want to be as safe as you can be, you don't perform oral without a barrier between your mouth and your partner's genitals.

Again, it's such a low risk that it's probably even difficult to give a statistic on it, but I would guess that there have been transmissions this way. It's difficult to prove, because someone who claims to have contracted HIV by performing oral may also have other risky contacts.