View Full Version : HA Political Forum...Same as it ever was

07-28-2013, 06:34 PM
It's comical to drop by the left wing fuck fest for a visit from time to time , or to go back and read some of the threads at the time of the Martin shooting, or even back to the election of Obama and see how painfully wrong so many of you were, and obviously still are. The emotional outrage at the time of the Sanford shooting began with Seanchai before any of the facts were even in...another puffy white liberal who if you dared disagree with or point out it was going to be a difficult murder case to prove as the evidence was unfolding....well you undoubtedly know the rest of the story...you're a racist.
The irony of a guy who makes his living selling porn via the freedoms afforded him in the Constitution (at least here in the States) trying to stifle debate and discussion by labeling others as unfit to comment is something the Daily Show would have a field day with. Shame on you Fat Man and your shut in side kicks in here. . But I digress.........

I do see you all are still flogging the Koch Brothers for every conceivable failed left wing policy from the economy to global warming so a hat tip for consistency. I wonder if those damn Koch brothers are secretly preventing the closing of Gitmo or laundering money to Snowden to keep dripping out information on the Patriot Act on steroids under Barry and Eric...You remember the Patriot Act...right? Those were the good ole days ! How about we get some HA snoops on that and see if we can't come up with something...? and if you can't .....why in here conjecture serves as facts, so that will work just fine.

So what now for you leftists? You're 5 years into the transformation and it's going nowhere fast. You're at a point where despite a hapless opposition, more Americans think Barry's not up to the job than think he is. Indecision on Gitmo, Egypt, Syria, North Korea, Iran, Red Lines, The Keystone Pipeline, Snowden, Economic Policy and when to pivot again, Lois Lehrner, what if anything to do about your shellacking on gun control, what next on the stalled immigration legislation, when to enact the employer mandates on your hallmark legislation, what to do about the promised transparency that hasn't occurred.....so much to do and so little time left to win back the House. Look..when Congressional leaders quietly ask The leader of their Party, the President not to get involved in the immigration discussion, you're looking at a lame duck with 3 years to go.....and all this despite a shamefull, at times sycophantic, press !!! It seems the only consistency Obama shows is his propensity to scapegoat and create straw men.

So I'm out again...maybe to reappear after the mid terms to spread some more cheer, but I do however revel in your misery and agony of a left wing wet dream interrupted by reality. A bit of schadenfreude if you will. It seemed you were so close 5 years ago...right on the edge of making your dream of a European style leftist utopia....righting all the Bush wrongs, and now it's crashing and burning like the Hindenberg.....or would Detroit be a more poignant example?

07-28-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi Onmyknees, long time no see. lol

What I find strange with the looney left of this forum is all the Obama scandals and not much mentioned in this forum. Sheeesh, could you imagine the outrage of this forum if the IRS was singling out left wing groups when Bush was president. That thread would be longer and more posts than the "Climate change" thread

Nice to see you Onmyknees.

07-29-2013, 03:38 AM
>>>I do see you all are still flogging the Koch Brothers for every conceivable failed left wing policy

The main flaw in the political left is that their theories don't correspond to reality — economic reality, political reality, climate reality, etc. — so they must always look for scapegoats on which to blame their policy failures. The scapegoats can be a group (the Jews, the International Bankers, white European xenophobes, the Teaparty, etc.), or individuals (the Koch Brothers, George W. Bush, etc.).

In the few cases where they realize the absurdity of scapegoating to explain policy failures, they're usually able to grow up and do an "about face", politically, as well as write a book about it. See works by libertarian radio host Tammy Bruce (a former leftist and past president of the Los Angeles chapter of N.O.W.); and "The Secret Knowledge", a book by former leftist playwright David Mamet.

07-29-2013, 12:08 PM
What silly postings all you rightwingers make.... and especially our dear noxious friend OMK... who does not bother to investigate or discuss the real geopolitical complexities of potential American action over Syria, Iran, North Korea etc but simply labels them as policy failure. Wheras the real game changer in that region was the Bush and the neo-cons inspired iilegal invasion of iraq.

He does not acknowledge the solid blockage of any action by the Obama administration by the ludicrous footsoldiers of the tea party - who have virtually paralysed Washington. Oh and the very articulate arguer Paul Clifford who dismisses criticism of the Koch brothers as irrelevent when these people have at every twist and turn set up organisations, well funded, to block positive action on climate change, who wish to roll back well established reforms designed to protect the ordinary working men and women of America, who bankrolled the tea party.... and who clifford blithely dismisses as being made scapeoats along the jews... now who on the left in America scapegoats jews? This is rather more the preserve of the Right... and always has been. Bush, the neo-cons, the project for the New American century, the Koch Brothers, the tea party, the birthers etc etc are not scapegoats (suggesting their innocence) but real warriors of the Right who have done immense harm both to the US and its standing internationally.

Spurious nonsense from you both and a curious little remark about leftist European utopias from OMK.

Yvonne - the looneyleft? Oh grow up girl.

Oh and OMK you think Seanchai is a fat guy trying to block debate. Your insults aimed at him could well see your departure from here again pretty soon.
OMK wrote: "The irony of a guy who makes his living selling porn via the freedoms afforded him in the Constitution (at least here in the States) trying to stifle debate and discussion by labeling others as unfit to comment is something the Daily Show would have a field day with. Shame on you Fat Man and your shut in side kicks in here."

For those who care to know, OMK was banned for some time because he flagrantly altered the text of a magazine article he posted here to distort the facts of a situation. He refused to accept his guilt in public so the site owner barred him. It was hardly a case of the owner trying to censor him.

He is a dishonest propagandist who also has a criminal record.

Mr Clifford, by contrast, presents an intelligent range of arguments to support his ideas.

You are not ideal bedfellows.

07-30-2013, 12:43 AM
Yvonne - the looneyleft? Oh grow up girl.

If growing up means being anything like like a n ass you are then I will never grow up, I'm happy just the way I am. You old fart.

I stand by what I said,, if this IRS scandal happened under George Bush, you looneys would be all over it, night and day. You lot on the left are nothing but hypocrites. You only stand for whatever the party tells you to stand for, none of you have a brain to think on your own, you all should visit the wizard and get one.

Another thing, just cause I say you looney left doesn't mean that I am right wing. I think George Bush should share a jail cell with Obama and quite a few other politicians, dems and repubs. I only say that you leftists on this forum are hypocrites, you only see wrong doing when it's the other guy.

Anyway Prospero, why the fuck don't you just fix your own country before coming here with your anti American crapola. Aren't there any evil doers in your own country you could scream about. Why don't you just piss off and shove a sausage roll up your bum.

07-30-2013, 03:11 AM
Drive by troll posting. I liked it better when OMK stuck around, even if he was changing the text of the publications he was posting. We all knew he played fast and loose with the facts. We didn't have to catch him red handed to know that.

Ben in LA
07-30-2013, 12:50 PM
I think we Americans should worry about cleaning up our own country before invading others.

And weren't most of the so-called "scandals" debunked?

07-30-2013, 02:26 PM
I thought to delete this but let it be instead an eloquent testament to the high level of discourse in this forum. What sort of sausage should i use, Yvonne?


07-30-2013, 02:40 PM
OMK has achieved his aim; we're all talking about him.

Draw a veil, people.

Ben in LA
07-30-2013, 03:15 PM
So NFL football is starting up soon again with training camps already open. for those of you who are interested in that, who's your choice to win the Super Bowl?

I know for sure Baltimore won't repeat, while Oakland doesn't have a chance in hell of even making the playoffs.

07-30-2013, 05:37 PM
Wise words rl

07-31-2013, 02:14 AM
Is there a right wing tranny site out there OMK?

08-08-2013, 12:43 AM
I stand by what I said,, if this IRS scandal happened under George Bush, you looneys would be all over it, night and day.

Since you seem quite insistent on belaboring this point, you should probably be aware that the IRS did in fact target left-wing groups during the Bush administration. Specifically, the NAACP was investigated in 2004 after its chairman gave a speech that was critical of President Bush, and Greenpeace in 2006 after the IRS was pressured by Public Interest Watch, a front group funded by ExxonMobil.

There were a couple of lefty churches that also faced having their tax-exempt status revoked after publicly taking anti-war positions.

So, all that happened.

08-08-2013, 02:46 AM
whoa! amazing thread. why aren't interesting discussions like this made on the "main discussion" page?

08-08-2013, 03:09 AM
whoa! amazing thread. why aren't interesting discussions like this made on the "main discussion" page?

Umm, because this is the "Politics and Religion" part of the board.

It's refreshing not to get mired in discussions about cock size all the time....

08-08-2013, 07:15 AM
Detroit collapsed mainly because its cock shrank from nearly 2 million to well under 1 million. For too long its main industries simply couldn't get it up. It was obsessed with size while other players with even smaller dicks got the upper hand by focusing on endurance, efficiency and providing a more pleasurable ride. The consequent loss of turgidity undercut the tax base and lead to an emasculating collapse.

08-08-2013, 08:13 PM
Umm, because this is the "Politics and Religion" part of the board.

It's refreshing not to get mired in discussions about cock size all the time....

i mean a proper back and forth with the gloves off- fistcuffs and all