View Full Version : We Are Not Trayvon Martin

Ben in LA
07-16-2013, 05:52 AM

Ben in LA
07-16-2013, 01:11 PM
Nice moving it here where 75% of the members don't look...

07-16-2013, 01:55 PM
It is always on the main page of "new posts" if it is updated - as with all threads from all sections Ben

07-16-2013, 05:45 PM
My Grandfather owned oil wells in the 1920s, in Arkansas, and my Mom has a memory of sitting on a table in the pool hall. The guys who worked in the fields were drifter-types, who rolled into town for quick money, and they'd buy narcotic laced drinks at the drug store. Rough town. So my Granddad took his money and bought a farm in Mississippi. During the depression all the kids had their own pony and lots of good food, they had a black cook, and about ten black families living in houses on the farm. There was a low key easy going black guy living there who married a woman who starting having sex with every young black dude she met. So he shot her. My Grandfather said in court he'd keep a strict eye on him, so the Judge let him go home, the justice system for blacks and whites was different back then.
During WWII they sent all the Yankees down south to train, and they sent all the Rebs up north. An effort to bring the country together. My Dad was from New York City, and after the war they got married and moved to New York.
But one of my cousins called up here on election night when Obama won, and was heartbroken and in a state of shock. But his kids are way more enlightened.
The school system in Washington DC is abysmal, totally pathetic.
The Travon Martin case was unique in a way, I would not say Zimmerman is a criminal, and he sure ain't a cop. The lawbooks don't mention if a black kid walking home from the store has a right to be outraged when some dude is trailing him. When Malcolm X went to Mecca, he was walking down a street and stopped.....for the first time in his life he didn't feel like someone was WATCHING him. I'm a white punk from the suburbs, but I can understand exactly what he was saying.