View Full Version : Public execution

05-19-2006, 05:54 AM
Now i know this is going to piss a few people off. I just got through watching my local news. Where i live crime has really gone crazy. Last week 7 people where killed. Basicly one a day. Now i think everone should get a fair trial. But i don't think the courts are really handleing the criminals like they should. Ten to fithteen years till an execution is real to long. Now i understand the appeals process it has to be like that. But you really should be a shorter process. Basicly what we are doing does not detour crime. SO now to the topic. Public executions. What does that mean. Simple make it a prime time event. Sell popcorn, ballons, bring the kids. Let people see what happens to murderers,rapists,child molesters, and republicians( just kidding on the republicians). String them up, fry them, line them up one a wall,or inject them but let the criminals see the fate that awaits them. Alright now think ablout it sells the rights to cable. Pay-per-view or better Las Vegas betting will he dance, jerk or will his neck snap.
Come on Chefmike i know your hideing, load those big guns up and come out blasting.