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06-07-2013, 05:27 AM
just kidding

this person would proably hit you

Transgender Navy SEAL 'Warrior Princess' Comes Out

A former member of the elite U.S. Navy SEALs has come out to say she's now a woman.

Kristin Beck, formerly Chris, served 20 years as a SEAL and fought on some of the most dangerous battlefields in the world, but after she left the service she realized she wasn't living the life she wanted.

"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," said Anne Speckhard, co-author of Beck's biography "Warrior Princess," which was published over the weekend. Speckhard told ABC News Beck suppressed that secret for decades, however, through the trials of SEAL training and the harrowing missions that followed, growing a burly beard as she fought on the front lines of American special operations.

Brandon Webb, a former SEAL who served on a different SEAL team than Beck, said that Beck's reputation in the SEALs was a good one and said she was, by all appearances, the "consummate guy's guy."

But the book says that Chris "had considered living as the woman he felt himself to be for a very long time, but while he was serving as a SEAL he couldn't do it."

"For years Chris had turned off his sexuality like a light switch and lived as a warrior, consumed with the battle -- living basically asexual. For Chris the other SEALs were brothers and in the man's man warrior lifestyle, even if he had wanted to entertain sexual thoughts, there really was never any time to be thinking too much about sexuality," the book says.

After her retirement in 2011, however, "Now seemed the right time to go for it -- to make his body match his identity -- or at least start by dressing like a woman in his regular life."

Speckhard said Beck first announced her decision to friends online with the declaration "No more disguises" and the book describes her going out to gay bars in Florida as a woman.

Beck is currently on hormone therapy in preparation for sexual reassignment surgery and generally wears long hair, make-up and women's clothes, Speckhard said.

In the book's Preface, Beck said she wrote the book "to reach out to all of the younger generation ...


06-07-2013, 06:08 AM
you know whats funny?

This is the same situation with me.

This honestly, could have been me BUT the only diff...is that she was a retired seal and I, a lowly Petty Officer Gunnersmate in for 2.5 yrs, that's it.

I, along with a lot of other tgirls, get out of the military because of being transgender.

In a Destroyer with a complement of about 280 personnel, EVERYONE knew i wanted to become a woman...from the lowest Deck Seaman to the Captain. BUT I couldn't do a damn thing while in ( I am sure I don't have to explain that lol ). Hell I tried. I was so close to go to Thailand to get an orchie. Had the doctor, had the cash, had the leave saved up...but 2 days prior to me leaving, Civil-unrest occurred in Bangkok, and no US GI could enter Thailand. FUCK.

So about 3 months later, I volunteered to get out. Got an Honorable Discharge with the exact reason listed on my discharge documents, "Transgender". 1 month after processing out, I started hormones FINALLY. :) That's one of my many Navy Sea stories. ( this one was the best cuz, finally I could become the true me ) :)

06-07-2013, 08:31 AM
If a SEAL says your having sex with them, you probly dont have much of a choice.

06-07-2013, 08:08 PM
SEAL Team Motto...."Do the Deed!!!

06-07-2013, 08:11 PM
you know whats funny?

This is the same situation with me.

This honestly, could have been me BUT the only diff...is that she was a retired seal and I, a lowly Petty Officer Gunnersmate in for 2.5 yrs, that's it.

I, along with a lot of other tgirls, get out of the military because of being transgender.

In a Destroyer with a complement of about 280 personnel, EVERYONE knew i wanted to become a woman...from the lowest Deck Seaman to the Captain. BUT I couldn't do a damn thing while in ( I am sure I don't have to explain that lol ). Hell I tried. I was so close to go to Thailand to get an orchie. Had the doctor, had the cash, had the leave saved up...but 2 days prior to me leaving, Civil-unrest occurred in Bangkok, and no US GI could enter Thailand. FUCK.

So about 3 months later, I volunteered to get out. Got an Honorable Discharge with the exact reason listed on my discharge documents, "Transgender". 1 month after processing out, I started hormones FINALLY. :) That's one of my many Navy Sea stories. ( this one was the best cuz, finally I could become the true me ) :)

Eva, have to ever been hit in the ass by a Senior Chief???? Wanna be??

06-07-2013, 09:42 PM
hahaha, no i haven't. u retired or still in?

06-08-2013, 07:41 AM
How about a Master Chief, Eva? Im sure I can find a Halo costume to wear :dancing:

06-08-2013, 08:16 AM
that would make for an interesting porno! ;)