View Full Version : Give Examples Of Your Cheapness

Dino Velvet
05-04-2013, 03:30 AM
I've been pooping in the dark for months now. I never call a repairman unless there are 2 things broken. I leave the bedroom light on with bathroom door open leaning to the left if I want to read and to the right for Punishing Percy.

05-04-2013, 03:55 AM
Some might say that I had moved to Thailand for the cheap hookers. What a vicious rumor!

05-04-2013, 04:15 AM
I tipped the pizza guy a quarter the other day...

sukumvit boy
05-04-2013, 04:20 AM
Here's a few.

05-04-2013, 04:22 AM
I wash and re-use plastic ziploc bags...I tell everyone I'm being green ...but in reality, I'm just cheap.

05-04-2013, 04:23 AM
I roll my own smokes.
That's about as cheap as i get! :shrug

05-04-2013, 04:34 AM
I've been pooping in the dark for months now. I never call a repairman unless there are 2 things broken. I leave the bedroom light on with bathroom door open leaning to the left if I want to read and to the right for Punishing Percy.

Dino your so cheap you probably use an inner-tube instead of toilet paper that way you can just rinse it off and re use it.

05-04-2013, 05:16 AM
I drive 20 to 30 miles out of the way just to get cheap fried chicken. I can eat for 2 days and at least 22 hours of shifts, for $9. I work at a airport and you can't even look at a menu and get one meal for under $10 dollars.

I don't call it cheap, I called it Being economical on a very limited budget!

05-04-2013, 05:32 AM
I put tap water in Dasani bottles. I wait til the neighbor's gone and use his outdoor spigot.

05-04-2013, 05:34 AM
I don't call it cheap, I called it Being economical on a very limited budget!
Well done, I like to refer to it as being frugal.

I've switched away from cartridge razors to an old school safety razor when i shave. Instead of 20 dollars for a 10 pack of cartridges i pay less than 2 dollars for a package of six double edge razors. It's a big savings and I highly recommend it since my skin is a lot smoother too.

05-04-2013, 06:12 AM
I re-use dental floss

05-04-2013, 06:22 AM
when i travel, instead of paying 10-20 bucks for a one day gym pass, i just purchase a drink for 2 bucks and then waltz right in like I am a member lol

05-04-2013, 06:34 AM
You gotta pay to park in the mall over here...I won't pay, I park like 6 blocks away and walk.

Tits McButts
05-04-2013, 09:57 AM
when i travel, instead of paying 10-20 bucks for a one day gym pass, i just purchase a drink for 2 bucks and then waltz right in like I am a member lol

Only 'cause you look like you live there, meat head. :dancing:
Just jokes, dude.

Tits McButts
05-04-2013, 10:05 AM
I use bar soap in the shower, I don't use shaving gel, I brush my teeth with water first, swish, then use less toothpaste and brush again. I've been known to hack together USB peripherals instead of buying something new.

I've modded most of my game consoles to play backups, emulate, and/or run homebrew apps instead of buying new games.

My computer is finiky in hot weather so to prevent having to buy a new one, I commonly set a box fan up next to it and blast air in. I'm also in the process of configuring Gentoo Linux on my original Xbox so I can use that as a backup computer too. Limited, but functioning.

I keep using my razors and toothbrushes way too long. I shop at thrift stores on tag sale days. I clean my apartment with hot water and a sponge so I don't have to buy chemicals. 'Bout the only three chemicals I need are glass cleaner, bleach, and THC.

05-04-2013, 10:09 AM
I once fucked up and paid sixty bucks to turn a trick.

05-04-2013, 11:35 AM
i pick my nose :s

Dino Velvet
05-04-2013, 06:41 PM
I re-use dental floss

As what?

05-04-2013, 09:52 PM
Save it up and macrame a bathing suit!

05-04-2013, 10:03 PM
I roll condoms back up and reuse them. The old cum acts just like lube so I don't even have to buy that anymore. It is great.

05-04-2013, 10:04 PM
Shopping at Aldi and using M&S bags

05-04-2013, 11:22 PM
i went through a phase a while back where i only dated rich older broads. i was on the come up

Quiet Reflections
05-04-2013, 11:53 PM
Sometimes I pee outside just so I don't have to flush

Sometimes when my son is gone for the weekend I get a few gallons of gas and just use a generator for what I need

I refuse to use hotdog and hamburger buns because the loaf bread is 19 cents cheaper.

I don't wash clothes after dark because I don't want to buy a new bulb for my laundry room.

Dino Velvet
05-05-2013, 12:29 AM
Sometimes I pee outside just so I don't have to flush

I should start doing that. I'm one of those Californians that only flushes when I make number two. I bet Jerry Brown doesn't flush at all.


05-05-2013, 04:01 AM
Fuck buying a camera rig and expensive lights. I built my shit out of PVC pipes and bins from Home Depot (d-pot) and Wal-Mart!

05-05-2013, 04:12 AM
I keep some of my clothes, especially those I wear under, or inside, or only with close friends, litterally until they become rags. My girlfriend is usually the one who forces me to throw them away, and never after somewhat of a little fight...
Yeah! I guess that's very cheap...

05-05-2013, 07:54 AM
i cum in the shower so i dont have to clean up the mess

Rusty Eldora
05-05-2013, 08:18 AM
At the drive in I only order from the value (used to be the dollar) menu.

I only get water at restaurants, having had my wine / scotch at home before.

I save my Big Gulp cups because the refill is $.89

05-05-2013, 08:37 AM
I'm so cheap I take off my glasses when I'm not looking at anything so I don't use them up.

05-05-2013, 08:38 AM
i once masturbated twice and came three times, then put the cum back into my dick so i could reuse it the next day

05-05-2013, 10:17 AM
I should start doing that. I'm one of those Californians that only flushes when I make number two. I bet Jerry Brown doesn't flush at all.

I thought the term was "Californicator"...

Anyway, if you have control over what fixtures go in your bathroom, you can get the "Dual Flush" Euro toilet that only uses a half-flush (.8gal) for a #1 and the full 1.6gal for #2. Also saves wear & tear on your septic, if you have one of those. (Common around the Northeast in lower-density suburban neighborhoods.)