View Full Version : The Lead-On.

Tits McButts
04-02-2013, 05:42 AM
You know what really burns my boner? When providers act like they just want to be friendly over a social or dating website and meet some decent dudes online for a little chill conversation only to turn around weeks later and cut off the guys they're talking to because they aren't possible business.

I've never felt the need or desire to pay for sex. I'm not boasting; getting laid is a challenge from time-to-time, but I'm never left without options and going to a provider has never sounded all that adventuresome to me. Never the less, I am friendly with a few escorts and it's not because I'm interested in free sex, but because they're rad women. The conversations usually aren't about sex at all, but they're still entertaining and engaging.

I am a waste of time. I just don't understand how that's not apparent right away. Am I the one in the wrong for neglecting to be upfront about not being serious or interested? Before anybody assumes that I'm just blowing one isolated event out of proportion, this has happened five different times with five different girls, and it's always about two or three weeks and umpteen different conversations before I'm blown off. Not the awesome type of "blown off" either; Just ignored.

04-02-2013, 05:54 AM
If you are meeting these escorts on escort dating websites, well, then you have to assume they are there for business--whether immediate or in the foreseeable future. And if that's the case, they will probably think that you are there for the same purpose and when that doesn't pan out--meaning you don't pony up the cash, they move to greener pastures. Conservatively 98% of the escorts I've known don't mix business and pleasure. Once you are identified as a trick, a trick you will stay. Granted, the vast majority of my experience is with gg escorts so maybe some of the ladies here will disagree.

04-02-2013, 06:04 AM
Tit's - why did you change your name from your original name?

Tits McButts
04-02-2013, 06:08 AM
Tit's - why did you change your name from your original name?

Hehehehe... I'll PM you about that.

Tits McButts
04-02-2013, 06:35 AM
If you are meeting these escorts on escort dating websites, well, then you have to assume they are there for business--whether immediate or in the foreseeable future. And if that's the case, they will probably think that you are there for the same purpose and when that doesn't pan out--meaning you don't pony up the cash, they move to greener pastures. Conservatively 98% of the escorts I've known don't mix business and pleasure. Once you are identified as a trick, a trick you will stay. Granted, the vast majority of my experience is with gg escorts so maybe some of the ladies here will disagree.

If that were the case and I was messaging women on escort websites, I could certainly understand that kind of reaction. I'd be bringing it on myself at that point -- but alas; I'm just talking about sites like facebook, twitter, and Okcupid. Sites where the transgirls shouldn't jump to the conclusion that I'm a john nagging at them for free pic sets. Good post, by the way.

04-02-2013, 07:30 AM
Am I the one in the wrong for neglecting to be upfront about not being serious or interested?

why not just have non-hooker friends? if these escorts enjoy your company, let them come to you, rather than the other way around.

04-02-2013, 07:39 AM
It happens sometimes. They probably think that if they are nice to you and show you some personality that you will pay them. Sort of like how you might open your wallet to take out a GG in hopes that later on you might get to fuck.
When they see they are not going to be able to crack you this way I suppose they give up. Or maybe they get tired/frustrated with typing messages to various guys when they just want people to get straight to the point and call them for a meet.

Tits McButts
04-02-2013, 09:03 AM
It happens sometimes. They probably think that if they are nice to you and show you some personality that you will pay them. Sort of like how you might open your wallet to take out a GG in hopes that later on you might get to fuck.
When they see they are not going to be able to crack you this way I suppose they give up. Or maybe they get tired/frustrated with typing messages to various guys when they just want people to get straight to the point and call them for a meet.

I've disliked every single one of your previous posts here on HA... with the exception of this one. For once, you're onto something. I've run into that sort of situation before. Personality and social niceties, but no content. Girls like that don't often open up or get personal which is a really obvious red flag.
I guess there's an exception to every rule; not just in your case, but I had one experience in particular that seriously threw me for a loop:

I got a PM from a chick here on HA because some of my posts intrigued her. A few messages later and we're heavy into a debate about government corruption and the inherent extremism that takes place in anarchist culture. Fast-forward a week, she's added on my facebook and we're having five and six hour chat sessions on YIM before either of us realize we've spent half of the night on the computer.

I ended up talking to her for nearly two months. This is going to sound odd, but she even invited me out with her for a couple of weeks and kept going on about how stoked she was about it. I don't think it was with the expectation that we shack up; I'm pretty sure she was just inviting me along to chill. I didn't know how that was going to work out, but thought it was pretty rad of her to offer anyway.

There was some kind of a chemistry and toward the end we were getting a little more flirty and talking about sex more often and that's about the time she started joking about donations. "If you get me that dress, I would let you ride me until I walk funny". Shit like that. I knew she was an escort from the beginning and I tried to laugh most of that off, but the jokes started turning into propositions, talking about what we could do if I bring a few hundred on the trip. When I finally got it through that I wasn't interested in paying for sex, she just fucking disappeared.

She deleted me from facebook, blocked my cell number, stopped posting on HA, and never replied to any of my messages again. I don't imagine she would ever be desperate for clients and I can't really wrap my head around what motivates a chick to waste two months talking to me just to fuck it all off like that.

Willie Escalade
04-02-2013, 09:12 AM
^^ Oh, snap...

04-02-2013, 08:57 PM
Oh wow! She put in a tonne of effort on that one. Something probably happened to give her a business minded wake up call so she cut you off. I bet she misses you though, even though she wanted your money she clearly liked you as a person.

04-02-2013, 09:21 PM
You know what they say.

There's three sides to every story.