View Full Version : Holy taxes poor working girls!

01-23-2013, 04:42 AM
So my taxes shot up a solid 2% or a little north of $2k per year!
I've never hit up any of the working girls but....you know....one does think about it.
But I can't help but wonder how many guys had to put aside their monthly libation due to the increase in taxes and what effect it will have on the going rate?
Do rates move along with the economy or is it independent?

01-23-2013, 04:50 AM
Economists are predicting that the overall economy will take a hit due to the return of payroll taxes back to their previous pre-financial-crash levels. My travel and entertainment budget will be adjusted. Might not eat out as much. Will take less frequent trips to Chicago, etc. I'm guessing providers of entertainment and travel are going to get hit the worst on this, but eventually things will likely even out as the business cycle kicks in and the economy improves again.

01-23-2013, 05:24 AM
wait...i just realized...i'm out almost $3k a year....OUCH...well....there goes that trip to Colombia!

01-23-2013, 05:25 AM
i dont ever adjust my rates.id rather be a broke,hungry hoe than a cheap hoe lol.
you grit your teeth and thank the gods for your more wealthy and dedicated regulars

01-23-2013, 12:04 PM
I have been in the escort biz over 12 years. I also count on the high end regular. They just got clipped worse. 4 percent on income, plus extra 11.8 percent on capital gain if U count healthcare tax. Wealthy people live mostly off capital gain. Should be interesting to see how it effects both Amber and I. If someone reminds me, I would be happy to report back the effects in a few months, see if there is a trickle down. Us escorts could probably give a more accurate financial forecast then the experts!!!!!!

Rusty Eldora
01-23-2013, 12:51 PM
My business is around commercial construction. The phone has been very quiet with regard to new work. The big rise in Cap Gains makes it very hard for a commercial project to pan out if it was marginal before. I see a big hit for me on taxes (and I drive a 9 year old SUV so I am not Rich) to the tune of $ 4 grand, health insurance is up $ 1.5 grand for this year, state taxes are up, etc.

It has cut my hobby budget basically in half.

01-23-2013, 07:32 PM
Sad to say, but many of my brothas and sistas voted for this last November. :(

01-24-2013, 01:03 AM
Sad to say, but many of my brothas and sistas voted for this last November. :(
Hows that hope and change working for them now?

The tax on my check went up 2% too.

01-24-2013, 06:34 AM
The increase is OASDI (social security and medicare). It was a short term factor that was part of the larger stimulus package. which was an Obama initiative adopted when the Dems had control of the House and Senate..

It was going away no matter who won the election. The battle has always been about income taxes and capital gains and inheritance taxes. This is where "redistribution of wealth" really takes place and why the GOP has fought so hard over it. The claim is that the money not paid the government would turn into jobs but jobs are created by supply and demand not extra cash in the hands of the 1%.

The Dems had NO hope of getting the OASDI holiday extended without going over the "cliff". The GOP for their part wanted to get the progressive increase to begin at the highest earning level possible versus the President's desire to return to the 2000 taax rates for couples earning over $250K.

One solution would have been to not cap the earnings subject to the social security tax and leave the rate lower. That wasn't going to sell with the Republicans at all.

As one who has paid in for years to social security, medicare and private addition insurance for long term disability let me just say now that I am suffering a disability I am glad I did. And I am glad about the % of my tax dollars that go to feed the hungry and educate our youth. As for the 40% or so of my annual taxes that pay for bombs aimed at Iraq...well not so much.

01-24-2013, 07:05 AM
The increase is OASDI (social security and medicare). It was a short term factor that was part of the larger stimulus package. which was an Obama initiative adopted when the Dems had control of the House and Senate..

It was going away no matter who won the election. The battle has always been about income taxes and capital gains and inheritance taxes. This is where "redistribution of wealth" really takes place and why the GOP has fought so hard over it. The claim is that the money not paid the government would turn into jobs but jobs are created by supply and demand not extra cash in the hands of the 1%.

The Dems had NO hope of getting the OASDI holiday extended without going over the "cliff". The GOP for their part wanted to get the progressive increase to begin at the highest earning level possible versus the President's desire to return to the 2000 taax rates for couples earning over $250K.

One solution would have been to not cap the earnings subject to the social security tax and leave the rate lower. That wasn't going to sell with the Republicans at all.

As one who has paid in for years to social security, medicare and private addition insurance for long term disability let me just say now that I am suffering a disability I am glad I did. And I am glad about the % of my tax dollars that go to feed the hungry and educate our youth. As for the 40% or so of my annual taxes that pay for bombs aimed at Iraq...well not so much.Well said!

01-24-2013, 07:45 AM
And I am glad about the % of my tax dollars that go to feed the hungry and educate our youth.
Would you mind paying my % too? Because I don't give a shit about feeding hungry folks I don't know or dumping more money into the black hole known as the education system.

01-24-2013, 01:49 PM
Soviets have gone to a 13 percent flat tax and Raoul Castro of Cuba is privatizing as many goverment agencies as he can. Says he can't afford to pay people for not working.
Funny how "our fomer enemies" are much more capitalistic then we are!
Arthur Schlesinger Jr. always said that politics runs in 30-40 years cycles. Looks like he is being proven true. Seems when the left or right goes to far, it always gets brought back the other way. Guess that is the beauty of the two party system.
Anyway, back on topic, my high end clients are older, so I suspect that should not slip too much. I do think the casual traveller to NYC or NJ will not be spending.
Just some thoughts, try to stay out of politics.

01-24-2013, 09:14 PM
Would you mind paying my % too? Because I don't give a shit about feeding hungry folks I don't know or dumping more money into the black hole known as the education system.American exceptionalism at its best!

01-24-2013, 09:23 PM
If you are the type of individual that will actually feel the tax increase, i contest that you don't make enough money. I do not want to give the government any more of my income than I already am forced to do but the change in taxes will change nothing for me.

01-24-2013, 11:10 PM
wait...i just realized...i'm out almost $3k a year....OUCH...well....there goes that trip to Colombia!

So you make $150K/year, and you're concerned that your payroll taxes are now returning to the $9,300/year that you were paying up until 2 years ago, rather than the $6,300 that you were assessed in 2011 and 2012?

This is what's often referred to as a "first-world problem."