View Full Version : Piracy: The Truth

01-21-2013, 06:24 AM
"People often justify piracy by saying they are stealing from the rich, but they are, in fact, making it more difficult for anyone but the very rich to produce anything." - Gawker Comment

Reading about the new megaupload site on Gawker http://gawker.com/5977332/kim-dotcom-doesnt-want-revenge-on-the-government and, honestly, really tired of the, excuse me, douchebags, who believe they are entitled to music, film, tv, and porn for free. They are hurting so many artists and performers. It's ridiculous.

Sorry, needed to rant for a moment. Carry on! :)

01-21-2013, 05:50 PM
While I agree that piracy is wrong, (I myself do not take part), having said that I can see where the sentiment comes from.

We look at starts and their immense wealth, we see the homes they live in, the clothes they buy, the trips they take and we yearn for that and yes can be jealous. We see that song/movie/etc for X amount of money and say we are essentially enriching the star, producer, etc. but not adding any money to our bank account, in fact we taking money from our bank account to buy that piece of entertainment. Thus, there is less of a chance (well no chance in most cases) for us to own that Beverly Hills mansion or to buy that Zegna suit or to take that trip to the French Riviera.

There is no question that piracy is wrong, but I can understand where the sentiment comes from that makes it seem legitimate.


01-22-2013, 09:12 AM
Piracy is a lot less fun when you can't turn cannons on someone else's ships.

01-22-2013, 09:38 AM
Downloaded - Official Napster Documentary Trailer [HD] Shawn Fanning - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ai6K2VIEXM)