View Full Version : Gibbs On Meet The Press: Romney’s Slogan Is Obama ‘Didn’t Clean Up Our Mess Fast Enou

10-01-2012, 10:24 PM
Gibbs On Meet The Press: Romney’s Slogan Is Obama ‘Didn’t Clean Up Our Mess Fast Enough’ (VIDEO)

Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press with David Gregory, President Obama’s campaign advisor essentially said what we already know all too well about Mitt Romney: he’s a carefully scripted, well-coiffed mannequin with artificial intelligence and is willing to sleaze his way into the White House by relying on outright lies. Well, he didn’t exactly say that. But he did confirm Romney’s renowned business acumen; that is, willingness to bullsh#it to a wide swath of unsuspecting Republican voters.

“I think sometimes you listen to the Romney campaign and they do think a lot people in this country are stupid,”Gibbs told NBC’s David Gregory. “Their message is: You didn’t clean up our mess fast enough.” (Source: Raw Story)
Robert Gibbs: Romney’s slogan is Obama ‘didn’t clean up our mess fast enough’

Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs on Sunday dismissed the Republican claim that women would vote for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney because they were being hurt by President Barack Obama’s economic policies.

“I think sometimes you listen to the Romney campaign and they do think a lot people in this country are stupid,” Gibbs told NBC’s David Gregory. “Their message is: You didn’t clean up our mess fast enough.”

“The last six months of the Bush administration, we lost three and half million jobs. We know this about Mitt Romney: He’s not a job creator. When he was governor of Massachusetts, they were 47th out of 50 in job creation. His experience is in downsizing, outsourcing jobs and bankrupting companies and walking away with a lot of money for himself.”
Raw Story (http://s.tt/1dhRY)
Gibbs added: “His economic ideas are the failed economic ideas that we tried for eight years, tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, and letting Wall Street go back to writing the rules all over again. That is the policies that got us into this mess.”

Watch the video below from NBC’s Meet the Press, broadcast April 29, 2012.
Raw Story (http://s.tt/1dhRY)


Robert Gibbs: Romney’s slogan is Obama ‘didn’t clean up our mess fast enough’