View Full Version : See it Believe it

09-24-2012, 06:46 PM


09-24-2012, 07:28 PM


Which reminds me...you know Jesus and John the Baptist came back to Earth a while back just to check out what was happening. SO they had a few beers in a bar by a lake and John the B said to JC why dontcha try the old walking on water trick, that'll get these bozos talking.

JC's had a few so he agrees and off he goes. Steps off the beach, splosh down to his ankles. He's shaking his head and saying 'Can't figure this out,' so he tries stepping off the dock, and goes straight down to his waist. Now he's pissed off (and a bit pissed) so he says, 'Right, I'm gonna take a run at it!'

So he legs it along the dock, jumps off and disappears completely under the water so John the B jumps in after him and pulls him out, on account of JC never had to learn to swim after all.

Gets him back on the beach and the pair of them are lying there coughing up minnows when John looks down and starts laughing.

"What?" demands JC.

"Nothing, it's just I think I see what the problem is...did you have those holes in your feet the last time?"

09-24-2012, 07:35 PM
Huh... it's David Blane without the annoying attitude. Not bad.