View Full Version : Geeky and Freaky Cool Shit I find on the web

Wendy Summers
09-11-2012, 02:58 PM
If it's a surprise to any of you that I've got a very geeky streak in me, I'd wonder where the hell you have been. I spend a lot of my work day waiting on my company servers, so I wander the internet digging up shit that interests me. I've started to collect these in a new column on my blog: "Geeky and Freaky" (http://www.wendysummers.net/geeky-and-freaky.html). Updates are quasi-daily. If you're interested in seeing what gets my geek or freak on, check it out. If you aren't -- here's a naked Amy Pond/ Dr Who cosplay pic so you feel like you didn't waste your time.
