View Full Version : Larry Flynt offers $1M for Mitt Romney Tax Returns:

09-09-2012, 04:53 AM
Larry Flynt offers $1M for Mitt Romney Tax Returns: (http://tattle.xxx/blog/2012/09/08/larry-flynt-offers-1m-for-mitt-romney-tax-returns/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=larry-flynt-offers-1m-for-mitt-romney-tax-returns#.UEwCT648KJM)

Click above link for the full story

The long time defender of ‘the people’s right to know’ and Free Speech Activist; has called the potential bluff of an anonymous letter from an individual claiming to have stolen copies of Romney’s tax returns (http://t2p.us?t2purl=http://news.yahoo.com/claim-romney-taxes-theft-puzzling-whodunit-223541746.html); The letter reportedly demands $1 million in exchange for the information. Romney’s accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, has denied that any records were stolen. But that didn’t stop the FBI and Secret Service from announcing Friday they’d launched an investigation.
Flynt has purchased full-page ads in Sunday’s Washington Post and Tuesday’s, September 11 issue of USA Today

Romney has released his tax returns for 2010 and an estimate of his 2011 tax liability, but has repeatedly said he would not release additional years, saying it would be fodder for Democrats to criticize him.
http://tattle.xxx/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/hust-177x300.jpg (http://tattle.xxx/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/hust.jpg)
“What is he hiding?” the ad text reads, “Maybe, now, we’ll find out.” The ad also includes a phone number and email address where anyone with information can contact Flynt.

http://tattle.xxx/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Larry-Flynt.jpg (http://tattle.xxx/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Larry-Flynt.jpg)

09-09-2012, 05:14 AM
Can you believe this guy? He’s just amazing! He doesn’t even seem to be aging! At last, the same kind of pressure on a republican as they’ve been putting on democrats for years! Larry Flynt might be one of the greatest democratic figures in the US!

09-09-2012, 10:05 AM
Hmmmm... I wonder how much he'd pay for video of Mrs Romney sporting a raging hardon & fucking Mitt up the ass.

09-09-2012, 10:19 AM
Hmmmm... I wonder how much he'd pay for video of Mrs Romney sporting a raging hardon & fucking Mitt up the ass.
LMAO! :wink:

09-09-2012, 12:19 PM
If Romney's tax returns are released and this sleazeball had been dodging paying his fair taxes for a decade, the election is OVER.

I'm glad people are coming after Mitt because he quite clearly is hiding something in his federal tax returns.

09-09-2012, 12:43 PM
Yeah - the question has to be asked again and again.. why won't Romney show America the figures.

Remind anyone of another cover-up long ago under Richard Nixon?

09-09-2012, 04:38 PM
I'm pretty sure Williard was better off four years ago, waaaaay better. Probably cashed in a few stocks a couple days before the big crash.

09-09-2012, 05:23 PM
The respondents to Tempest's thread so far read like the line up of speakers at the DNC. The usual cast of bloviators, conspiracy theorists, and Bolsheviks who disdain anyone who has become more successful then them. He's racist...He's rich...He's a tax cheat...He wants to kill women..This is modern day liberalism. Class warriors. Since he's not telling you something you want to know for no other reason than to confirm your left wing paranoia about wealth....therefore he's lying and must be a "Sleaze ball" ( classy touch GH) All this despite a life lived by Romney that has been publicly and privately exemplary, moral and benevolent. Not a hint of impropriety or scandal. While I understand that alone isn't enough to warrant your vote, sliming someone because you "think" he may be guilty of something is disgraceful. And you wouldn't know what the fuck you were looking at even if he handed it to you. The only thing you know about taxes is you pay too much and the guy making more than you isn't paying his fair share. You're all the birther crowd in reverse. It's funny...(another word for hypocritical) that Kerry's wealth didn't seem to bother you all that much. Did you have a yearning to see his wife's tax returns? Did you get upset when he moved his yacht to Rhode Island to escape Mass taxes? It's a similar tactic to what you all do.....hang the racist tag on someone when you're out of substance, and make the person have to defend the dubious charge. It's beneath contempt. Aren't you the same crowd that excused perjury under oath because it was about sex? What a heaping pile of hypocrites. Aren't you the same crowd that bought into all the promises about no lobbyists or Wall St. fat cats in Barry's administration then when he stacked the deck with tax cheats, bankers and lobbyists, you said nothing? Obviously you have the capacity for forgiveness....when you agree politically, of course. Yet this telling dishonesty impacts your lives and you simply excuse it. Why should he release more than he already has.....you're not voting for him anyway. Have any of you called on Senate leader Harry Reid to release his tax returns and show us some of his sleazy Vegas dealings? He certainly has more power over your lives at this point than Mitt Romney does. If he released 3 years, you'd want 5. You did the same thing about McCain....how could a guy with 4 houses understand us, you asked....ignoring the fact that he spent years eating bugs in North Vietnamese prison and let the more sickly prisoners be released before himself. It's about honor...but somehow the fact he had become wealthy was an issue to you. It's all a nice little diversion, but do you think the guy in Toledo or Tulsa who can't find work and is in foreclosure gives a rats ass about Romney's tax returns? He needs a job, and by the looks of it....he won't be getting one anytime soon. Here's what this election is about.....23 MILLION Americans either underemployed or unemployed with little prospect of finding work. You can delude yourselves (as you often do) into making it about something else......race, religion, wealth, tax returns, and tie the rich guy to the likes of Nixon....it may make you feel better about your guy somehow, but it's a political diversion with no consequence. When you find yourself on the same side ( regarding anything other than the 1st amendment) as pond scum like Larry Flint, you've pretty much surrendered any substantive argument.

09-09-2012, 05:39 PM

09-09-2012, 05:40 PM

09-09-2012, 05:44 PM
NOTE: I provided a news item which is interesting and linked to the adult industry on a porn forum - which has even been reported by CNN - I made no opinion or statement on the matter.

BTW you called Larry Flint Scum - I hope you realize the irony in your statement if it were not for his fight for the freedom of the adult industry this forum and much of the adult industry wouldnt even exist. Im not saying he's a saint, but he did fight for certain freedoms that you are enjoying right now.

I am not a Class Warrior - I am a freedom fighter

United as One - Divided by Zero - We stand for Global Freedom -

Question EVERYTHING, its how we learn.

The respondents to Tempest's thread so far read like the line up of speakers at the DNC. The usual cast of bloviators, conspiracy theorists, and Bolsheviks who disdain anyone who has become more successful then them. He's racist...He's rich...He's a tax cheat...He wants to kill women..This is modern day liberalism. Class warriors. Since he's not telling you something you want to know for no other reason than to confirm your left wing paranoia about wealth....therefore he's lying and must be a "Sleaze ball" ( classy touch GH) All this despite a life lived by Romney that has been publicly and privately exemplary, moral and benevolent. Not a hint of impropriety or scandal. While I understand that alone isn't enough to warrant your vote, sliming someone because you "think" he may be guilty of something is disgraceful. And you wouldn't know what the fuck you were looking at even if he handed it to you. The only thing you know about taxes is you pay too much and the guy making more than you isn't paying his fair share. You're all the birther crowd in reverse. It's funny...(another word for hypocritical) that Kerry's wealth didn't seem to bother you all that much. Did you have a yearning to see his wife's tax returns? Did you get upset when he moved his yacht to Rhode Island to escape Mass taxes? It's a similar tactic to what you all do.....hang the racist tag on someone when you're out of substance, and make the person have to defend the dubious charge. It's beneath contempt. Aren't you the same crowd that excused perjury under oath because it was about sex? What a heaping pile of hypocrites. Aren't you the same crowd that bought into all the promises about no lobbyists or Wall St. fat cats in Barry's administration then when he stacked the deck with tax cheats, bankers and lobbyists, you said nothing? Obviously you have the capacity for forgiveness....when you agree politically, of course. Yet this telling dishonesty impacts your lives and you simply excuse it. Why should he release more than he already has.....you're not voting for him anyway. Have any of you called on Senate leader Harry Reid to release his tax returns and show us some of his sleazy Vegas dealings? He certainly has more power over your lives at this point than Mitt Romney does. If he released 3 years, you'd want 5. You did the same thing about McCain....how could a guy with 4 houses understand us, you asked....ignoring the fact that he spent years eating bugs in North Vietnamese prison and let the more sickly prisoners be released before himself. It's about honor...but somehow the fact he had become wealthy was an issue to you. It's all a nice little diversion, but do you think the guy in Toledo or Tulsa who can't find work and is in foreclosure gives a rats ass about Romney's tax returns? He needs a job, and by the looks of it....he won't be getting one anytime soon. Here's what this election is about.....23 MILLION Americans either underemployed or unemployed with little prospect of finding work. You can delude yourselves (as you often do) into making it about something else......race, religion, wealth, tax returns, and tie the rich guy to the likes of Nixon....it may make you feel better about your guy somehow, but it's a political diversion with no consequence. When you find yourself on the same side ( regarding anything other than the 1st amendment) as pond scum like Larry Flint, you've pretty much surrendered any substantive argument.

09-09-2012, 05:47 PM
All these years tea-bagging bloviators have been asking to see the President's birth certificate in spite of the fact that the short and long forms have been made available. Never have they asked for any other president's birth certificate nor any other candidate's. They want minorities, the poor, the elderly and students to get special photo IDs in order to vote, but ask Romney for his tax returns and it's all, "there's no need for that...you have no evidence he's hiding anything so why ask for his returns?" Yet he himself asked Ryan for his tax returns for the last decade. The people need to vet their candidates. Let us see Romney's tax returns. We need to know what he is or isn't hiding in Caymans and in other TAX HAVENS.

09-09-2012, 05:50 PM
If Romney's tax returns are released ..... the election is OVER. -Giovanni H

Flynt should offer 25 million. He won't take it.

09-09-2012, 05:56 PM
Sep 5 2012
Mitt Romney Accidentally Confronts A Gay Veteran; Awesomeness Ensues
Back in December 2011 during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney decided to drop by Vietnam War veteran Bob Garon's breakfast table for a quick photo-op. What Romney didn't realize is that Garon was sitting with his husband, whom he had married just a few months earlier.

What followed might be the single greatest "oblivious Romney" moment of the entire campaign. Enjoy.

anyone on this board.. should be aware of this video.. and if they still support mitt they should consider what they believe more carefully..


09-09-2012, 05:56 PM
Interestingly enough there is an unconfirmed Rumor that a group of hackers already has obtained access to Romney's tax returns

Group claiming to have Romney tax records threatens to leak them http://cnn.com/2012/09/06/politics/romney-tax-threat/index.html
From cnn

If Romney's tax returns are released ..... the election is OVER. -Giovanni H

Flynt should offer 25 million. He won't take it.

09-09-2012, 06:03 PM
I was aware that this had happened but I had not seen the video yet

WOW is all I can say, the video speaks for itself with the help of a very very rightfully angry American Vet. Salute!

Sep 5 2012
Mitt Romney Accidentally Confronts A Gay Veteran; Awesomeness Ensues
Back in December 2011 during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney decided to drop by Vietnam War veteran Bob Garon's breakfast table for a quick photo-op. What Romney didn't realize is that Garon was sitting with his husband, whom he had married just a few months earlier.

What followed might be the single greatest "oblivious Romney" moment of the entire campaign. Enjoy.

anyone on this board.. should be aware of this video.. and if they still support mitt they should consider what they believe more carefully..


09-09-2012, 06:16 PM
one million sounds awfully cheap bargain for something that would rock super pac and lobby special interest groups that are clearly trying to buy the presidency.

09-09-2012, 06:22 PM
I have to believe there are 'unofficial' people who work at IRS who have seen Romney's tax returns. It's not that hard once you have his SSN to pull up records on the IRS tax data base.

I expect we'll see an 'October surprise' this election cycle regarding Romney's tax returns that's going to shock independent voters back to reality; there's only one real candidate running for POTUS this election cycle.

09-09-2012, 07:00 PM
The reason you saw so many losers at the Republican Primaries is because even if you lose, you make tons of "Connections"
The kind of Connections that can lock up an IRS file tight, or pass on a killer stock tip, or get your flunkie son in Yale. It's good to have friends in high places.

Willie Escalade
09-09-2012, 07:26 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why some folks want to see the POTUS's transcripts as well. I mean, c'mon!

09-09-2012, 10:04 PM
The respondents to Tempest's thread so far read like the line up of speakers at the DNC. The usual cast of bloviators, conspiracy theorists, and Bolsheviks who disdain anyone who has become more successful then them. He's racist...He's rich...He's a tax cheat...He wants to kill women..This is modern day liberalism. Class warriors. Since he's not telling you something you want to know for no other reason than to confirm your left wing paranoia about wealth....therefore he's lying and must be a "Sleaze ball" ( classy touch GH) All this despite a life lived by Romney that has been publicly and privately exemplary, moral and benevolent. Not a hint of impropriety or scandal. While I understand that alone isn't enough to warrant your vote, sliming someone because you "think" he may be guilty of something is disgraceful. And you wouldn't know what the fuck you were looking at even if he handed it to you. The only thing you know about taxes is you pay too much and the guy making more than you isn't paying his fair share. You're all the birther crowd in reverse. Etc.

LOL! Onmyknees, you’re delirious… You should check your blood pressure.

09-10-2012, 07:42 PM
The reason you saw so many losers at the Republican Primaries is because even if you lose, you make tons of "Connections"
The kind of Connections that can lock up an IRS file tight, or pass on a killer stock tip, or get your flunkie son in Yale. It's good to have friends in high places.

Well there was one GOP Flunky that seems conspicuously absent GW anybody,.. Anybody?

As far as locking up IRS files tight... if its in any form electronically its not locked up tight should the right people want to get at it... Anonymous - We Are Legion

09-10-2012, 08:35 PM
Well there was one GOP Flunky that seems conspicuously absent GW anybody,.. Anybody?

As far as locking up IRS files tight... if its in any form electronically its not locked up tight should the right people want to get at it... Anonymous - We Are Legion

Even Sean Hannity doesn't return Sarah Palin's phone calls anymore. Sad.......

Even if rumours of Mitt Tax Leaks keep popping up, or people keep talking about it, Mission Accomplished (as GW would say)

09-10-2012, 09:15 PM
Democrats want Romney to release his tax returns so they can see what one looks like. lol

Romney should release them once Obama releases his college transcripts!

09-10-2012, 09:15 PM
He won't release his returns because he doesn't want anybody to know that he can't count. Apparently, 1.1 million likes is 'almost 5 million.'


09-10-2012, 09:37 PM
When faced with the real issues of the campaign, it's obvious that his tax returns are a fabricated issue designed to distract us from what's really going on. The democrats are proudly flaunting their desire for larger government and more control. The "auto bailout" for example was nothing but funding to support the extortionist contracts for the UAW while private dealerships across the nation went out of business. If the government sold off its 60% stake of GM it probably wouldn't last a month. The democrats tout this "success" when it's only smOke n mirrors.

So the sheeple are argueing over one man's tax returns while the real discussion should be the audit of the entire federal government.

09-10-2012, 09:48 PM
It's obvious the man doesn't pay his taxes. ROmNEy was the same Nero who fiddled while the auto industry was sinking. Nero wanted to let them drown. Thanks the present administration, no thanks to Nero, our auto industry is thriving. Romney is no hero, but he is My Nero.

Yeah, conservatives like to throw around the word "sheeple". It tells you what they think of real middle class working Americans.

09-10-2012, 10:28 PM
The respondents to Tempest's thread so far read like the line up of speakers at the DNC. The usual cast of bloviators, conspiracy theorists, and Bolsheviks who disdain anyone who has become more successful then them. He's racist...He's rich...He's a tax cheat...He wants to kill women..This is modern day liberalism. Class warriors. Since he's not telling you something you want to know for no other reason than to confirm your left wing paranoia about wealth....therefore he's lying and must be a "Sleaze ball" ( classy touch GH) All this despite a life lived by Romney that has been publicly and privately exemplary, moral and benevolent. Not a hint of impropriety or scandal. While I understand that alone isn't enough to warrant your vote, sliming someone because you "think" he may be guilty of something is disgraceful. And you wouldn't know what the fuck you were looking at even if he handed it to you. The only thing you know about taxes is you pay too much and the guy making more than you isn't paying his fair share. You're all the birther crowd in reverse. It's funny...(another word for hypocritical) that Kerry's wealth didn't seem to bother you all that much. Did you have a yearning to see his wife's tax returns? Did you get upset when he moved his yacht to Rhode Island to escape Mass taxes? It's a similar tactic to what you all do.....hang the racist tag on someone when you're out of substance, and make the person have to defend the dubious charge. It's beneath contempt. Aren't you the same crowd that excused perjury under oath because it was about sex? What a heaping pile of hypocrites. Aren't you the same crowd that bought into all the promises about no lobbyists or Wall St. fat cats in Barry's administration then when he stacked the deck with tax cheats, bankers and lobbyists, you said nothing? Obviously you have the capacity for forgiveness....when you agree politically, of course. Yet this telling dishonesty impacts your lives and you simply excuse it. Why should he release more than he already has.....you're not voting for him anyway. Have any of you called on Senate leader Harry Reid to release his tax returns and show us some of his sleazy Vegas dealings? He certainly has more power over your lives at this point than Mitt Romney does. If he released 3 years, you'd want 5. You did the same thing about McCain....how could a guy with 4 houses understand us, you asked....ignoring the fact that he spent years eating bugs in North Vietnamese prison and let the more sickly prisoners be released before himself. It's about honor...but somehow the fact he had become wealthy was an issue to you. It's all a nice little diversion, but do you think the guy in Toledo or Tulsa who can't find work and is in foreclosure gives a rats ass about Romney's tax returns? He needs a job, and by the looks of it....he won't be getting one anytime soon. Here's what this election is about.....23 MILLION Americans either underemployed or unemployed with little prospect of finding work. You can delude yourselves (as you often do) into making it about something else......race, religion, wealth, tax returns, and tie the rich guy to the likes of Nixon....it may make you feel better about your guy somehow, but it's a political diversion with no consequence. When you find yourself on the same side ( regarding anything other than the 1st amendment) as pond scum like Larry Flint, you've pretty much surrendered any substantive argument.


I kid. You might want to consider breaking that mess into paragraphs next time, though. Four years ago it was the Republicans flipping a shit because Obama is supposedly Muslim and wasn't born in America. You can't point fingers at the democrats and call us a bunch of conspiracy theorists when the shit gets slung from both sides of the isle. It's extremely hypocritical. Root for Romney all you want, but you'll need to just cross your arms and put up with the accusations in the mean time.

09-10-2012, 10:55 PM
It's obvious the man doesn't pay his taxes. ROmNEy was the same Nero who fiddled while the auto industry was sinking. Nero wanted to let them drown. Thanks the present administration, no thanks to Nero, our auto industry is thriving. Romney is no hero, but he is My Nero.

Yeah, conservatives like to throw around the word "sheeple". It tells you what they think of real middle class working Americans.

This response is going to be almost too easy. To say Romney would pull a Nero while the auto industry collapses is a gross exaggeration. GM's operating costs completely eliminated opportunity to attain growth sustaining profits. The largest issue which contributed to that were the cost of UAW contracts. By declaring bankruptcy, GM would have been able to renegotiate those contracts while also agreeing to lower interest rate on outstanding loans. By doing so, they would be able to restructure in a way that would have built a more efficient business structure all while the wheels of the company (including the assembly lines) still moved. The auto bailout did nothing to cure GM of its problems and really only compensated the union, not the company. At its root, the auto bailout was nothing more than a big union payoff. As we stand today, GM is not only in the same fiscal mess as it was before they bailout, but they also have to take orders from a bureaucrat with no automotive background or experience.

I am a blue collar middle class worker, and I use the word sheeple when appropriate. I don't want to debate one persons taxes, I want to debate everyone's taxes, because if Obama gets respected everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket and the democrats openly celebrate their intentions to do so.

09-10-2012, 11:08 PM
One person who uses offshore tax havens wants to increase tax burdens on the middle class and give enormous tax breaks to himself. Let's talk about his taxes. His name is Mitt Romney. He laughed when tea baggers asked for Obama's birth certificate and he wants to see Obama's college transcripts for God's sake! So let's see his tax returns for just the last ten years.

09-10-2012, 11:16 PM
One person who uses offshore tax havens wants to increase tax burdens on the middle class and give enormous tax breaks to himself. Let's talk about his taxes. His name is Mitt Romney. He laughed when tea baggers asked for Obama's birth certificate and he waFnts to see Obama's collegevtranscripts for God's sake! So let's see his tax returns for just the last ten years.

Obama appointed a tax cheat as his Secretary of the Treasury!

If Romney's back taxes would pull us out of this near depression, than I'd be all for it. Unfortunately there are tax loop holes available to everyone and both sides are guilty of exploiting them. Romney's tax returns are not a major issue for most undecided voters.

09-10-2012, 11:41 PM
Romney sits on his ass and twenty million dollars rolls in annually, and that's what is known. We can only guess how much he may be sheltering in the Caymans. Not enough to pay off the nation's deficit, that's for sure. But that is surely a poor excuse not to investigate his possibly unethical fiscal behaviors. To vet this guy we need to see his tax returns.

"Oh, you cheated on your taxes but not enough to pay off the deficit, so we'll just give you a pass," That's laughable!

09-10-2012, 11:57 PM
Ok, I get it now.... You have a problem with success. I promise, if you look into prominent democrats & liberals you will find the same tax practIces.

If you want to waste resources investigating "possible unethicle practices, than I want to invest resources into the obviously blatent disregard for the constitution by this administration.

09-11-2012, 12:05 AM
May I suggest it would still be nice if the tax return in question was to be submitted to the judgement of the population? We then would see if Romney’s "tax practices" reflect that of all of us unsuccessful, ordinary people… No? After all, Obama did showed his birth certificate, eventually, didn’t he?

09-11-2012, 12:14 AM
No problem at all. I personally know and love mlot's of successful people. My mother and father worked a multitude of jobs, we're always relied upon and held in high regard by their employers. They raised four children and saw them off to college and the armed services. They are active in their community and love each other. That's success. I know teachers who are eminently successful, soldiers, laborers, small business men and administrators of large institutions all of whom are successful family men and women, all happy with their stations and their trajectories. Some are relatively wealthy by monetary measures, all by real measures of success. The trouble with the modern GOP is it's paltry definition of success.

09-11-2012, 12:19 AM
Ok, I get it now.... You have a problem with success. I promise, if you look into prominent democrats & liberals you will find the same tax practIces.

Zzzzzzzz - that's just the pat answer for when anyone questions the successful individual that you support. Like when you criticize the politics of the war, you're "anti-American". Dems, Libs, Conservatives, Labour and politicians of every side have had questionable tax practices - that doesn't mean it's any less valid to ask to see if a guy who wants to be President, has avoided taxes or crossed any lines. It brings his ethics into question.

If only people had looked into Bush and Cheney's business involvments closer before they allowed them to enter pointless wars - maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.

09-11-2012, 12:52 AM
It's simple. Cut taxes across the board for EVERYBODY. Put it back into the hands of the people who have earned it, and it would not need to be hidden and thus reinvested into the free market system promoting American competition where everyone benefits. It is not governments role to sieze and redistribute where it sees fit. It is a simple difference between the parties thats not being covered clearly enough.

The obscurity of this whole issue for the right completely mirrors the absurdity of the birth certificate for the left.

09-11-2012, 12:56 AM
Sorry but average working Americans are going to find it hard to support a multi-millionaire Presidential candidate who pays on average 13% or less in federal income taxes.

No need to put a huge spotlight on how the entire system is rigged to benefit the 1%, and it will be even harder for Romney to explain how giving these folks another tax cut will 'magically' spur economic growth.

The problem with Romney is that even among affluent politicians, he himself is involved in tax shelters that are uncommon.

Dubya didn't have offshore tax havens where he parked massive amounts of personal wealth. Neither did McCain or his wife. Al Gore didn't either. So too for the Clintons.

If there was nothing out of the ordinary or damning about Romney's tax records, he would RELEASE THEM.

Every knows he's rich, but not everyone knows he allegedly pays in the single digits on his taxes.
At some point it becomes a character issue for a Presidential candidate. There's something unseemly about a wealthy person running for public office who exploits EVERY tax loophole to avoid paying his 'fair' share.

Odds are Romney's tax returns will be released before the election, whether he wants them to or not.

It's hard to run as an economic reformer when you've been gaming the system for decades.

09-11-2012, 01:03 AM
It's simple. Cut taxes across the board for EVERYBODY.

How does that work? Who'd pay for the massive American military expenditure? Who would pay for schools? Libraries? Hospitals for the poor? Welfare and disability for those unable to work?
What would cutting taxes for everybody do? It's going to alleviate some people's problems but not really affect the middle and the rich who could afford to pay more.
I'm all for fair taxes and won't pay more than I have to, I'll look at ways to minimize what I have to pay but cutting taxes will solve nothing in the long term unless you want to live in an even poorer, less educated state with more homeless and dying in the streets.

09-11-2012, 01:06 AM
If you want to waste resources investigating "possible unethicle practices, than I want to invest resources into the obviously blatent disregard for the constitution by this administration. (If you're going to use the quotation marks, then probably you should actually quote someone.) No need to waste public resources. Romney could just provide the returns. No one is saying the IRS needs to investigate them. Just ordinary private citizens will do.

The radical right these days seems to believe that people who work, draw a salary and pay into a pension can't be successful...indeed they are painted as failures who are a drain on society. They don't deserve those pensions, they don't deserve those high salaries (yeah, guys making millions are complaining that "high" salaried firemen are a drain on public finances), they don't deserve job security.

It is not governments role to sieze and redistribute where it sees fit.You might not like it, and you may want to slant it as "redistribution" but the government does have the power to tax...that is one of its many roles.

09-11-2012, 01:16 AM
Obama appointed a tax cheat as his Secretary of the Treasury!
No he didn't. Geithner had a dispute with the IRS over FICA payments while working for the IMF, who claimed he was an independent contractor instead of an employee. They had paid the FICA to him, & he paid it to the IRS, but they came back in an audit a few years later & said he owed more. The same audit disallowed a few minor personal deductions over the course of several years. When he found himself on the short list for Treasury Secretary, he decided to end the dispute by paying it all off with interest to avoid problems. Of course when teabags are involved, everything becomes a problem, whether there actually are any or not. All together, the amount was a piss in the pot, & there were no fines because everything was being dealt with upon disclosure of the audit & nothing was ever hidden. This is just another hysterical red herring.

If you want to waste resources investigating "possible unethicle practices, than I want to invest resources into the obviously blatent disregard for the constitution by this administration.
I see/hear this a lot too, but I have yet to have a single bagger be able to point out what part of the Constitution is being disregarded. Care to take a stab? Point it out. Here ya go, just in case you haven't committed the document to memory:

Willie Escalade
09-11-2012, 01:25 AM
Democrats want Romney to release his tax returns so they can see what one looks like. lol

Romney should release them once Obama releases his college transcripts!

See? This is what I'm talking about. WHY should Obama release his college transcripts when no other president had to?

11-03-2012, 07:33 AM
Larry Flynt: $1 Million for 'God Intended' Rape Pregnancy - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5ed7ix6_yk&feature=plcp)

11-03-2012, 08:14 AM
See? This is what I'm talking about. WHY should Obama release his college transcripts when no other president had to?
So fuc**ng agree! It's totally outrageous!