View Full Version : What Is The Difference Between A Crossdresser And A Transvestite?

Dino Velvet
09-04-2012, 11:39 PM
I've been on this board for a bit but still don't know. Seen all kinda different answers on the internet. Educate this ignorant fool please.

09-04-2012, 11:56 PM
About $20 in change.

09-05-2012, 12:13 AM
Crossdressers = Walmart
Transvestites = BeBe
Transsexuals = Christian Louboutin

...or something like that.

09-05-2012, 01:09 AM
Hey Dino...I asked this on another thread....( The New Toyota commercial) sort of...not sure if I got the answer I was looking for. Where do fem bois fit into all this? lol

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 01:14 AM
Hey Dino...I asked this on another thread....( The New Toyota commercial) sort of...not sure if I got the answer I was looking for. Where do fem bois fit into all this? lol

I thought I was gonna get blasted for not knowing but it seems there's no legal definition of either. Not sure where the fem bois figure in, maybe another category.

09-05-2012, 01:17 AM
http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Faclk%3Fsa %3DL%26ai%3DC7oJK8otGUIb5Ese-hAf9-oEQ0cWezwPJ1MvdOvrY7wUIABACIJ7rxQ4oAlDC55Tm_v____8 BYLu2sYPQCsgBAakCo0PBK6ACsT6qBB1P0I-EXBhpqQUk420h9lXVNwv8ixpAqxTcb9PL5KAGGsgGyb3tqjo%2 6sig%3DAOD64_2UQpJLl-KSimomZkmmJI2-wLs_VQ%26adurl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwa tch%253Fv%253Dk3XGByoGNE0%2526feature%253Dpyv%26ct ype%3D21%26video_id%3Dk3XGByoGNE0&adtype=pyv&event=ad&adpos=top&usg=DWvh2jena1oXDuy-_uAaILA8C18=

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 01:20 AM
http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Faclk%3Fsa %3DL%26ai%3DC7oJK8otGUIb5Ese-hAf9-oEQ0cWezwPJ1MvdOvrY7wUIABACIJ7rxQ4oAlDC55Tm_v____8 BYLu2sYPQCsgBAakCo0PBK6ACsT6qBB1P0I-EXBhpqQUk420h9lXVNwv8ixpAqxTcb9PL5KAGGsgGyb3tqjo%2 6sig%3DAOD64_2UQpJLl-KSimomZkmmJI2-wLs_VQ%26adurl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwa tch%253Fv%253Dk3XGByoGNE0%2526feature%253Dpyv%26ct ype%3D21%26video_id%3Dk3XGByoGNE0&adtype=pyv&event=ad&adpos=top&usg=DWvh2jena1oXDuy-_uAaILA8C18=

Pint of beer or pint from a bear?

09-05-2012, 01:22 AM
Pint of beer or pint from a bear?

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 01:30 AM

Not me, baby. I'm so clean cut I make certain types nervous.

09-05-2012, 01:33 AM
Not me, baby. I'm so clean cut I make certain types nervous.
No worries ,show to mama how u cut .:jerkoff:jerkoff:jerkoff

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 01:37 AM
No worries ,show to mama how u cut .:jerkoff:jerkoff:jerkoff

I'd rather show you how I http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1764582249/sheet-metal-screw_normal.jpg

09-05-2012, 01:42 AM
hey hey Dino, i know its only Wiki, but it does appear to have sum good info.

Gender identity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity)

09-05-2012, 01:58 AM
I've always thought of the terms as this.

Crossdresser: A straightman that wears womens clothes.

Transvestite: A man that aspires to be a woman.

Transexual: A transvestite thats actually transitioning.

To be honest I personally dont get hung up on labels and catorgories, it can be a grey area, but we're all people so it doesn't matter to me.

sukumvit boy
09-05-2012, 05:16 AM
I think you nailed it Winkle.

09-05-2012, 06:25 AM
I was all explained to John Leguizamo by Wesley Snipes during the cross country trip in the movie:
To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything! Julie Newmar.

09-05-2012, 08:37 AM
A cross dresser is someone who crosses genders by dressing up only, and takes aesthetic and sexual pleasure from it. I think transvestites want a little more, they want to pass a bit more, they push it a bit further or at least, that’s the way they like to think of themselves -but essentially, it's in the same realm.
Transsexualism doesn’t have anything to do with that. Usually, transsexuals have a very deep feeling of belonging to the other sex. As opposed to tv and cd, they don’t take sexual pleasure out of dressing as females; it seems like the normal thing to do for them, something not different from a man wearing men’s clothes. If they do feel an aesthetic pleasure to do so, it’s as a woman would, or like a woman would.
A majority of cross dressers and transvestites are heterosexual men who are fascinated by women, and just want to reproduce femininity as a fetish. Therefore, I think in general (but not always), cross-dressing and transvestism are fetishism, as oppose with transsexualism which is a deep psychological condition of most probably biological origin, if not an immediate condition of intersexualism already. That would be my two cents on this…

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 04:03 PM
Kinda glad no one seems to know for sure.

09-05-2012, 06:17 PM
This is how I see it in a nutshell.

Transvestite is an outmoded term.
It used to be applied to anyone who wore the clothing of the opposite sex, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Not so long ago, a person could be transgendered but still considered to be a transvestite by the public or even the medical community. Today it seems only older people still use the term transvestite. Not to be confused with "Tranny" which has become a "reclaimed" umbrella term.

A Cross-dresser, is someone who wears the clothing of the opposite gender who may or may not have gender identity issues. Most people today who identify as crossdressers are only into the clothing aspect - perhaps as a fetish, but some may have gender issues that they cope with or express through crossdressing.

Transgenders are people who identify as not being member of the sex based gender assigned to them at birth. They may be of any sexual orientation and may or may not dress or seek hormone tharapy. Transgenders who cross dress, but do not pursue transition, can be mistaken for "Crossdressers or drag queens".

Transsexuals are people who identify as members of the gender opposite to their physical sex and take steps (usually hormonal sometimes surgical) to permanently and publicly align the two.

Drag Queens are Gay men who dress in women's clothing as performance art, for shock value or to get laid usually for money. Sometimes they may have gender issues but are lost and confused in the gay community.

That is my opinion, subject to change, for what its worth.

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 06:34 PM
Seems similar enough that if you were to call a TV a CD or a CD a TV they might not get offended. Not sure and don't want to assume. As far as the forum goes, I treat TVs, CDs, and TSs as girls/women never referring to any in any masculine terms. Being safe keeps your head on your shoulders.

09-05-2012, 11:30 PM
a transvestite in a male who gets a sexual thrill from wearing womans clothing.most times their not dressed completely or trying to pass as feminine.
a crossdresser is a male who likes to crossdress in complete woman regalia for a variety of reason from entertainment to escorting.
neither of these people feel like woman on the inside or have the desire to be a woman so they cant be considered transsexuals.the catch is that some trans woman start of by cross dressing early in transition but are still transsexuals none the less because of their desire to be a woman.

Dino Velvet
09-05-2012, 11:48 PM
a transvestite in a male who gets a sexual thrill from wearing womans clothing.most times their not dressed completely or trying to pass as feminine.
a crossdresser is a male who likes to crossdress in complete woman regalia for a variety of reason from entertainment to escorting.
neither of these people feel like woman on the inside or have the desire to be a woman so they cant be considered transsexuals.the catch is that some trans woman start of by cross dressing early in transition but are still transsexuals none the less because of their desire to be a woman.

One of the better answers. Amber, are you saying that a CD is more committed to looking and appearing as a woman than a TV who puts a few items on for a thrill?

09-05-2012, 11:52 PM
One of the better answers. Amber, are you saying that a CD is more committed to looking and appearing as a woman than a TV who puts a few items on for a thrill?

yea...my best friends brother is a tv.he doesnt try at all to appear feminine but he gets sexual thrills from wearing panties,womans shoes and etc.
a crossdresser like kim (the girl who likes to shove things up her bum) tries to look convincing as possible but doesnt have any real desire to transition from what i understand.

Dino Velvet
09-06-2012, 12:07 AM
yea...my best friends brother is a tv.he doesnt try at all to appear feminine but he gets sexual thrills from wearing panties,womans shoes and etc.
a crossdresser like kim (the girl who likes to shove things up her bum) tries to look convincing as possible but doesnt have any real desire to transition from what i understand.

You're a smart lady. I respect you. It's now law.

09-06-2012, 12:25 AM
a TV that does not try to look like a woman is called a

men dresses as a girl but with a beard

Genderfuck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genderfuck)


yea...my best friends brother is a tv.he doesnt try at all to appear feminine but he gets sexual thrills from wearing panties,womans shoes and etc.
a crossdresser like kim (the girl who likes to shove things up her bum) tries to look convincing as possible but doesnt have any real desire to transition from what i understand.

09-06-2012, 12:57 AM
a transvestite in a male who gets a sexual thrill from wearing womans clothing.most times their not dressed completely or trying to pass as feminine.
a crossdresser is a male who likes to crossdress in complete woman regalia for a variety of reason from entertainment to escorting.
neither of these people feel like woman on the inside or have the desire to be a woman so they cant be considered transsexuals.the catch is that some trans woman start of by cross dressing early in transition but are still transsexuals none the less because of their desire to be a woman.
That is one of the better definitions. In reality there isn't an absolute difference between a crossdresser and a transvestite. I mean, both terms are pretty much interchangeable. In most cases transvestites do it more for sexual gratification.

Dino Velvet
09-06-2012, 01:57 AM
That is one of the better definitions. In reality there isn't an absolute difference between a crossdresser and a transvestite. I mean, both terms are pretty much interchangeable. In most cases transvestites do it more for sexual gratification.

Appreciate your response as well. Thank you.

09-06-2012, 02:18 AM
a transvestite in a male who gets a sexual thrill from wearing womans clothing.most times their not dressed completely or trying to pass as feminine.
a crossdresser is a male who likes to crossdress in complete woman regalia for a variety of reason from entertainment to escorting.
neither of these people feel like woman on the inside or have the desire to be a woman so they cant be considered transsexuals.the catch is that some trans woman start of by cross dressing early in transition but are still transsexuals none the less because of their desire to be a woman.

This is about right, except that there are a few people who really do feel belonging to both genders, but are called crossdressers because they are not transsexual. I'd argue that they are bigendered (or even genderqueer), but they're definitely a very distinct minority.

The most hysterical thing on this thread is that all the men so far seem to think they know the answer... but they really don't. Listen to Amber, boys. She generally knows what she's talking about. :lol:


Dino Velvet
09-06-2012, 02:56 AM
This is about right, except that there are a few people who really do feel belonging to both genders, but are called crossdressers because they are not transsexual. I'd argue that they are bigendered (or even genderqueer), but they're definitely a very distinct minority.

The most hysterical thing on this thread is that all the men so far seem to think they know the answer... but they really don't. Listen to Amber, boys. She generally knows what she's talking about. :lol:


I always admit I don't know shit.

09-06-2012, 05:52 AM
Drag queen


Faux queen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faux_queen)

Ball culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_culture)



09-06-2012, 06:09 AM
I always admit I don't know shit.With all the time you spend on the toilet, I would've thought you would know shit by now.

Dino Velvet
09-06-2012, 04:15 PM
With all the time you spend on the toilet, I would've thought you would know shit by now.

If it's in the literal sense, I'm quite the sage around here and I pass other herbs around as well. One of those herbs has me fall asleep on the toilet 3 times a week interrupting my important research.:smoking

09-06-2012, 10:43 PM
Would these be spaghetti herbs? ;)

09-06-2012, 10:47 PM
This is about right, except that there are a few people who really do feel belonging to both genders, but are called crossdressers because they are not transsexual. I'd argue that they are bigendered (or even genderqueer), but they're definitely a very distinct minority.

The most hysterical thing on this thread is that all the men so far seem to think they know the answer... but they really don't. Listen to Amber, boys. She generally knows what she's talking about. :lol:


i always though gender queer was although your are comfortable in the gender you were born with you like to exhibit traits and attributes of the opposite sex as well.like b scott does. **shrugs** confusing world we live in